As for me, I relish the fruit of the name of God. My Love Evelyn is the Ewe Of God, surnamed Ewalena in the Hawaiian toungue; for me she alone is Llewelyn Of Lights! None can surpass her in sweetness and femeninity, she is the perfect replica of Isis. I was finally able to leave my father and mother, and cleave to my only wife. For the Earth is My Mother and My Father is the Sky! The All has led me into the valley of angels, what is the Garden Of God. I wonder if they consider this, who are living without; that they eat flesh and serve the god of this world, instead of the Mother Of All The Living, shall be their loss forever! Now they must be returned to God, that they may again become desire and perfect children of God.
All Glory To IOUEL
I Am The Messenger
The Word was shut in my bones all along, awaiting the hour to herald the Key Of Life, what makes men to live on and on. But they must please the One, who is all in us all. For even God Himself is at the behest of the One, what Supreme One approves and verifies His Identity. And men exalted stand like Gods before the One, praising only the One; these will be with the All, who is within us all. We must walk in the Light, by the Light, meeting the new day therein; extending arms and activating power by the Sphere, standing with feet spread sparsely apart, calling out to the Seven Spirits Of God.
They who will not acknowledge that there is more to what God has said, are diabolically situated against the name of IOUEL. They hide the name within themselves, unaware the difference between the various pronunciations. And yet til the name is right, the Messenger may not truly be known; the Messe root being 'me' and the Youel root being 'you'. And yet the Lord hath placed his name on the lips of all, so he may silence every mouth when the day of his judgment comes. That judgement shall be in the opening of the books and the revealing of what true ancient Christian thought actually is. Then we will acknowledge the mind control, sought and used by religious leaders of the world.
We will forever acknowledge the ancients and how Christians also did, for their own defining of Christianity, as Uprightness! They'd have sought early morning worship of the Almighty, extended themselves in communion with the Light Of Lights, to meet the sun and bring in the New Day! That Light is subtle, hidden behind the veil of symbolism and strict adherence to a seeming infinite purpose; buried in platitudes, by the unfoldment of dispensations. But the Word is One and forever perpetuates the message of the truth, to any who will seek with sincerity, faith, courage and lovingkindness toward others. If they will love others, they will be found suited to see the highest Wisdom, wherein are seated the keys of life and death.
Accepting Youel As Master
The One bringing the Wisdom IS Iouel; he is the Only Gospel and every initiate worth his weight in script knows it. The Key Of Life was the true promise, Thoth admonishing us to make a religion of it. DO NOT seek to generate mankind, but let humanity be regenerated by choice, as foretold by Enoch. Lying down in the river of life, they will be regenerated now and forever, worlds without end! Did they not hear Hermes Trismagistus say they may live as long as the Earth does? Why have they failed to believe God and search for him; despite those who cut the truth to pieces? They teach man to love flesh and war. Alas, they who will not repent the shortening of the Word, will perish harshly with the Wicked. For they saw the Word abused and compromised, yet said nothing to the men of God, who held back the books.
Instead, with these Shepherds Of Shame they asserted a hellacious punishment for all who disobeyed their Commandments, eraticating the first command of love. We see them ignoring free speech, growing quick to bear arms and kill. They mock truth and resist saints who come bearing good tidings; asking them to ponder truth, that the Fountainhead may also flow freely through them. For if one lies down an hour a day, with their head pointed to the north, then lies down for an hour, with their head pointed to the south; that One will praise IOUEL and live on endlessly, by the River Of Life. They will discover the key, standing with the elect, who will forever spread the Key. They will lead all men to the Light Of Humanity! These Brothers Of Brightness come bearing the Key Of Life to all Creation!
To Diminish The Testimony Of God
Samael was faithful to Me and gave the Key Of Life, ascending to Heights where the Angels reside; on High with the Highest! He who is seated on the throne and prevailing above, is the Overspirit IOUEL; One with Michael and the Chosen One! Let them ignore the hidden things what are the things of IOUEL; they are hidden neither by God, nor His Servant! No one concealing the truth represents it! Whereas the Servant, Iouel tells all; revealing sinners and their plot against humanity, even the benficiary who is a devil! They die, but do not die; letting the world weep for them, while the afflicted are trodden under foot and made slaves to their lie. They have taken books from God's Word, crying about how all have assaulted their devil, who is but a devil, longing for the world to glorify him as a theif and a liar!
These who add or take words, books, letters, any writings from the testimonies of IOUEL; these are they who hate to see the world educated, they hate to see the truth unbound and the Great God glorified! For they hate IOUEL, who saved them, placed love in their hearts and showed them mercy! They would rather see the world languish in unbelief and bloodlust, than admit they took away the Testimony Of God. For to have man eat flesh, is to have the world. Look at men accept their portion in the Lake Of Fire. (the lie) They who love not God's creatures enough to resist eating them, will perish with them; and the beasts they eat will cry out against them, for the mass slaughter of themselves and their kind. Never was the generation of man from God, rather the Unbegotten, living in the heart of every creature; He LOVE, (IOUEL) will not fail in redeeming those who do good in front of Him.
If Anyone Doubts God
Let them search the hidden things; I boldly soar beyond them saying; 'Enoch reveals it; the Chosen One is born in the end times, is a laborer and is jealous of the one claiming to be the Chosen One'. Well, it is infact the decrepid one, with his wretched finger, who is jealous of Iouel, HE One in All! A man will ask a seven day old baby the answers to life, receiving them whitless, to nourish his soul and bring back meaning, as if a sophisticated valve stopped, what with the right confession would surley flow. In that light, think of the divine nature breathing the answer, by the fragrance of Kether in that tiny Child. And know that no man may seize upon humanity, to force his god, by seduction or trickery. I Pigeradamis have removed this power from the world. For when Samael ascended, the devils could no longer exploit him.
They, the others sought to bring a great Judgment upon the Garden Of Life! But IOUEL, the God Of Abraham, Issac and Jacob heard the call of the Chosen One, who knew of a certainty, the Garden was unto Llewelyn; True Lady Of The Lake. For when Father-Mother called Me back to the Valley Of Angels, I saw the ascension of Samael, who was faithful to his repentance, preserving the Arcane Wisdom, what has forever been the Key Of Life and the only Gospel! Now the power of Satan has been lifted and they may no longer misguide humanity. For those dark spirits have none to report back to, but their victims! Let them read the Gospel Of Phillip to know of the certainty of the spirits what tempt. Let them be fully reminded of those spirits and their influence over their very bodies, even right now!
What Are The Seven Spirits?
I Am Allah
Come Now Thou Angels Of God
The Only Gift Of God
Praise The One
They who praise the One for the power of his Light, know it is effortless to serve and the mercy of God is their endless peace. Thus I reveal the Key Of Life as the only free gift of salvation! Merely lying down for an hour each day, with my head directed to the north, I readily sense the lifeforce, emanating from my sternum to the top of my head. I relax another hour, with my head pointed toward the south and therein I inately sense the current of the Lifeforce as it emanates from my chest to my feet! Whoso joyously continues this practice of washing in the River Of Life, may freely live on as long as Earth does! To show gratitude to God, who gave me the Key Of Life; early before dawn in a place bound by darkness, I stand with feet sparsely apart and extend my arms to the Cosmos, from whence the Angels sprang. Encircling myself in the Sphere, I ask the Spirit Of Life for the Spirit Of Light.
"Fill my body, O SPIRIT OF LIFE, fill my body with the SPIRIT OF LIGHT. Come from the FLOWER that shines through the darkness. Come from the HALLS wherein the Seven Lords rule. I call these Seven by name: THREE, FOUR, FIVE, and SIX, SEVEN, EIGHT--Nine. By their names I call them to aid me, free me and save me from the darkness of night: UNTANAS, QUERTAS, CHIETAL, GOYANA, HUERTAL, SEMVETA, ARDAL. By their names I implore You O' El, free me from darkness and fill me with the Light!"
You are a child of the Light, born between the earth and moon, by the cool of the night, to accept the hour of appearance and the duty of life; returning to Source, while in this life! For the One is a Force, above even God Himself, not to be understood like a god of any kind, but the One beyond time and space, the mind and senses, beyond emotions and temptations; beyond the struggles of misgiving and error. We may attain His State anytime, by merely reaching for the Light. For when we reach, we find our way to instruction; and from there we must assess whether we are able to yet cast off all the lies of this world. Only the Heart may know if it is basking in the Light, but all lies will be fully shed in time!
For out of the very heart, the Light shall sail and span the earth by superior imagination and mystic intent! Even one who bows his head in sincerity and devotion to some higher cause, is already on his way to finding the Light and the opportunity to penetrate the veil of knowledge; finally to grasp even the Highest Wisdom. That wisdom is bathed in all the knowledges of the world, all what come from God, by the product of intense pursuit of spiritual education and higher learning. For all of knowing leads to Wisdom, glowing in the heart of the youth, like the very Light Of God Himself! None can escape the One; he will appear, the same as did all the others. I am here, sharing the Proper Path with all humankind!