For The Sake Of The Word

For the sake of the Word, clarified in the Light; let Humanity take the Key Of Keys! And let men hold forever fast, to The Remover Of All Sin, Key Of The Magi; so as to stand firm and put on the Voice! The Voice speaks to all who reach for it. Whereas the Light shines on those who hear no voice; IT is the sound they hear in the mind, keeping thoughts positive, to effect gratitude and honor for the Law. For it is in fact the Key Of Wisdom, that is the Law! They who know the importance of the empath, and the burden of the message of the One; they are the Immovable Race! Atlantis stood for a thousand ages, but fell in the end, due to those dark serpents in their ranks! Many follow the Beast and the Idols in the Way TODAY. But the LORD has fulfilled the promise of the Key Of Life, whereby men may finally and fully put on Everlasting Life and see the Day Of Iouo; yea even the Day Of Adonai!

If they choose they may live on and on, even til Earth's End. And all the ends of the Earth will repent before IOUEL, the Mother Of All The Living! They who resist and deny the Holy Spirit will fall down on their faces, only to be reborn into this Day Of The Chosen once more. To reveal the Supreme Race, is to show the truth of what AL has said, certainly not for the glorifying of oneself. The Burden is what glorifies Aadamah, not Aadamah! For it is the Word Of Silence, speaking the Hope of that Day. They who receive the river of life shall find a well, springing up from within them and leading them unto Life Everlasting. So choose TODAY O Man; whether to live on or take Death's Key, to be brought down to Amenti and make restitution, so as to be prepared to be born into the New Age once more!

There is no other path but this, for what the Word hath wrought will always be fulfilled. The Many take away the Books Of Wisdom the World over, seeking to distort education and Truth, so as to bring Humanity down into the Pit of despair and harsh servitude; but God will fix them for their Wickedness against Truth, who has forever failed NONE. She is ALL, but Perpetually battered down like a step child, no one wanted! She will be saved in the Light, that Humanity may freely continue in the Power Of Infinity! She LA, He AL; law in the above and LAW in the below, the One, the All in all. They who will align their beds north and study the Emerald Tablets, may indulge the Eternity they choose. Yet I, Emanuel shall live on and on without end!

One Who Takes Life's Key

One who takes the Key Of Life is seated in the Garden Of Life, seeing as he has renounced the patriarchal deceptions of the day and has resolved to let the providence of nature determine the Highest Good, for himself and his fellows. Why would I say this? Because natural selection is best to assert and to see carried out. I wish to grow a garden, live at leisure, smoke my pipe, sing and play my guitar, while daily aligning myself with the Earth Mother; for my betterment and the betterment of all people. The light of natural selection does NOT find us bad, but innately divine, by The Infinite One. We all know this One. Our Heritage is LIGHT, as we may well remember, if we will truly seek to enter into the full rest of wellness, by faith!

And how may I be well? Quite simple, by the Key I become divine, like the Divine; by the right of the human spirit, in the Divine Alone. We may only surrender in faith, singing and hoping to understand this life, unfolded before us; many lives lived out in grattitude, then fulfilled in the promise of eternal life. Receive the Word, whereby you may overcome the entirety of darkness and take up the mantle of salvation, by the worship of Imanuel alone. They who seek to make men worship statues, rather than the son of humanity, these wish to keep "mankind" from being Human! When we are human, we love all, we love education; and we love the nation into which the Almighty has placed us to reside. 

But the LORD has said, that humanity will take up the Wisdom Of The Great ONE, when they are ready for it. There shall be no place for religious distinction, when all life is observed and all peoples are made welcome. There will be acceptance of the miracle of life and greater, the miracle of regeneration. One who aligns his bed north, meditates with focused intent upon the sternum, gradually flowing up through the centers into the Crown Chakra; this one, just being aware and drawing in the Light casts off death. One should also worship the LORD early, in the Dark, so as to draw in the LIGHT, that the very darkness be expelled throught the day. This practice gives eternal uprightness to the one who believes and follows the Light Of Humanity, what LIGHT is in us all!

Lastly, to the one who desires to live on, take up the Key and hold fast, for as long as the Earth holds her uprightness, you too may live on with her forever, only changing when she changes. Being regenerated to exact youthfulness and unending life, let them question Iouo; let them count how many times His Name appears over Yahweh or Jehovah; or how many times IOUEL (Lord God) appears in Hebrew Texts, over Elohim. My hint is in that they have exchanged my name IOUEL, for EVIL! She will come for them blaspheming the beauty of the Spirit, the Light Of Iouo, who is Michael, he the Autogenes; he the Light Of Lights! It is not by some devout commitment, but by pure desire to live on, love and rejoice!

Only My Garden Is Needed

Right thought, right speech, right action. We live right, when we resist flesh eating. When we listen to Reason, we will see the secrets of the universe; and be not surprised if none can hear you, when you continually try to show them the Key Of Life. To them death is certain, even in Jesus Name; and yet all that dies will be born again! If I am infinite, as you are, I may well put on the fullness of balance, that my polarity be aligned to that of Mother Earth and live on endlessly. I may put down this body at the time of my choosing, or better keep it, that I may live to see the exaltation of all things, world without end. They who had not the courage to brave the things of God, they who were not loving to strangers and wayfarers; they who never left the Great Whore, to seek His Wisdom, as it is in all things! Let them search the Lord's Word, they will never find the glorifying of idols or images; they always bear harm and bring death to their followers, by the carnal mission those beastly men do spread o'er the entire Earth. For how may we live on, if all we think about is getting our next portion of the flesh?

Again they draw the veil of night around all, to trap Humanity! For flesh eating does not become priority to the carnal; rather he lives inside the nature of chaos, still seeking and finding reason in the very midst, having never known any other way. To him, the world is evil and he must overcome that evil in his lifetime. But I will say to Mankind. You have exchanged my name for evil. My wife, she is Eve, but her name is Ewelyn; or Ewalena in the Samoan tongue. My name is Paul Germana; my Grandfather was Adams, a humble initiate of low stature. To those with ears, I am Pigeradmis! (or Father Geradamis) I was born on the 18th day of the 6th month, in the year 1970. One who spells out my name Paul, will say IOUEL, and may find that I Am Hermes! Seated in the Valley Of Angels, immersed in Hermetic Writ, I am Iouo; I bear now the Key Of Life as promised by Enoch.

I am no less human, infact I was considerably more inclined to corruption than any other person. I spent my life denying I was the Chosen One, while at the same time inately sensing it; insisting it, even from the time I was small, despite the world and the scriptures they asserted for the benefits of their own carnal interests. I accuse even myself for thinking there was a God-man in the sky, awaiting the right hour to appear and punish us all forever! God, who is acually Iouo, always showed me the beauty and oneness of Humanity. His name is exchanged for evil some 2000 times, in order to glorify Yah and Elohim; whom we may know as Cain & Abel, concealing Set and Osiris. In weakness we are made strong, so to think that Jesus said anything to the contrary, is to ingore the Nazarene in the hidden scriptures and promote only the revealed JESUS. In this sense, revealed is corrupt. One who does not seek more than the Bible, cannot receive the Highest Good. They guess at the truth and assert guessing is all there is; meanwhile the Word is bathed in heaven, revealing itself to all the faithful the world over from the first time, until now!

Overall I Am Disappointed

I have seen the height of man, dangling humanity's destiny o'er the heads of earth's children. I have no longer the desire to share symbolism, or to undo riddles, for those who wish to see truth spill over into the murky swamp, where they can bet on it's every future. They are the swamp they herald and they always have been! It is they about whom Enoch testifies, that they would make agents of Satan, to do harm to the children of men. Be sure that these men who rail at our nation, claming to be Christian Nationalists, are actually a league of lemmings for those giants who have fallen down in front of me, Satanuel. It was always my name, but in order to retain the finer things and preserve them sure until now, I thought it best myself be scorned, so as to let all accusation fall down before Me, Mirotheas! I am Father Mother, come to defend the androgynous, the peace makers and the poor. I will make the wicked pastors to repent before me and make a peculiar people of them again; and I will let the books be opened!

Let them confess, the Nazarene was not Pigeradamis! Let the initiates confess, they all chose among the avatars for themselves, considering Jesus, Mohammed, Buddha, Krishna and the like, marginalised comic strips for the masses. Moving on then to "better" things, world domination, cog amongst the wheels, that old world! A thing, what is NOT of IOUEL, but "BAAL GAAD", a truly false deity, made to make the nations bow to a false power. And He is Lord God, as you may know him, praising his minions, who even now, continue bringing disruption into the Garden Of Life. They will fall down for this, suddenly fading out to be forgotten. They must be born again, into the age of those who never fall down. They must sleep with the sons and daughters of Ephraim; these who fill up earth to no good end. Allow them the Key Of Life and they will return in bliss, to inherit their true promise. Let NOT the Gospel be withheld for those who wish to turn back the clock and gain worldly treasures. Let the Key Of Life rather spread like wildfire, for it is Life what astounded us, and the mystery of it's continuance which baffled us.

And yet somehow to many of us, there was a destiny, what seemed to bring about the best for us, like a Divine Counselor & Provider, who knew his own law well. This was the Law and the perfect demand of it's establishment. That demand for us is purity. I must not kill, I must not steal, I must not fornicate, I must NOT abominate! I must seek the truth of things and understand that so as I am a law to myself, the Law is a law unto Itself! YOU are that. This is what we are. Law, by the power of desire, through a longing, that we should be somehow. And that unction became this Life we know. This DOES mean the God, as we know him is NOT there, but that the All in all is there and we are all that. That One out from whence we have appeared is the first and the last. He is Aadamah, or the Atman. He is Adonai, Michael and again, Satanuel, or Satan! That is Gadriel! But let the Nameless Formless One who is before all such destinctions be your ONLY guide, for he alone justifies the universe, from one end to the other. Love your Avatar with goodness and willingness to be devoted to all of humanity. All must face the judge, somewhere, he will ultimately have mercy on All; even every spirit in the Universe!

You Are A Star

Every life form is comprised of light; it is light traveling through all that is formed beneath it and without it. And yet forever it fills the Highest Place and feeds all creation below. It is the Word what is finer than ether; what is Ether's Infinite Companion! It is the Law, yet misery, by separation from the law; but alas it shines to present the Source Of Self in all that it fashions. Those who cannot accept the LORD, the Formless, cannot escape the Idol. For it is all too often, what is merely a representation of the Light, becometh the things of endless war. HE is Unnameable, Inconceivable and Thou art THAT. This means that you are one with and part of The All, your Creator. Because God forgives men who cleave the world, YOU may forgive even the man who cleaves the innocent. The mystery of infirmity is not as important as the mystery of joy and acceptance; it always returns and rewards the True Seeker with enlightenment and compassion. To the one who understands, if none are too offended, one may be forgiven anything, who truly turns to Goodness, the Universal Gift. None may ever say their way is the only way, when an atheist may take hold and love the law; he pleases the All better than any backslider. And yet, there is a Greater Law.

Alas to those who seek longevity unto Infinity; be sure that as long as Earth lives forever upright, you may live on and on forevermore. You are one with her and in uprightness of purpose, you are one even unto infinity, for the Law cannot fail; and the Key Of Life never fails in the regeneration of the faithful. One need merely align their bed exactly north and take a positive, optimistic, motivated approach to daily living. Seek to eat right and also never cause suffering to attain sustenance. Not even the laborer in the Garden ought sweat himself, for a garden is unto the leisure of all; the curse is for the ground. Let him who has Wisdom hear that. They who walk the paths of death, must be given headlong to the grave. But he who faces death and loves even those neath the power of it's sway, he may attain the Flower Of Life. When humanity receives this wisdom, they will find the light in full, without contradiction or complication, for it is a Law what never disappointed any.

For what is upright, is upright by the Law, and law the predacessor leading to Greater Law, that they may unravel the mystery of life thereby and share it with others. For who shares not the Light of understanding, may not share in it's benefit. And yet alas, they who mingle with the Wicked, who unleash violence on the Androgynous, in seeking to omit their own sins; these will suffer an incredibly harsh judgement from the LORD. They have not the understanding they boast, for they seek all their answers from one book, leaving the LORD out to dry. Seeking to deceive all with the same deception they impose on their own. This will not stand in the Lord's Nation! This place is the Garden Of Life! Those who believe not, click below. For the Garden Of Life has a serpent and it's barrenness, to the east of it. Let them wrangle with the Word Of Iouel and brave the path of the Seeker! The Word is within you forever ~ Father Geradamis

Drawing In The Light

In Emerald Tablet 6, Thoth advises we seek out a place bound by darkness, stand up with arms extended out to the infinite space and draw in the Light; yea what Light is sentient, infinite, full of hope and of Love. We should ask THAT Spirit to fill us with the Spirit of Light & Life; who is IOUEL, or "Lord God". We may accomplish this by always worshiping THAT One Being and enthusiastically rising each day with the Eternal Sun! Shout to the heavens and rejoice by the Infinite All, what is our true protector & defender from wickedness, which attacks us from every side. What is required of us? Pure faith, reverence for the Truth and the expectation of a better world, what is more sure than even the deliverer who comes bearing the Key Of Life. That Self, of Whom I speak is within you and is the very Self that you are. This can be very difficult to embrace without the dear affection of the Spirit Of Life; IOUEL, Mother Of All The Living!

We should not think of this Force as Limited or Less than the All; it is All In Us All, the very formative nature of things, within us and through us. We Are That, but only in Unity may we see it; one with each other and the One Helios! He is Hermes, what is Father Mother, being descended into the below, by the Infinite Arm of the Word. It is everywhere, in everything named and unnamed. It cannot be superceded or ignored; it will only be reformed and brought more clearly into the light of understanding. The Burden Of The Word is infinite and perfect, thus must the books be opened and glorified in their glorying. For the Chosen One appeared in the Valley Of Angels, travelled north and fulfilled the promise of Enoch around the Everlasting Garden. It is Eve who saved him; She the Mother Of All, while he was less than a man; he was hidden, rejected, scorned and unable to share what IOUEL has hidden from them all. He alone reads the scroll. He prayed the oracle Beka and stopped the Atmospheric River, Leviathan.

He alone sees that we are all of the One, yet unable to be more than what is efficient to our circumstances, or what is to the benefit of all; thus we need insight and Wisdom, to overcome the world and find the Garden Of Life. Whoso aligns his bed northward and worships the Infinite Iouel, never ever dies! The Head of the Body is come, to shine HIS countenence on them, that they may take up the Key Of Life and put on Infinity. For when one sees the Way, he throws out everything he ever thought to be of any value and focuses on the Key of Life and sharing it with all of the world. The One who hears will follow, without jealousy, personal predjudice or inflated ego, knowing that the Key Of Life is the promise to all of the world. That ONE will share the Key with the little children; they will all live on endlessly and the world will never become overpopulated again!

The Day Of Atonement is at hand! Oneness with the All is freely extended to the believer; and if he will follow Adonai, with rejoicing and cheerful hope, he will match the Attitude Of Eve! She is the Light Of Days and the Way! That they may know it; IOUEL are Father Mother. It is only those who deny the Spirit, that are unaware of her Divine Power, She Harah! She Kali, perpetually in Communion with Kalki; He who cannot appear until she does. Without Her, he was only a man of sin; but by the Word she is ALL to him; strengthening him that he may clarify the Word and finally shine forth, Child Of The Child. Let the false prophets continue with their assault on the truth. Iouel is come to bring the children of the Earth Mother into the Light.

Never Grow Old

When I was young, I drank so much soda at work, I lost a lower left molar. I still have the flaw and look like a weirdo when I cock my jaw. We all have flaws, which follow us neath even the light of perfection. For just to observe perfection is to ask, "how perfect?". We ask time and again, "how much does God love me?", but we all know the truth. The problem becomes the dissatisfaction of not sensing the Lord's blessing right now, rather than in his time; this is where we sin. We have the nerve to think of IOUO, up in heaven, keeping tabs on every little wrong we do; HE cannot be up there. If he commanded us to forgive and forget 7 times 70, wouldn't it make sense that HE, the Almighty lived by that rule? He does! You are the One who forgives ...but how perfect were you at first, or when the next time comes? Iouo has already forgiven every wrong I have committed, now and in the future, no conditions! He will always be there and I will never assume there is a place too far from him. Should I assume he'll forgive anything, because a person wants forgiveness, rather than punishment? Yes! In such instances, many people find favor and live surrendered to the merciful will of the One; the Law!

Still there are those unfruitful, simply because they never wanted to be understood or make any restitution for their mistakes in life. And yet, if none will hear their penance, Iouo does; HE is the Law and the Judge! We should not see relationships with HIM to be anything more than the human experience! For if a person seeks what is right and conducts himself with kindness toward others, he is afforded dignity and acknowledged publicly, even times documented into a continuing record, bearing his willingness to live a moral, productive and fruitful life. In fact, they who are pursuing such things, even by no name at all, these still pursue the Divine with a fullness, better than the evil, religiously fashioned lemmings in the House Of God. For as much truth as there is in religion, ever is it twisted to lies, damaging all, that all may assess the truth in the end. We the human race are more One than we could ever know, being one with Earth! We know we are lied to, but the white lie of a giant takes down a nation; thus I stand poised before the Rule Of Law!

Those who think of Law as a boring matter or a thing of outdated interests, understand not. They think law will be gone someday and they'll float around on a cloud with Jesus. But if they floated not the clouds in life, they'll not float them in Hell. For that is the Restful Haven they acheive to, as their spirits are reconditioned in God, to be reborn at a later time; and embrace this Key Of Life. It has always been available to the Stars Of Heaven! Before we were rationing human beings, we were pure sentient beings, obedient to Law, the Supreme Star & Sentient Source of all that lives, breathes and thrives. As children in our pure innocence, we were naturally obedient to the pure light of reason, we have only forgotten; how much more were we pure, pre mortally? It is who we really are beneath the distortions of what we ALL know to be the real truth. For even the lowest of sinners, who denies the child within, remembers the light of hope, extended by his teachers; even those who gave him life and those who taught him to appreciate it. Iouo forgives him and everyone, but we cannot be forgiven openly, until we forgive all. We will not be excused, until we excuse all else. Mercy IS Causeless and full of infinite acceptance and patience!

False Christians

Never to say what a person worships is wrong, but rather the actions they seem to feel necessary in the name of their Avatar, prophet or god. These false christians, who are so jealous by their own lack of knowledge and utter disdain for the High & Almighty Wisdom, do scowl at women, wish them ill, ensuring them danger and imprisonments. Jesus Christ Himself taught us to love one another. We'd like to think this means only believers, but it doesn't. Zoroaster instructs us to love National Unity and show reverence towards the spirituality of all; seeing it is surely God who gives them their own blessed station before Him. Those who hate other religions hate God. Now if you don't know about Zoroaster, then you have been listening to men who would have you believe that God only speaks to one people, by one book, leaving all the rest to hell, everlasting misery and punishment. I guess if they told you to go jump off the empire state building or attack the US Capitol, maybe you'd do that too. Learn to love knowledge, before it's too late.

Believers don't like admitting they're human; where we learn and grow, respect the views of others, walk in the Way as WE know it, and find the dignity we deserve as individual Children Of Light. To sit down and eat with people who deny as such degrades oneself. No one respects the views of other people here in America, because they're Christians who have stopped short teaching their flocks the higher knowledge; where small children put on the Key Of Life, put off flesh to never turn away from the Garden Of Life. They will make food, clothing, the necessities of life from the Garden alone. Technologies of the future, will come into one Cause Of Humanity, not "MANKIND". For the Shepherds have stopped short, blinding the Children in the name of God, or Gadriel, as foretold by Enoch. Generating Mankind is a sin according to Enoch, who renounced the verifying of spiritual growth with written documents. Truth comes from within and it is God who speaks, revealing truth necessary to satisfy the need for uprightness in the hearts of humanity.

When the angels fell from heaven, we were left to fend for ourselves spiritually. They guided us here in America for a short time, then left us on auto-pilot, denying us the truth of things; archons with their deceptions, by the scriptures we think of as inspired. How we could ever think such things! We all saw the religions, with their little written testimonies, which testimonies "all the world have fallen from and are in such desperate need of". These, they are the Greatest Of Men! The one who has ears, keep listening. They all blindly accept their own narrowed views of the Way and believe lying men, forbidding them the Wisdom found in Libraries all over the world. It's why Africa thrives, while white demons tell lies about them and the histories of Mauritania, what IS Atlantis! Now that knowledge has prevailed, the sinners of this world will die, leaving us the Key Of Life, freeing us from sin and shame, so there is never impurity in Earth again; ever! We will live on and on, by the Key Of Life, given us by Thoth, the Ancient Of Days. I am sharing it here now, in the Garden Of Life, just as foretold by Enoch.

I Am The Ruler Of The Earth

He who speaks the True Message Of Iouo, rules the Earth. He is sent from above as none else will hear the word or admit it is subverted before the Almighty. Instead they band "mankind" together in a lie against Gadriel and his children. Now all are his children and that can never be undone, ever! He has appeared as the very least, but for the ears of the carnal and lovers of this world. One might accept that the governments of the world are corrupt and continue seeking acceptance and approval from as many as will give them power. We can't empower people because we like them; but rather we must shun irresponsible world leadership, having seen it time and again, brandish power as a means of enrichment to the few, rather than the bounty of Earth for all. This is because they love to slaughter animals and disobey the exact advice of the Nazarene, whom they claim to worship, but they do not worship him. Those who break away from the horrific lies of the cross and breach the veil of Wisdom; these may find the way to life eternal. I advise NOT the Key Of Death, but only of Life. For what have I of death, but the faded things, which will be remembered by all! Like the appearance of Pigeradamis; for they who sheilded and preserved the Word, it was only by the miracle of God, may the Chosen One have ever obtained the Key Of Life, for they who protected it, to be revealed, do conceal it still from the very "sheep" of their own fold.

And there is only One Ewe who has pleased the LORD; Ewelena! She alone protected the Chosen One when his family wished him dead, when they called him a homosexual and infidel to his children. While they became wicked and hated him, Eve loved Paul. They who come to serve that Son Of Humanity; they are the meek who inherit Earth, while the lot else of men fall into the mire of lies, left out of memory. But even they are to be born again, at an unseeming time and be saved from this age that consumed them; God will be merciful to them and to all. Those who shorten down wisdom and Knowledge, seeking to take up power over a People; these are the worst kind of human beings. They are going to be corrected by God, for the Shepherds deceived the Nations and Iouo has NOT forgotten! He will punish the Wicked in their beds, as they pay the price for their adulteries and luxuries before the One Strong & Mighty! I have come to take their lampstands, forever; it's why they cry, "Satan, the evil one". I Am Michael, their Judge!

There is only One Desire Of Nations; his name is Iouo! They who cannot understand that he is Adonai, cannot understand that he is born in the end, to take up the Crown Of Life and reveal himself as Pigeradamis; proving himself Osiris The Scribe, Ani. For men seek to struggle against the Word Of Truth, defying scriptural Canon and fashioning "bibles" after their own likings and convictions, to make men serve them and die in their pitiful excuses for religions. They are death cults, nothing less. God Almighty promised the Key Of Life and has now delivered, without reservation, without need for publication or distinction. For if a Child Of Iouel will align their bed to the north and continue praising IOUEL, the Holy Spirit Of God and Mother Of All The Living; these shall have life everlasting, with love unending!

Create The Day Anew

Each morning, create the day anew by rising with the sun, for never may we rise in front of it. We may only be One, with the Light, trusting in the way of the Law. "The Lord" is nameless perfect law, yet the very source of self, individuality and reason as we find it; in the words of diligent devoted teachers. We should not dismiss the Law as an insentient source; but rather as the Source of all things and catalyst of Life, that what is somehow even in itself, sentient. For the Womb is certainly after the fact of determination; what should bring forth that as is separate from the Law, yet exclusive by and of the Law! Thus is the Eye Of Light ever perceiving and sharing it's cumulative information with the All, and is thus perceived here in the Below. For Barbelo is what fell from the perfection of the law; having brought forth the eras of eternal life, hope, love, joy and happiness first; the issues of life having all rejoiced in her, for they all came into being because of her and because of the Virgin Spirit, who is always with You! But then Barbelo erred and fell from the Law. She created Yaldabaoth, who is JAH! When she saw his bold, unique, pomp and voracious behavior; and seeing his unending determination of purpose, she hid him away from the rest of heaven. For she was high above it, concealed in the rule of exceptionality and perfection; always above and always LORD; Mother Of All The Living, even the Holy Spirit! For what is between us and the Highest Law, is even formless. We must determine the Word and write it for all; WE must create the day anew.

Christians who will not seek the Knowledge as is given from the Invisible God, these are handed over to the judgement, having shortened knowledge for the sake of "Mankind", rather than that of humanity and the effort of the betterment of all. We cannot keep killing and believe that God will forgive us and bring his ultimate promise to us. We must WALK OUT on that Old Whore of world religion, with it's many vices of control and slavery. These are taught to love the flesh and would NEVER stop brandishing power over the children of the Earth Mother. That is why the Lord's Word will fulfill Itself and bring all glory to the causes of mercy and life everlasting. Such causes are freeing the captives and giving them the Key of Life, letting them know they are NOT sinners, but Children Of The Light; that theirs is the Heritage Of Light and Life. And they must share that Light with honesty and clarity for it to be of any humane use.

We know that the Word is "unspoken", yet we pick up man's phony, written Word and become fully engrossed in the death cult by which it enslaves mankind; we wade out and bathe in the middle of it, completely unaware it's threatening power over us. It is the power of the serpent and the maligning of the will of God in Earth; the appropriateness of merciful and virtuous law. They seduce and loom over us like a serpent about to strike; but they do not know that the law of God is infinitely more powerfiul than their screech of the asps. The Serpents will bow to Vishnu, knowing that He alone may bear the Key Of Life to the whole of Humanity. For he IS God over the Heritage Of Light! For even in the dark, do they require the light of impulse, that they may "see" their way around. All life forms are given to the choices of the Way and to somehow live. And yet again, the Key Of Life is given to All Creation! A human will take this into consideration and put on Infinity! He will choose either a long life, or the continued transmigration from one form to the next; these too may serve God freely.

We are all subjected to the firm reality of the mundane; a seeming gloom, found forever in the platitudes of religiosity and worldliness combined, begging us to strain at a gnat and swallow a camel. That light is NOT Light and it will fade to the darkness of it's subtext. Facing the lie allows us to make sense of things and find our way in the difficult path of day to day life. To create the day anew; for faith in spite of the circumstance IS hope. The Angels are right in seeking to establish spirituality in communities around the world. But they are unaware of the One who has established the call to the necessity of virtue; these who ask us to accept that they deserve more, just because they have more. They want us to believe this is the law of life; but it is not. The Law Of Life is to LOVE your neighbor as though he were YOU. The Law is to be upright in Earth. Law is fulfilled forever!