Satan Cannot Deceive
Their Home And Their Kingdom
And then did the Son of Man sever the golden threads that bound him to his Earthly Mother and his Heavenly Father; he stepped from the Holy Stream of Life where his body, his thoughts, and his feelings were one with the Law, and began to use only his own thoughts, his own feelings, and his own deeds, making hundreds of laws, where before there was only One. "And so did the sons of men exile themselves from their home, and ever since have they huddled behind their stone walls, hearing not the sighing of the wind in the tall trees of the forests beyond their towns. "I tell you truly, the Book Of Nature is a Holy Scroll, and if you would have the Sons of Men save themselves and find everlasting life, teach them how once again to read from the living pages of the Earthly Mother.
For in everything that is life is the law written. It is written in the grass, in the trees, in rivers, mountains, birds of the sky and fishes of the sea; and most of all within the Son Of Man. Only when he returns to the bosom of his Earthly Mother will he find everlasting life and the Stream Of Life which leads to his Heavenly Father; only then may the dark vision of the future come not to pass. After this manner, therefore, pray to your Heavenly Father, when the sun is high at midday: 'Our Father who art in heaven, send to all the Sons of Men your angel of Peace; and send to all of the kingdom of our Earthly Mother the angel of joy, that our hearts may be full of singing and gladness as we nestle in the arms of our Mother.
The Houses Of The Holy
We know that those who killed Yeshua were railing to defend their love of the world and all the temptations of Satan, Yaltabaoth! All should acknowldege his death, burial and resurrection, by ministry of the angels in the hour of his despair! And I believe the LORD raised him from the dead, by the ministering of the angels, with whom he communed daily, and by whose influence he administered healing to the masses! The details as to what that feeding is or what the message be, it is most often a twofold mystery, whereby the Almighty will affirm both symbol and fact. Yeshua was the master of masters, by any estimation, but we should expect the anointing to alight upon the meek and unwilling toward the paths of violence. For men have fallen from the angel of peace, by whom only, may we approach the Heavenly Father!
It is the holy Law, whereby we are brought to the fullness of God's Grace, albeit we rejoice in the Anointed One calling it his holy Law, whereby he overcame death and the grave, in the inert below; and we know he afforded the keys of Life and Death, to be extended in force with the holy Law, in these last times! For the holy communions of God, written by Enoch and the Masters before him, return us all the way to the time of oracles, when Great Ones bade the holy Law and lived deathless, without illness or old age, by the Key Of Life, in the Garden Of God. That Garden will be ours again, if we will eat the food of the table of the earthly mother, never again letting flesh to touch our lips. Then shall our names be found in the Book Of Life; as written in the heaven above!
Another Book Which Enoch Wrote
And he said unto me: 'This place which thou seest-here are cast the spirits of sinners, blasphemers and those who work wickedness; and of those who pervert everything the Lord hath spoken through the mouth of the prophets-(even) the things that shall be. For some of them are written and inscribed above in the heaven, in order that the angels may read them, to know that which shall befall the sinners and the spirits of the humble, and of those who have afflicted their bodies, and those recompensed by God; and of those who have been put to shame by wicked men: Who love God and loved neither gold nor silver, nor any of the good things which are in the world, but gave over their bodies to torture. Who, since they came into being, longed not after earthly food, but regarded everything as a passing breath, and lived accordingly. And the Lord tried them much, and their spirits were found pure so that they should bless His name. All the blessings destined for them I have recounted in the books.
He hath assigned them their recompense, because they have been found to be such as loved heaven more than their life in the world, and though they were trodden under foot of wicked men, and experienced abuse and reviling from them and were put to shame; yet they blessed Me. And now I will summon the spirits of the good who belong to the generation of light, and I will transform those who were born in darkness, who in the flesh were not recompensed with such honour as their faithfulness deserved. And I will bring forth in shining light those who have loved My holy name, and I will seat each on the throne of his honour. They shall be resplendent for times without number. For righteousness is the judgement of God; to the faithful He will give faithfulness in the habitation of upright paths. They shall see those born in darkness led into darkness, while the righteous shall be resplendent. And the sinners shall cry aloud seeing them resplendent; indeed shall they go where days and seasons are prescribed for them.'
The Fourteen Trees
Those who place laypersons on the chessboard of Satan, have sinned against IOUO, the father of the heaven and the earth. They make all men follow an orthodox, two headed God, who is always right; ruling the nations by the sheer wickedness of every detestable bribe, bought with endless abominations against small children and adolescents. These who bring victims for the devil, are to be destroyed by the living God; they will not repent the wickedness they conceal! But God who sees all, hears all and knows all, will not allow this SATAN, to represent anything good, having betrayed all that had meaning. We know Enoch foretold them claiming to be God in this time, with allegiance to men of the Order of Yaldabaoth! Initiate or layperson on the Devil's Chessboard, who repent not the eating of flesh, will die in front of IOUO, the All One!
Absolution Of Impure Relationships
To think there would be any other all-attractive God, than the Holy Law, is blaspemous, for it is by the holy Law which a man may be still and know; all things remain serene, stable and sound within the confines of the holy Law. Truly the holy Law validates everyone, whereas the Idol kills everyone! For whoso worships an idol in front of the Pristine Truth, who is Formless, will die! For they have not sought the treasuries of Light, and think the Light to be one merciless, blinding light, whereby men may attain to greatness and immortality; or be cast out into a never ending inferno! But alas, because they are disobedient to the Essene Law Of Moses, they are not able to see Jesus, bearing the Pristine Law! Instead they make an idol of him, then tempt man to love flesh, overpopulate the Earth Mother and bring all sin upon humanity!
For men ever say, 'we must have the death penalty', but are unforgiving killers themselves, unwilling to hear the Gospel, or to let living humans repent of horrible sins. I myself am not one of those pastors. I will forgive the sins of the worst men. They may come to me, I do keep their secrets! I will watch My God bring the end of this wicked world, and cover it with the knowledge of the Holy Law. And then, all nations will flow to the Tree Of Life, amidst the Infinite Garden! It has always been the Tree Of Life, what is the Holy Law and most esteemed of mysteries; for the Law is the Almighty Father and we are a law to ourselves in front of Him! So the weaker I am, the Greater I Am! It is by but repentance from wrong and turning to the holy Law, that I am saved!
And Yeshua reveals the Law in full, not be mistaken with Satan, the Idol; whereby men may disobey the holy Law, by law and not be against Him. Albeit should they transgress the holy Law, breaking the stem law, they will ensure their own doom all the more readily. For whoso loves, loves God; and they who have no gratitude for that love, no mercy for that allowance, no sincerity for his honesty, are not truly God's Faithful. But alas God is love and he will save their spirits in death; preserving them to himself and his perfect will. He is Mercy Itself; if we wish to please him and walk in His Light, we must LISTEN to him and not lie against the pure and sound conscience, afforded the House Of God, by faith! For even one lie will God correct firmly and severely.