All The World Is Corrupt

All the world is corrupt; they seduce us with flesh eating to sell us filth and take our savings. It's all about cars, motorcycles, houses, yachts, planes, even skyscrapers. You who believe NOT the Word of the Lord, see not the significance of the skyscrapers; for you worship the flesh and honor the carnal as your leaders. I cannot forgive this! I cannot take part in the lies, which lead the souls of men back to the same ignorance I came out of! They want a reset, a year zero, to erase their crimes and start all over again; then punish the innocent for being happy. The Almighty WILL destroy them! What do I mean by this? Karma will bite them in their arses for being carnal, wayward and disobedient. (pretending to repent before the LORD) If you eat flesh, you've NOT repented of much, yet God forgives you. If you can't embrace that fact, leave this blog and stand firm with Christ as best you know! 

Shame any claiming to believe in Jesus Christ, but throw out historical document and the beautiful scriptures, holding better truths than the disgusting 66 book version of the Bible! It is an abomination to the truth; that LOVE IS God. Those who disobey Love's Call, don't deserve the Key Of Life. We are called to Love Our Neibor! If we fail, we die before the Lord Of Hosts. Love is a variation of the name Jove, (or Io've) which while inaccurate, is more concise than YAHWEH, or JEHOVAH. It pleases IOUEL when we say love. Other names mock Imanuel; he born in the end times, a mere laborer and absolute failure in this carnal and wayward world. He cries out, "I am no man at all". While the failure was completely real, the Word was never presented to him. No man may be held accountable before God, if his teachers lie to him. For the Lord's presence was in His House, while the man of God preached more and more lies to him; threatening all with the King James Bible; again, what version had dozens of books stripped from its original context.

It is a shortening of the Truth. For while men rile and rail, the LORD guides all people from the heaven above, rewarding the Good goodness and the Wicked punishment. After all, if God said, love thy neibor and you kill him for not picking the leader you love; you will be brought down into hell, where you must face the fact, that in life you did something unforgivable. People live and die, they don't need harrassed along the way by the weary and the heartless. If we are to Love, then we must put off hate, even the hate we feel for the Wicked. Rather let us keep our distance from them, let us not be pulled in by their lies about black people, Democrats not loving Christ, lies about cannabis, lies about gay and transgender folk; and lastly their lie which has prevailed over us all, the love of flesh consumption. It is wicked and cannot be forgiven. One must repent of all that is impure before God; we know right from wrong without books.

Alas, no one is expected to lie down an hour north and south each day. Align your bed north!  The Master is teaching us the truth about Earth's balance and the power of devotion to God Almighty. True the formula is exact, but when we are confident in this Way, resisting flesh and walking in The Truth, we begin to see it and live it; the only sin is denying reality, that Health IS Holiness! Nothing else qualifies us for purity, than having renounced this world and taken up the path of propriety. Instead, men gorge themselves, mock all those who won't and ultimately, try to kill any who will not worship the Beast! (flesh eating) There IS one other way, better than repentance, what is merely a type of it; Renunciation! Deny all that is wrong, embrace all that is right! And always know that Reason never leaves any equation unfinished. If police unjustly murder black citizens, then complain about the aborting of their babies, they will coldly murder them all.

Let the Immovable take up the Key Of Life, merely aligning their bed to the north and practicing the Key Of The Magi. Let them lie down northward at night, to be sown a seed of love and light. They will arise anew each day and win forever, while these generations fade at their feet. The carnal cannot see the Word Of The Lord, they worship Christmas, Easter and Thanksgiving! They think they are the heirs of Christ, but I do not know them; and they do not know Jesus of Nazareth. The religious wackos of this world do not want YOU finding Me; I bear the Key Of Life and it is my prayer that all the world repent and follow this Way Of Light. I cheerfully call IOUEL the Lord, God, Father-Mother and Master. Formless is HE and all in us all. And so is it the same with the Key Of Life, what brings perfection to the Soul & Body; regeneration is seamless, there is no task but being aligned to the Perfection; so be it!

I Will Take A Stand

I will take a stand against those who wish to judge their fellows, not knowing that God will be their judge. It can seem like God isn't real in a world where the bad guys always win. But when the party is over, it's over! They all took so many words from God's Testimonies, it is difficult to tell what the message is infact. Well here it is; the Name Iouel justifies all wrong, all shame and all misgiving! For the Almighty is Living & Life; neither male nor female, Iouo is Love. Iou caused us to say different variations of His Name, that we might please him, in our state of ignorance and grow up unto Wisdom! It is there we find the Word, waiting to reveal, even up to the very point of what was last revealed to us. He lives inside of us and reveals all things! I give you the Key, take it up, never die; ignore it, deprive yourself of the very oxygen you need to live on. For the Angel Of Air must we meet in the morning; and when they learn to regenerate themselves by Worship, none may stop the Almighty answering their most earnest, noble prayers. These wre always the Children Of The Light.

Iouo is Real, Jah is NOT! IOU is the God Of All, having appeared time and again with the Masters, who given to the Cosmic Thought, said unto Him, How Great Thou Art! He bore them truth, as afforded of Grace & Mercy. For that mercy is given only to the one wanting to please the Creator alone! When he makes that choice he will be scorned for rejecting the revealed Word, being accused of seeking only hidden things. His true intent is to find the end of the Word; what has the LORD said? It is in our nature to FEEL the Creator, surging through us internally, speaking through us, to the very heart center of our lives. We have no choice but to follow that Light. It guides us to making decisions, whether they be great or small; for the swelling heart rules us all and at the end of his labors, man seeks Heaven.

Humans are on the same path, all. They will be made aware what is expected of them; and they must determine whether it is reasonable or not. So, is it NOT reasonable to think that God can guide the entire human race? Teaching them core truths about Grace & Mercy toward others, can bring many blessings; thus man IS in the way and finding the emancipation as revealed to him by God. For they are given over to the emancipation as they understand it by the Creator; that emancipation being in either the flesh or the spirit. God is LOVE and loves us all. If we are left unaware of that fact, it could be ages before we are reassociated with the very truth, but the LORD will bring us all back into His Being!

Many doubt this, and it is they who do not serve him. For we must be honest with ourselves in life; and if the WORD given us is thwarted, then the One must come down out of Heaven and restore the very truth to us. Iouel is that One; he is the same, yesterday, today and forever. He was seen in Jesus Christ and they, the Hebrews knew by the Word; He the Virgin Spirit was with him! IOUO is Father, Mother, Son. For the Law, Iouo is the Almighty, the Word, IOUEL is the Spirit; and the Master Imanuel, is Messiah! They who will not discern the Word and acknowledge Him, will not receive the Key Of Life. They must die, be reborn to receive the Key afresh, with all of Humanity!

Iouo Save The Meek

O Iou, save the meek. It is the promise you made to us and all the world. We trusted you and suspected that your Way, while One was variegated; thus we tried to learn all we could about the cultures of other nations; and their associations with You O Lord, by the Voice Unspoken. He is unspoken, for men are unable to grasp, that he may arbitrarily forgive us, by whatever covenant, agreement or trail along the path he sees fit. God alone is the Lord Of The Universe. Men flail over the Truth Of His Word, even as the Chosen One was crucified in front of the Veil, where the Lord appointed him bondslave. I cannot escape the Lord, he delivered me to the Garden Of Life.

The Messengers politely play along with the Asp Of Lies, as he deceives "mankind" to their very end. He is the seething anticipation of a sound and right Judgment; and yet to me, Wisdom Alone is judgment to you; even unto Mirothoes. All that are formed in the below must glorify the Law, what Law is Universal and holds the truth of regeneration to the upright in heart, forever; since time immemorial. If they will fight hard, they may yet take up the Key Of Life, to transcend the lies of the Masters of the Synogogues Of Satan! They calling themselves, Saints pretend to Glorify Sai, whom they know not, Satanuel being just another name of Michael; they have taken away all truth of My Name; I Am Herman.

There never was another besides IOUEL! (the Lord God) The LORD may seem frightening, because the One decides who lives, who dies, who returns to life, who waits, who lingers left behind. IOU is the LAW. What mean these things? The One is in all and all are in the One, free for their own expression and complete surrender to God in the Way They find him; in part this is the Way. For where Holy Spirit is, God is. So while the LORD's children are rebellious and sinful, they are working out the sins and must find the Law; Life's Key and the Key Of The Magi. For the man who will raise his hands to the Most High God, early in the dark of morn, raises his hands to the Living One, Iouel! 

He alone is God and the hidden scriptures will only verify him Atum, or the Atman! The same God from time immemorial. The roots of the world religions are sealed in all things Egypt. (forbidden) For the Master Of Masters paved the way, bringing the Blossom Of Life, that men may repent before the Holy Spirit; the One, now and forever! Yet He shared his Glory with the Spirit Barbelo, who rejoiced in that she existed, because of Him, the Virgin Spirit! Even as the eras rejoiced in that Barbelo lived, because IOUO lived and gave all life from above the Cosmos. We should call to him; and HE will come down and shine His Light on earth! They will never stop him from fulfilling these things hidden.