Ragnarok Is Finished Forever

Ragnarok is finished forever! We have learned well with regard to the culmination of all things, as according the ancient hermetic text the Virgin Of The World; Hermes told the Spirits to 'let chaos become myth', but for the Chosen One; that Son whom he, Hermes, revealed to his son Tat saying, 'that Son Of God, shall be another'. IOUO knew all things, and that men would consider old, worn out tales, to be of no use in a modern world; one with modern systems, advanced theories and proven success stategies, for attaining any goal in conventional, modern life. Often for many, it was to meet far projected plans, for attaining victory and world power at any cost. This does not please Christ, who calls us away from flesh and the many unclean treasures of this life. Power is perfected in weakness. And such treasures are unclean, for without the Gospel, we cannot keep living and holding those we love, for death ever knocks at our door, stealing them, for ignorance of the Law and the Seven Paths! In the Everlasting Garden amidst the Eternal Sea, the Angel stands on the land and the sea saying, Come!

Consider, milk and eggs, the gifts from God, the birds and the beasts of the field. They give food, not to become food, thus are we only fodder for the grubs and the maggots, without the Law. Mohammed said, "Acts of kindness toward God's Creatures are every bit as noble, as those toward one's brother." And I firmly assert, it is required that all life be spared and loved, by the children of the Earthly Mother. Albeit, for while it is sin to kill any living being, God is the All Forgiving, the One, who gave you life and who may swiftly take it! But alas, he will take also the taker of victims, down into hell, or deep into to the outer darkess, and torture the wickedness from their very extremities; whereby the new spiritual sense had been borne to them, again and again. They must surrender, to that Infinite End, to the One and All, who will not wait! Rather shall He give them to the sleep of the Universal Mind, til they come unto the Chosen!

Take now yourself to the long grassy feild, with tall trees, to those forever standing shades of the wide wood. And in that crisp, green morning, breathe the cleansed air deeply and ponder the freshness of the new day, as brought on by the Angel Of Sunshine. Give yourself to Worship in the Scrolls. From there will your New Song be sung, for we may only be born anew now; so long as I have breath, I will praise Iouo, the Lord. Walk in the Light, striving ever toward it, and ask God to reveal himself. This is what IOUO wanted for us all; to receive his Law and never again, turn from the Light. That the world may be a garden, forever and ever; and that the children of the Light may freely live on in perfection, forever without end.

Weeping Endureth For A Night

What is Joy? It is the reason you were created; as the Angels assisted Sai in the culmination of this mortal existence, the birds, varmints and rodents were a glorious discovery within the whole of Heavens Plan; they neither saw the Almighty any more than we all. They knew by glorious unction, that every spirit would hold a place in creation; their aspirations in achieving the Great Work, the only validation, that the Lord Of Spirits did reign. Yet, the Work from the beginning was sealed in blood, leaving all future endeavors rooted in and obliged to blood debt. This was the Way of the Giants and they had to take responsibility, for their rebellion against the High God! And responsibility did they face in the end. We know Odin faced Fenrir and was eaten, in a glorious victory for the wraith of the Earth Mother; the jealousy of Earth, yearning only God's Glory! 

We know today by geological record, that Thor faced down Jormungandr and killed him, resulting in his own death of course. He cut off his head, what is Idaho now and cut his body to peices, before heading down to look him in his face. That was when Jormangandr released his deadly poison, covering the land of Giants with a great desolation, as revealed by Enoch. They had no escape from blood debt, and there is no escape now, for those who circumnavigate the Word; the Word is with God, and the Word is God! Let men seek with their hearts, that the LORD show them the ancient path. Any man leaving the house of God, to find Wisdom, as restored to the wells of universities, libraries and reading rooms around the world, will become dimmed in their right eye, battling it, even if it were until death. And they will have discovered that only Michael Satanuel may take the Glory for the many paths bearing righteous fruit. He fights the battles for the Chosen, that they may bring all glory to Him in the end!

We hear Satan say through the sage, 'You can't always get what you want', and we understand, that although many angels fell, they could return to the One by penance, in making sure that their descendents, the giants, truly received the path of virtue in the name of the Self Created, Almighty God. And this was that His Plan for the future Children Of Light, might be finally fulfilled. Faith was the Way for the Ancient Shaddai, Giants Of Old, who were sinners like men; it is the Way for us all! We must ascend the Moutain in response to The Call; that still small voice, and learn to show ourselves approved. And this for the natural life, Yea the very Tree Of Life giving all glories unto the Chosen. For God is the God of all nations, all peoples. Did they not think he would accept praise for the honor of his own name? For the One is nameless, it is the Lightbearer who is God, but the One is not like any god, or even God Himself.

He is all, so none but we all may surmise upon the concept of what is God, exuding the Self from our own being, and allowing the mercy of God to flow into the mind and carry us to the mysteries, paramount being that mystery of mysteries, the Tree Of Life, whose leaves shall heal the nations! Let men know that the Angels and the Masters planted the Ancient World Tree and it's boughs reached as high as the heaven; and to the Initiated, that Tree is from everlasting to everlasting. The Universe is founded and established in the Holy Law, by which they dug the ground, cultivated the soil and planted the glorious Yggdrasil The World Tree. When Thor battled that old Serpent, the Devil, the Earth shook violently and broke the tree in half, for it's roots having been gnawed upon, by the Dragon Niddhogr, were left sapped of all life and vitality. 

We know that the Thrice Magestic Hermes instructed the Angels to let chaos fall into myth, but we may be as sure as the geological record, with regard to the lawless ones, who drank thier own poison and paid the debt of Ragnarok; that the Valley Of Life and the world might be made ready for the exaltation of humanity! And every living spirit what desires the indwelling of the Joys Of God, take a firm hold of the Holy Law! These will take up the law and the Key Of Life, where they will be found worthy of the Key and fully expounded in the Law Of Laws! The Law is the Ruler Of Heaven and Earth, the formless ALL, what is found in the hearts of all. He is the LORD, Iouo. Let him into your heart, by his own bridge. He, the Almighty is the opener of the Way.

Today Has The Lord Made

This is the day that the LORD has made, so rejoice and be glad in it! It is the day of Life, wherein Life's Angel comes in and bears us the Truth, that we may stand strong upon the principles of goodness. For as I breathe in, somewhere between breathing out and in, are the mysteries of the Garden Of Life unfolded. When we finally come to Issa, or the Essene Way, we acknowledge Christ Jesus, from an unseemly place to those who have one foot in the World and one foot in the House Of God. Their pastor will lie to them and tell them it's sinful to read anything more than their Authorized versions of the Scriptures. Well scriptures are dead books without life in them. One should seek the history of Christianity, instead of the idol, thrown before the eyes of all humanity.

Jesus the Nazarene instructed his disciples by the Holy Law, to resist flesh eating and renounce the world. We cannot eat flesh and continue in purity. Yes, God will love us, understand us and receive us in death; but if we lie to ourselves, believing the books of instruction to be pure and untampered with, we will fall down and die before the LORD! For neither Moses, nor any other Saint, received God's instruction by written words, but rather the Living God spoke a Living Word, to a Living Man; and to be received of living men. The still small voice spoke to him clearly, contrary to the ideals of the world, what loves flesh, blood and war! Alas the Nazarene has instructed us to take the life of no living creature, for it is disobedience to Goodness and Truth.

Enoch tells us that the creatures of earth will cry out against us at the judgement, for we presumed authority, by the spirits of Giants and spread bloodlust all over the Earth. We do not have the right before God to kill anything what has the Breath Of Life in it. For it is God who gives us life and it is ungrateful to indulge in pleasures which kill the soul, forcing one down to judgment for hearing not reason, but that old selfish voice of man, who is ever longing after the things of this world. Measuring virtue by the success of the whole of the people, they cast out those who were to be fed in the Garden Of Life, without price! Thus shall they who ignore the Son Of Man, the Law and the Key Of Life, be fully corrected in Amenti, before being returned to the Chosen Age.

By the Key Of Life, we lay not down the body ever again; but we live on with Christ, the Angels and all the Elect. They are the Great Crowd Of Witnesses, who have seen the Holy One and the Law; what Law only Iouel can bring, for he alone is Pigeradamis. If one will turn to the Law, without reservation and walk with the angels, no turning back; these shall put on Life as the earth becomes a Garden again. This time the Lord has made sure that man knows the Way, that he will live on forever, without tasting of sorrow, disease or even death. Those who will hear the Word Of The Lord, will live on endlessly and carry out the Will Of The Father!

Donald Trump Screams And Cries

Donald Trump screams and cries about his political legitimacy, throwing bleeding heart pedophile, Robert F Kennedy Jr into the mix, with his improbable claims and statisical anomalies, in gold-spun disinformation. I call him pedophile, because he helps Donald Trump, after knowing him quite well. Trump is a whoremonger and a murderous spirit, by the Order Of The Devil, who will stop at nothing to draw the veil of night around the minds of all men, while shielding themselves from the Light Of Justice; even The Law, who shall seize upon them and humiliate them before the eyes of all, yea all who reside upon the Earth Mother. And the Angel of Earth has assured us, that there will always be the sound of children at play in the Earth. But the Wicked shall fade from the earth, like the glory of the scorned feild, scorched by the burning heat. For alas, they shall forfeit the land to it's bearers; the very salt of it.

Those who divert humanity from the Treasures Of Light, shall reside in hell, while the Elect share the Way with the children of all the Earth. None shall surpass them in glory, for Christ himself hath shewn forth the Seven Spirits Of God, The Angels, who may not be circumnavigated by the aspiring renunciate, the repentant sinner, or the seeker, hoping to meet the LORD along the way somewhere. Such must walk by the faith of heart and the measure of inherited wisdom. Then there is the Worm, he is none, he is naught, but the scapegoat, scorned even of his own, that they might seek to exact his spirit from him, as if it were a demon of sorts. These, who attack the mystery of mysteries, forfeit their own birthright! But alas, Pigeradamis will finally move out among the initiated of heart, to alert them toward the Glory Of The Keys, what Key shall fulfil the Emancipation unto every creature on earth.

For when humanity have finally entered into rest, they shall live at ease, letting the Earth Mother flourish trees and groves, never pulling them up from the ground, but giving the earth her full vitality, allowing the primordial tree of life to bring everlasting life to the souls of all humans; even all creatures living by the Sea Of Eternity! The Angel standing upon the sea and upon the land has made his prediction, time shall be no more; they who will not believe the Word, have forfeited their place in the Garden Of Life, their portion of the fruit of the Tree Of Life, whose leaves shall bring healing unto the nations! Let him who has ears hear. The Word is in you and speaks to you, if you will allow it. God is the intrinsic desire for justice in the Earth and for the Supreme Good to prevail! The LORD has warned you, that the time is at hand, and for the opening of the books, to bring about the Exaltation!

This is no pretense in absolution or an attempt to best the minds of our time, who would never listen anyway. Rather I assert, the LORD is with me and showing me the Secrets, by which souls may either ascend to the Highest, the All; or join that Key Of Life to the Holy Law and live on endlessly! Such force is perpetually awarded to one who is continually aware of it's immanent condescension upon the mind, activated by power of the Highest Wisdom, what cannot not be received through instruction or disseminated with a formulae. One may only ask God and wait upon the Spirit Of Iouel, to reveal the mysterious details of his plan for all humankind. Alas, the angels and the many varieties of lifeforms will exalt Life's Key and the Way of the Magi! The path of the still small voice, never asks amiss and always fulfills the will of pure intent; enter the Garden!

Share The Holy Law

Blessed are the feet of him who comes in the name of IOUEL, to share the Holy Law and the very Key Of Life; for the wisdom was old, when Enoch was young. The Ancient Of Days has extended the Law, that the heart of man might assuage the need to restore what was lost to us all; and that forgetfulness upon us, is the very same forgetfulness, what came upon Eve and Adonai! Understand that Michael, the Chosen One and the Lord Of Spirits are One, and Universally! For ever as the Christian sees Moses to be a type of the Christ, so thus is Moses the Christ and Chosen One, to the Hebrew. But alas, I am of another generation, sparing those who are of any uncertain generation, in that their place is founded fully in Life and in the fellowship others. The generations perpetuate Wisdom, to establish Unity and Spiritual Life, in the Earth abroad and the world at large.

Albeit the fellowship of the Chosen, is rooted in Father Mother and the revealing of those called by the name of IOUEL. They who will again, acknowledge the Law, shall in fact, think, speak and act aright, by Communion with the Angels Of God! As one reaches for the law, it is by Christ's instructions, he finds the stones, to build the very bridge to the angels. For Wisdom does not come by reading books, or hearing from a speaker, but directly from God. They may only bear testimony of the work of god in themselves, to inspire one seek the One Creator. This one is not truly, jealous, but the nature in which his law is purveyed certainly is, by the Light above. Ever is the Earth Mother, stricken with barrenness, for need of the Glory Of God to fill her! Let us consider the names by which Father Mother have been known, and revere!

For if the LORD be judge of all, then his grace was extended to all, as the only thing to deny; and Love the one thing to receive. For by knowing in part, do we deny, even the Word Of Words, what is affirmed again and again, by the Wisdom Of The Ages. But it is mercy of God that men should fumble and stumble, to be severally settled and established, evetually standing firm, leaving so many to fall down endlessly. This is the Way, even as they teach it subliminally to the sheep of the flock; and may they escape the trappings of the flesh and the many pitfalls off the beaten path on the Way. For the Way is clarified in the heart of man, who goes after it, at the rate which he has been enabled, by the amount of revelation he holds dear.

The Mountains Shall Be Laid Low

A quick saving truth; mountains are the Arcane Wisdom, upon which the type of Christ is founded; the Essene Infinite Garden amidst the Eternal Sea, a surrogate promise, afforded of the termination of darkness, by the Light Of Lights. Today, the Chosen One moved north! Today, the Chosen One measured the Garden! Today, the Chosen One stood before the mountain shaped like a throne and atop a mountain of solid rock; seeing the red moon and witnessing to men the serpent east of the Garden, he was returned to the dust of death, as the LORD's David foretold! Psalm 22:1-31

And yet, those who see by the tree, that the Tree is real, in that place of dust and death, even the place of shameful accusing; begging as to why the LORD would place his Servant in such a place, at such a time of tribulation and the pouring out of desolations. But alas, they have exchanged the truth of Enoch's Parable, for a lie of ghoulish terror and religious institutional insanity. These generate man and rule nations, by the Serpent Power; what power must be renounced, that the weapons of war, be forever put down; and that man may never again, take up arms, pursue wealth or even let the unholy stench of flesh gloss over his teeth. Let them know that IOUO, the LORD holds Heaven as His Throne and the Earth as His footstool.

For the Lord promised all, that the fields of grains and bolbous leafy plants of the valleys, shall be meat, for all people, all creatures, above, beneath, in depth of the sea; and also everything that creeps upon the earth. Genesis 1:29-30 Too many are aware that the religious books of their youth were shortened and made to teach man to eat flesh and abandon the Joys Of God. Those denying the hidden scriptures, hide Father-Mother and the Child Of the Child, to perpetuate a phenomenon, stimulated in the hearts of men, by the fair example, each of their anointed leader. Alas God judges all men, who being the Law to themselves, are the ensample to others. They are all a part of some other generation, but Life is their place together with others!

Ever was the Master teaching the pupil, he is that very self same matter, as was historically brought to light, concerning the well being of the spirit soul, by our own need to find what Light LIGHTS all paths as may seek to approach His Greatness. For surely are they one path and the very LIGHT of LIGHTS! For man is comprised of the Being Of God; and the LORD is the One who is the end of all ends, the first of all firsts and finally last among men; a worm as to the sight of himself and his worth before man, what to be said of God the Almighty. But alas, because power is so perfected in weakness, they may rise in the morning, sing praises, to God rising with the Sun, arms stretched out to the highest place, rooted in the Eartly Mother!

Let The LORD Lead

There are certain things I believe about myself, which may or may not be true; we have all come out from sin and idolatry, as well as the permissive will of God, with regard to idols and the virtue of men. If a lady curtsies to a saintly statue, she may ponder the ministry of Angels, the assumed Mother, or the Divine Heart Of Christ. There is grace for all, but sensing the taking away from the Bible, many books, scattered the world over, bought and sold, determined upon and discarded at leisure; it's difficult to commit to any church or religious order, without the verification of some further revelation. I was born in Lake Charles, Louisiana, at 10:18 am, Thursday, June 18, 1970. There are 18 letters in my name, Paul Francis Germana and my social security number adds up to my birthdate. I always saw the sixes and thought I might be Satan. My real grandfather died in WWII, Richard Adams was the only Grandpa I knew on my mom's side. Grandma Adams jerked a loose tooth out of my head when I was 6. 

As a youth I loved John Lennon and felt music, like it was living inside of me. I learned every Beatles song I could and sang them with all of my heart. I always wrote my own songs, spontaneously and continuously. But because I was a bad student in school, I didn't believe in myself and was unable to overcome intense feelings of insecurity; I didn't feel deserving and I didn't get enough family support about my own dreams. This was before the age of the home studio, so I spent years writing songs and hiding them in my heart, until I eventually forgot them. I would often sing to my family or friends, getting varied responses. To this day, I have the desire to sing, to glorify the Divine Romance and the Holy Streams, from where the music of heaven is distilled. Music was always first in my life, but I lost that Holy Stream in the later years of my life.

We must be children of the morning to sing like we did when we were young. There are found in the silence of the Communions, bridges to the Angels Of The Earthly Mother and Heavenly Father, with Jesus helping us find the stones to build the bridge, along the rivers edge. If mankind will not believe The Gospel, God will take away his share in the Tree Of Life and in the Holy City, as attested to in the scriptures, which I share here. God is not willing that any should perish, but any who cannot accept the eternal life of the body, may not receive the Key Of Life. They must be returned to the LORD, the One Judge, brought to Amenti to face their deeds and then returned to us. But alas, he who communes with the Angels now, will always be returned to the Father, where he may absolve the entangled understanding of the subordinate Law, given to us by Moses.

They who keep that Law, have given themselves over to statues and idols. A house of accusers, being a law unto themselves, concealing scriptures and the Most High Nature of Almighty God! For it is an idol, even to fashion a scripture for life's guidance, then not renounce flesh, so as to approach the Angels. They have shown us the Tree Of Life, amidst the Infinite Sea. Leave not Earth's children unaware of the Great Tree Of Life, also whose leaves shall heal the nations. That tree was planted by the Masters of Our Brotherhood. It is the Mystery Of Mysteries. Hermes said, "let chaos become myth", but God said, "Let Mystery become prose, oracle and parable." Our weakness is great, whereas the Angels Of God are the ministers of grace, affection, mercy and eternal life, by the Earthly Mother and the Heavenly Father; all what is the One God.