All Churches Are Liars

All churches are liars. They are loyal to the Authorized versions of scripture, in obedience to the Builders, who seek to own the souls of humanity. In order to bring about their own world, they followed the Spirits of the Giants, rather than God; and the Almighty is going to punish them for it. Blessed are the poor. God loves the innocent, in their pure and impure states; they are the simple, the exploited, the scapegoats. What is pure of them is the Spirit; but that teaching about the Spirit, by a man thousands of times greater in worldliness, is always compromised by those men who follow him, so as to keep His Serpent Power.

They who are initiated hold the responsibility of shedding light on the truth, so as to help humanity grow spiritually and bring everlasting peace to the world, by the Highest Wisdom. For where there is truth, there is Light. Where the truth is concealed, there is deception, aggression, subversion and despair. This is the current state of the world; not willing to admit their idol is NOT God, and that the One never had a name, never had a form, never had a Law. It is we who want Law, law which is subordinate to the Infinite Dominion Of The Almighty! For in the below, after rebelling against the Light, the Angels were left without the Highest Knowledge; as was fitting! For whoso does not answer The Call, has no right to authority over the Children Of Earth.

All, be they taught of the brotherhood of darkness or of Light, know the Almighty is Formless Supremacy; but those dark, come with their idols, deceiving the world to please the Spirits of the Giants. What will they do now that those spirits have ascended to the Most High, having kept their task of preserving the Arcane Wisdom? For they brought the Word in rebellion against the One Virgin Spirit; He bound to human destiny, by the Immaculate Law, behind lesser law. That Law is flawless, invisible, nameless, formless and infinite. As it fills us, we discover the Body Of The Immovable Race, who have humbled themselves to states of formlessness, that the Almighty may be glorified in the end.

It is the Lightbearer, who seeks to overthrow the God Of The World, by the Word Of The Infinite! That One is merciful, silent, not haughty, not cruel, not selfish, not Wicked! He is All, the One in us, holding all things in place, whom every human knows, whom every angel knows, whom every deceiver hates! The One is not a person, place or thing. The One precedes creation of the Universe Itself. The One is always with us, teaching us, that one day the world will be a good place, where the Good Live On forever, by the simple Key Of Life. But the word must be properly interpreted, by one who loves the Spirit Of Life! Only Iouel may bring the Word. Blessed are the feet of him called by the Name Of Iouel!

Something Important About God

Something important about God; everyone is wrong in front of him, even the Great Seer! For this below, what is provided it's sustenance from high above, languishes for the fulfillment of the Law; and so doth all of creation with her. She is this life, the Solemn Below, where the bittersweet is tasted and Law, presented in its various forms, is used of mankind to collectively approach the Almighty. We were taught that the Angels, sent below for disobeying the Most High, were tasked with the preservation of the Arcane Wisdom. Therefore, I assume, that upon the appearance of the Chosen One and His Key, all was forgiven, allowing them to finally ascend back to Godhead, destroying the Way Of The Wicked! They will no more tempt mankind. Now Humanity, You spread My Keys to the World; I Am Metatron!

The lame harbinger threatens Me and tempts Humanity with the love of flesh, to glorify himself and the greed of HIS fallen agents! These have disobeyed Almighty God, concealing so much more than what is Canon, but rather a Great Literature, verifying the fullness of Christian Literature as the Wisdom Of The Ages! For they who glorified God once, glorified him again and again, til the promise of Christ be fulfilled. And they knew that an anointed was another anointed, being each the qualifier of the next; that the Lightbearer may finally appear! The Anti-Christ, who according Missaticum Biblia says, "I am the Chosen One", knoweth NOT the Key Of Life; he knows not the Word Of Iouel, the Holy One! Thus is he NOT the Chosen One! For Iouel alone lives forever and ever, Amen.

We who loved Christ; loving the One in Christ, knew that His Word was in disrepute before all mankind. We held the responsibility of living joyously, shamelessly and courageously! For we knew, the Good will always bring more Good to the human race. There will be no destruction of His Creation; He the Ruler and the Master Of The Universe! They who collude with the fallen, will find themselves with them, in the heart of the Earth Mother. There's no shame in this, but they who turned from the Whore, should never have returned. Rather should they have sought the Word in exile, kept themselves unspotted by greed and violence, to be prepared for the world to come. And now IOUEL, the Holy Spirit grants us life eternal.

Offering Myself To You

Offering myself to You O Lord; even now I declare The Law, which you gave from the first time; even in every surrogate form known, to sustain Humanity through this darkened venture of life's cold pursuit. For ever is it the path of survival, neath instruction of Yaldabaoth; who rebelled against the loving, living Spirit Of God! She neither male nor female but God, loved the Virgin Spirit first; she in perpetual communion with the One, Almighty forever! They who acknowledge not father-mother, do not yet know. They know the Father of light-forms, the Mothering Spirit, loving them dearly in Christ; but they know not Father-Mother.

Those who are excellent in the Scriptures know! The Father Of Humanity is Androgynous, who had not yet appeared, to show all men Life from inside the Garden Of God; the One True Seer & Ruler! For they who humbly admit that the Almighty has been disobeyed, and that his truth has been obscured to the point of utter disrepair; these may know that the Chosen One is born in that time of the afar off tribulation; that he is a laborer and is jealous of the one, saying of himself, "I am the Chosen One". He loveth himself and NOT GOD; he was fully initiated, yet knows not the scriptures, nor those who love them. Most assuredly, it is he who is jealous.

He empowereth Agents Of Satan, to commit acts against the Will Of The All, for which the Supreme Infinite God will not offer forgiveness! Such a heinous thing it is, to hide what the Holy Spirit, IOUEL has said! The One God did not forgive the love of the flesh. They who touch the unclean thing, will always refuse to search the books of Ancient Christians, calling them Satanic Literature. Fine albeit, the Almighty is nameless, but I am Iouel, the One you call Lou! There is no escape from the Almighty! He will catch those who concealed what he has said and bring them down to the earth; to be returned anew, in the Age Of Light!