Sinners Try To Hide

Children of "Christ" everywhere commit horrendous shames in front of God Almighty, who sees all, hears all, who knows every act! These sinners try to hide it from their LORD. "I know your sin", says Adonai, "and you will not be forgiven, because you chose to conceal the truth, while pretending to serve me; and deceiving your own precious lambs away from My Kindness! I will surely kill you by My Word, in that you who serve the flesh will surely die! You chose to spread bloodlust and the deliberate love of flesh eating. This is against the Gospel Of Jesus, your Christ!" For The Gospel Of The Hebrews, became lost unto men, leaving them to their own false and shortened versions of the holy truth; what truth only bears witness of the holy Law; that The Holy Law is LORD

For then, dug up out of the Earth, were the Dead Sea Scrolls. And they who divide the One Holy Gospel into four, now mock God in the name of their idol and hide their shame from Me, Gerad! Let them search the texts, (which I have happily made available here) and see My Hidden Self, in their shamefully hidden scriptures. I was placed here on Earth, in a state of weakness; for it is only the strength of the Holy Law, what redeems a man from any shame; it is only in the strength of the Law that I may find any solace. When I was "saved" by Jesus, I merely accepted that portion of the Law and a measure of His Grace; he the Law, He the Almighty! And they who bear his Word, should be mindful of the slight of man on the Scriptures. 

For the One Holy Gospel as it was given to the Essenes, was pure and holy, declaring first of all, the Holy Law to be the place where heaven and earth meet as one. Where even the Seven Glories come down out of heaven and tend to the needs of the children of the Earth Mother. It is the Law as "was" given to Enoch. Who then is this Lawgiver, who bears the Law, expounding it in full, by the Grace Of The One? It is he who is weak, it is he who is fragile, it is he who is completely humbled before the Heavenly Father. Who is it, who bears the Law, as is completely hidden, even right now? For had they the law, why would it be concealed in the Dead Sea Scrolls and rejected of men today?

It is because, that by the Pure Oblation alone, may the path to purity be opened; that they may finally obey Yeshua Messiah. Jesus revealed the Law, but also its physical origin, the Brotherhood Of Masters! These Masters walk with God, like everyone else; and they have a message to bring unto those who have chosen violence and it's Agent! He will be cast into outer darkness, to be punished of the LORD, who will make him confess with his own spiritual mouth, his sins! For none may lie in front of IOUEL, taking away the glory of Father-Mother God. For can a hoax be pulled out of the earth; written in the deep, then dug out of the ground? No, the Word cries up from the Earth, even as the Prophet Isaiah foretold: Isaiah 29:4.

Receive God's Law

Without the Law, all the writings of wisdom, all the treatises of philosophy, all the litanies and sacred scriptures of antiquity, are of no benefit. To those rejecting the Holy Law, they are a sensual distraction, after turning from the Good Law. But was it ever the Good Law? For the law we know is Merciful, it is even the Law & Ruler of the Universe; whereas the laws of this world, while possessing a presumptive root in front of the Holy Law, they are fully subordinate to the greed of mankind! And that Holy Law, whom they have never known in full, is all perpetual, unchanging, unyeilding and unflinching, even to evil itself. One asking with sincerity if evil exists inside him, should know he has asked the right question; and by continuing in the pursuit of good works and long life, may he freely reach the high pinnacle of spiritual joy.

But alas, while the Holy Earth Mother pours the joys of wisdom upon those who seek her with diligence and purity of heart, she will not reveal her most intimate secrets; not to any but those who walk worthy of IOUEL, Mother Of All The Living! For only by the Holy Law may they ever approach Her Angels; but whoso will receive the Holy Law, shall be cleansed and made new, by the Holy Breath! This the most infinite force in Mother Earth, is bound to the Holy Law, what the sheep will not see, until they are returned to the Chosen! This is what Jesus means when he says, 'one day, will you be returned to your Earth Mother'. So as one dies without the Law, having loved and lived, finding joy and peace in Life; even as they are returned to the Earth Mother in death, they will be returned to the Glorified Earth Mother! But those who had no love or law at all, will live no more in the presence of the Chosen, even forever!

The children of lies who hide the Name Of Yew, who conceal Aadamah Adonai; they know who they are! They make sure YOU are buying bibles, rather than seeking the truth of what IOUEL has said! I have come bearing the Holy Law! It is the end of all arguments, for whoso seeks the face of the all forgiving spirit, embraces the Holy Law! Jew and Muslim alike, uniting the sons of Ishamel, to their brother Israel, (or Isaac). We may all be sure that Issac was in fact named Israel, because his own grandson Ephraim, would be the grandfather of the true children of Israel. And we know Jesus said, that all who practice goodwill and follow God, wherever they are in the world, they are the Children Of Israel; like the descendants of Ishmael, who despite the rumors, love the same God Of Eternity! And Israel, whom we call Isaac, is Our Principle Ancestor!

Tonight Is The Holy Sabbath

Great is the day of the LORD, who has created all things in the universe. None can hold these things in place but the Almighty, the One who is here, there and everywhere! We are all part and parcel of this Infinite Emanation what is Creation, named in this way, like a creature itself; but only to God. For we all else are in his chariot, the very apple of his eye, Mother Earth, his everlasting partner; we all being the one apple in her eye, seeking the Light Of Hope in Her. And the Holy Law is that Light, even of every light; and LAW of every Law. And as I address the Law, it is but a title for something that no one has ever seen or heard of. The All is in all realms, all places and all things, with the seal of perpetual cause in the descriptions of spirits, persons, places or things. The treasuries of Light require us to fully behold the natural world and set aside descriptions of creation, for direct contact with Our Father.

For though I be Aadamah Himself, I still have a father, though I be Wodin or Thor, I still have a father, if I am Jesus Christ, I have a father; Yea, am I still weak, but He is strong! For if I place my faith in God or his Representative, it is the same to me, or you; because ultimately, must we face this chaos of feelings, which led to the need for faith in the first place and abandon ourselves to that Flame! For God is All in all things, though I be small, he is always listening to me. He guides me to the Communions of His Law, even as he does to all. For even if I be wicked, my memory of goodness, which came by the Angels; it is the only law I ever know, but it is nonetheless the Law forever, and I will be judged by it! And I should understand, that very rule is the beginning of the Way. It is the way for everyone. For God has told even me, "If I am not first in your life, you will not hear the Word." And if one receive his task before Iouo, he works with Angels and has no need to perform any other task before the Lord.

All people must face the unclear nature of this creation, to fight through doubts, feelings of uncertainty, insecurity around love and responsibility; these very things can be our undoing, if we don't let go and live. There be some, who may never face men again, may God save them. For we are here to live, and live well; but those who have offended that Better Nature beyond repair, will be returned to God for his use. I must hold fast my own integrity and confess to Him my own weaknesses. For if I cannot find joy, I have chosen violence. There is no wrong God won't forgive, but if we blow ourselves off the page, no one can save us; and we must be returned to God for reconstitution. We have heard of this place in the heart of the Earth, called the Halls Of Amenti; where we meet the Voice, who goes over with us, where we went wrong in life; and that we must wait there for that rising of Pure Desire, to be born again into God's Rest.

Certainly those who are reborn from here, will arrive in the Garden Of Life, where they will put on life's key and follow the Perfect Law, to the infinite end of all things. There will they rise up with that Son Of Man forever and ever! And them who would not believe in the Gift Of Eternal Life, will lose their share of the fruit of the Tree Of Life. For it is those very leaves, of the fourteen trees, which never lose their foiliage. It is those leaves which shall bring healing to all of the nations. They will live by the Law, restored by the Light Of Christ. Those who will take up His Name and follow Iouel, that Teacher, he will help them and restore to them the Holy Law, the God Of Creation! It is He, who holds your Key. Thereby shall you praise and live on forever!

The First Communion

The First Communion is with the Angel Of Power; and the LORD caused those words to parse the lips in those 'of little faith'. By his Grace who is the Law, were morning and night of that reckoning day, made brightly clear to the mind of him who loved the Law, who delighted in His Law; what law cannot be accessed of those who will not commune with the Angels of God! For even the wayward love the LORD, by the Communions Of Saints; never aware of the true brotherhood of brightness, what initiates devoted, yet knowing the Path to God is invisible. And that any may approach God, by a formless Word, neither you, nor I directly perceive.

This Word is the Formless, what cannot be heard by the reading of scriptures, which are dead words, but alas we must find the written law, of that Law what is formless and Supreme; and He has commanded this of us. We must put off the idols of the past, used for the associations of our four and twenty helpers. He, Master Of The Senses, is All in all; who both listen and ignore, by the design of the archons, resisting the Law, teaching men to lust for flesh and war, with a bloodlust to make men turn toward a counterfeit 'word'; what only enslaves the student, turning them from the Law, to an Idol. And that Idol, what is become a very Law unto them, shall require their lives; for they love not the Law Of Life.

If I turn from the Fourteen Communions, I must return to their recitation. For the Day of God waits upon no man, but the faithful, to bring the light of hope, to all people, by the Recitation of his Law, by the carrying out of his Law; and by the planting of it in the Earth! And all sincere aspirants before the LORD may put on eternal life, in front of the Almighty. For it is that One with whom we should concern ourselves. For John Himself says, that the One is not like unto any god, or even God Himself. It is always that autogene, by which we identify with the human expression of the Law; and God will discern between the sinner and saint, the idol and the art. I advise all Christians turn afresh to Yeshua and learn the Humanness of his true and holy Gospel!

By The Angel Of Air

By the Angel of Air, do I invoke this Sabbath, to give glory to the Light of the Law, for the Father ever watches over and holds all things in place, while keeping even all of us, firmly in the very state we choose before him, by our own understanding. For I may choose the joy of God, or I may choose misery, it's the Law. Life is too great of a gift to be lukewarm and disinterested; albeit we have entered into his rest and we will glorify the Word, to prove out the promise of the Infinite Garden, in the midst of the Eternal Sea! Death has no place there forevermore; and they who will not believe this gospel, which is to be preached in the end, will lose their part of the fruit of the Tree Of Life in the Garden Of Eden.

For alas the Gift Of God is eternal life and they who will not hear the scriptures prove the Voice of it, will not believe that the LORD could really save their body, or preserve the organs within, to the replenishing of body, the soul and the Spirit. For that most Holy Breath is the Highest of all creations and it is handed down to us from heaven above. It brings the stillness of knowing and the sound of the manifested glory, by "the many waters, upon the many waters". His Voice is louder than all the madness of the Universes. For it is a poem, the expression of faith; and one should live only by faith in God's Holy Law! Night and day should he recite the Fourteen Communions, to make his body into a holy Temple; the only gospel!

This was always the promise of the Gospel, but men cannot see what the Son Of Man is. The Child within you is the Son of Man, waiting for the earth Mother to reveal a great unfoldment of Wisdom; but that most prized Wisdom belongs to the father, it will belong to Him forever! It is Him who reveals it, not by study, but by the enlightening of the Mind, and by the Angel of Power. Let none keep you from worshiping the Holy Father, forever and ever. For the Key Of Life is freely given too and the Earth Mother will bring forth the New Age, to the Glory Of God, the Father! It is by him that all things were created, it is by him that love was created and even the effectual burden within us, as we stand before him; it is his Creation for the glory of the Children Of Light!

Evening Before Sabbath

The Seventh Communion is with the Heavenly Father on the evening before the Sabbath. We must glorify God, to please heaven and earth, that the Angels of the Earthly Mother and the Heavenly Father, may attend to our needs, and hold charge over our lives in the Presence Of God. For all the heavens and everything that breathes in the Earth, rely on the All, for confidence and endurance, by heeding the Holy Law. As I have learned the Communions, I see the Sabbath holds a special place among all other days. Out from the Perpetual Light it springs, superceding and redeeming the days of the week, bringing them under submission to the will of God; and daily renewing Earth.

The one who holds his balance by the Key Of Life, will see the Day Of Jared, so that the children of Earth may receive the help of IOUEL, Mother Of All The Living! He shall guide them and they shall rise up with him forever, by the Holy Breath. The Worship of God the Father is life's greatest gift, bringing the fruitfulness of mind, body and spirit. Even as the man of God shows the children the way, so Almighty God makes his words palpable and agreeable to the Order in that day of the Lord. The man of God will earnestly call out to him, by the name of the Anointed, and on behalf of the people of God. And those who are humbled in his presence, will see the land healed forever; they will enter into the Infinite Garden, amidst the Eternal Sea!

It is the Heavenly Father who gives Wisdom liberally. Always be ready to honor Him with your tongue and praise him with your lips. He will hear from heaven and return you to the Holy Law. For the law is glorious in nature, shining the light of understanding into the mind of every sentient being, giving pure hope to Creation, despite afflictions of the Earthly Mother. Do not think the LORD is unable to have mercy on every creature in the universe. For while men believe in their litanies and magic theorems, an earnest prayer to the One, will instantly deliver from the chasm of infinite despair. And the Law is merciful. If I am truly Kosher, I will please him, despite all the lusts of the flesh. Albeit, touch not the unclean thing.

The Holy Breath

The Holy Breath, is God's Highest Creation, the paracletes, connected to the enlightening Wisdom Of God. It is by that Breath that we articulate the cause of hope and fuel it by the power of faith, in the Living God; who gives his Living Word, by the Living Breath, to living, breathing men! As the water of all the earth is Holy by the cleansing breath, so by the cleansing breath of the All Parent, who is the LORD, are we all washed clean. He is the Goal, and to worship Him by the Word, which he has provided by the Holy Law. The All is in all, and no one but, the One Almighty Father may see, help and deliver us. So glorying in the Father is essential to the wholeness of our being. They who will not submit to the Holy Law, will struggle with great burden until they do, it's the Law!

For one declaring there is no reason or purpose in life, that all is meaningless and no one is coming to bring us the truth; he tells lies! The Lord Of Israel promised his children the Law and it has been perpetually expanded out into the sight of every creature, that they might hope in the Law, and find reason in the Infinite Space; no one doubts there, man or beast. The LORD is ever-present, and the True Essence continues gleaming from within. And by the Angel of Air is this accomplished. For the air I breathe is present everywhere, like the Water in an Endless Sea, surrounding me a thousand times over, giving a full cleansing and washing to my internal organs. The Angel Of Air brings that cleansing breath afresh, everyday. Step out early in the morning and breathe deep, in that hour when the sun is just coming up. You will always be regenerated!

And if I will continue communing with all the Angels, by those fourteen trees, I am guaranteed long life; and I know that by the reign of peace, will man and beast put off the death of the body, forever, as the LORD has said! They will multiply their years to infinity. They who believe it not, know not the LORD and they refuse the Communion with the Seven Spirits, who were referenced by John. Let the believers greet one another saying, "Peace Be With You". And they who do not, by God Almighty, shall lose their place in the Garden Of Life and their portion of the fruit of the Tree Of Life. For the Law is Our Father; and the Most High is not like unto any god, or even God Himself.

The One is infinite, with none there to name him, compare him, or even bear witness of His Being. Thus YOU is ever his Name, a first name, what every creature knows by instinct! For THOU art Great & Mighty, and we should use distinguished titles to glorify YOU and Worship YOU continuously. It is the common knowledge of the Essene, that we all address the LORD, as YOU. That is why the LORD is named IOUO in the Hebrew Language. They all seek to outwit the Almighty, with idols, their love for flesh eating and every evil, selfish endeavor of this world. The LORD will destroy this world and then give the Garden to the Elect, forever; no money, no war and no wicked.