Hear Me

Hear Me, not the preacher who says we should be trailblazers and space-cadets, soldiers, Judges, Police, Teachers, Ministers, Priests and Initiates. Most who follow these follow religion only; it is a cold place to live. I spent many years there; unaware that the IDOL held me victim to those very servants, who spoke hard things against God, separating themselves as we all now know, Sensual! God is affection and the very sincerity of hope; that what is facing life, with complete and utter abandonment, desiring only life's happiness. All colleges, schools and religions however, teach us to bow in respect to a strict governmental religion, which always ends in plagues and judgments. They always "teach" us to love flesh! NO, they force us! It is brutal, it is demonic!

But with regard to they who are inside of God, where there is NO written word, only the unction of Life Eternal; these will all find Life's Key, the true path to uprightness, health and well being. They who will align their bed north, love mother earth and all people; these will regenerate their lives unto perfect youth. (by the river of life) That what is flowing through the planet and is exactly similar to the spirit which flows through you, but giving life, sustenance, healing, wellness of mind and being to Earth's Children. THAT is All. If we are able to give ourselves to all, we find The All in them all! We should never consider life to be something unsacred, for we ARE that Sacred, we are very special, each and every one of us. If we do not see this during our lifetime, then we may have a confusing eternity. For there they have no bodies, only knowing the memory of life and the obsession of the angels with it, those not yet born, those who hold the desire to live physical; this the oldest desire of our very ancient world.

We must give ourselves to moderation, in order to regenerate more readily and be happier about health. When you know that you can live on effortlessly, you begin to want better things for yourself and mother Earth; whom Jesus taught was our Mother Most True! We should never forget this; living in the patriarchal world, we remember times of sweetness, as can only be described as Divine. The Nature below IS the divine femenine and partner of the Law. Nature always obeys the Logos as the Observer stands on to take record and document the Key Of Life; where it may be found and who will come preaching it's import. HE, the owner of the Seven Spirits Of God!

Hear Me, not the man who thinks you are a sinner! It is in man to be good, if he can avoid the pitfalls of greed and the entrappings of vanity. For while he is chaste and near pure in heart, he can begin to experience spirituality through a physical, even a sensual means. And yet they who let not flesh touch their lips, drinking always only the springwater and rejoicing in plant based foods; these truly are the followers of the Nazarene! They can truly hear HIS stance on the topic of vegan. We should always seek what this Master has truly said and share it with all. For His Master, The Great Master, is all knowing, all encompassing!

Samael Told A Half Truth

We ARE that Primal Breath! But Samael told a half truth. There's no need to ever compete for it. Upon seeing that 'I am God', I perceive this reality deep within me and also even without me; yes, it is utterly and completely without me! Even if I killed myself, the One will appear in my own stead to carry out the Will Of Autogenes, the One who needs me in absolutely no way to carry out the administration of truth's fullness to Humankind. Rather, with the wise should I point all towards IOUO, who is the Infinite All, that what is a nameless, formless, beginninless everlastingness, even unto Us All Forevermore!

But only when they find Iouel may IOUO be found; for the thrice named Pigeradamas, revealed fully by the number of his name and by the sounding out of it, can be superceded by none of Earth's Ministers. He Is Atum, The Atman and Prema Sai! By right was he born in the West, moving west even to the end of earth, that place of the Elect, where there are mountains in every direction. From there will he dispense the Key Of Life to all of Humanity. Finally the world will see Me sharing His Perfect Word by Phanuel and rejoice forever; knowing only the One could have given All Unto All.

God has come to be known as IOUEL to the Elect; The Holy Spirit, who is Mother Of All The Living, only by the excellent Name Of Iouel. She can never mislead us, for she can NOT be misled. Almighty God has given Her to us in all things forevermore. Holy Spirit will never fail to lead us into the promises which God has prepared for us, by the Blossom Of Life. If we fail, we must be reborn later to receive the Key Of Life in the forevermore. All are forgiven and none can die before Me, for I recall every spirit-soul back to My Bosom.

I Am Happily Received

The Word taken away is as always, Wisdom for us all, LOST! Let them not be so surprised that their idols poured out no milk, to be separated from its very own water. For one who hears not even EVERY WORD God sends, ought not presume the end of it. (to himself or unto others) For it is damnation to resist Wisdom in her purest forms; so how may we truly consider Knowledge King, if we think our progenitors to be the authors of what only the Ancient Of Days may present? For only HE may present it to you!

Why have you lied O' Illumined Ones, against the books you sell? Those books declare the Chosen One, who appears inside of that enclosure of mountains, west at the ends of all the Earth. The Elect shall lie down and rise up with that Son Of Man forever and ever. I am happily received by one who has clearly seen the Key Of Life. All have tasted the Pure Kindness Of God, glimpsing from time to time, the intense connectivity between Ourselves & God, The All In Us All.

And God is happy to prove Hermes Father Of Religion! (or Atum, Father Of All) For whoso embraces Hermetic Writ gleefully knows that "Father God" was but a nameless, formless, beginningless, everlastingness; Progenitor of the One who prayed for life eternal, fully receiving of it's Promise, with all assurances regarding the reconciliations of all the moral and spiritual entanglements, before time even began. God IS Greatly To Be Praised for this, forevermore!

Imanuel Is All

One understanding that IOUO is the God Of Israel, may surely learn this, His Name must be conveyed, 'Lord God', because, O' means IO in basic Hebrew; the only vibration of "Iou". We'd been saved by His name all along. Iouel is the One awaited by the Children Of Israel in every literary sense. According to the History Of The Jews, The Steles Of Seth. We know even, that as James' hidden scripture was originally in Hebrew, we know also, IOUEL is 'Lord God' forever, in any 'WORD' we hastily dredge up to herald before men! 

Those who trust in the name of Iouel shall surely be saved by Him; and they will be saved even by the Light Of Days! Should the children of the Light align their beds to the north, surely The Lord will be with them, regenerating their bodies anew each day, reversing the aging process; not allowing the change of decay any place in life. The Key Of Life was promised by Yashua, to those who lie down with that future Son Of Man. They learn that they are stars, with four and twenty helpers; that they may span the galaxies, even forever and live to infinity here on Earth.

Let God Almighty be the judge, for The Mother Of All The Living is here in perfected form. She The Light Of Days, with them all inside The Elect forever! She, The Eve Of Mankind; their very undoing, for She alone strengthens The One, whom they have dragged below to torture in this realm. But the Chosen One loved IOUEL from his mothers breast, nurtured by the Virgin Spirit, The All In Us All. God will defend him from the arrow that flies by night and from danger in the Valley Of The Shadow Of Death!

Humanity May Know

Humanity may know the Messiah has come bearing the Key Of Life, revealed openly and boldly in The Emerald Tablets Of Thoth The Atlantean; while also the Hermetic Writ being completed and fulfilled by the carrying out of the will of God in the hearts of The Elect. They were chosen before the world was founded; these who lie down with The Chosen One and regenerate their lives by the Flower Of Life, what Spirit runs through the Earth, even as your spirit abides in and through your form, fully fashioning who you are in mind, body and spirit. This river is Earth's Spirit; Our Mother. 

If I align my bed northward, I rest situated in uprightness with Mother Earth and freely rest with God, by fullness of devotion and never, ever die; neither the spirit within me, nor this physical body I joyfully possess. All lifeforms in the universe are situated in varying degrees of balance between two poles, just like the stars! YOU are a Star; seated best in the stability of balance, as discovered only in Uprightness Of Spirit, by the River Of Life.

Earth is Our Star, around whom we revolve, finding validity of purpose and reason in the very turning of Mother Earth, through the cycles and spaces of time. Her Balance is the invisible force giving clarity of vision and understanding to all matters of heart and issues of Life. But WE may escape change all together, in these forms, shielded from even accident by the Flower Of Life. Let a person give themselves to God's Rest, by the Word, revealing Truth to us all from within the heart!

I Am Wholly Perfected

One who accepts the Goal Of Regeneration as perfection, truly he understands fully the power of hope, faith and the Word; he does not stumble. All will stumble around him, unaware what power makes them to repeatedly fall down from knowledge; though they seek every fast, holy day or strict ritual for a cleansing. Then they stuff themselves with pigs, cows, chickens, turkeys and every flesh of delicacy, from one meal to the next, never missing an opportunity to glory in it's sickening taste.

One who sees prophecy and the Seer Of Truth at His Appearance, may discern the Hermetic Writ and perceive Kabballah at work in all things. For God is only known by faith; and the Avatars, who forever await The Living One, he who loves Heaven's Truth and Her Gifts. The Universe is Our Mother, vast in mercy and endless beauty. We may freely sail to her end, without tasting of any death; by God's Secret Of All Secrets.

Only The Bible

Those preaching ONLY the Bible or variables of its contents, including short books or litanies; death will come upon these by them who would not see the need to fulfill a thirst for The Word. For that Word is All In Us All. It mysteriously formed The Universe and all of us in it. In our world we have significant purpose, due to the way in which The Almighty has by His Seven Spirits, held back the waves of destruction which seek to pour forth onto our world. The very chaotic mass force out from which Mother Earth was formed, would destroy us, if not for those Seven Lord's Of Arulu. Likewise we have Seven Centers, by which we may direct that ocean of dross far from us, that we may share and live by the immortal books of Hermes; sealed in the spaces of the ether, by the Akashic Record, described well by Master Enoch in his Testimonials.

Those who see the Emerald Tablets and surrender to the Flower Of Life, what washes away all shame and leads to the Path Of Propriety; these will escape all fear, failure, poverty and any form of ego's disparaging. If they desire it and seek hard they will find even eternal life in the Garden, in the Presence Of Lucifer; even The Lion Of Judah forever. He And She are the bearers of All Light! One whose eyes are placed on the light of days will see her power to be matriarch of all Humanity. She Alone is Ishtar. She loves the Master Of Masters above all things. She alone is Eve unto Humanity; they are all receiving the Key Of Life. And may men who are beasts, put on the Key Of The Magi, the Sixth Tablet. They will be made free from every shame, every guilt, every despair. And when they practice the Key Of Life, they erase all sin in themselves and their children forevermore!

Iouel Is Our God

Let all of the books be opened, so Humanity may see the fullness of AIOUO (or The LORD); even so the WORD in our hearts, bearing witness by the Holy Spirit. Men don't like admitting that The LORD OUR GOD is Father-Mother, denying Iouel The Inspiration Of ALL Scriptures, refusing to acknowledge and reveal sealed up books. Albeit if we wish to know Him who is Source, only sing the glorious name of IOUO and hold fast His Sacred Name Of IO! For we reveal that HE named the Stars Of Heaven; IO, the moon of Jupiter named for Ju-pater, or Father Jah! For to see the Sacred Name requires our understanding of the Adamic Language and it's phonetic pronunciations of YHWH.

The Name Of The Lord, IOUO is the highest name of the Master Of Heaven, who has watched over us in this life. None can deny The Spirit and the influence of Love and Mercy, which this Ruler has kindly brought into all of our lives. Love is actually pronounced IOUO; it's a scholarly variant of the name Iouo, as the name Jupiter shortens Jove to Ju, to say Great Father, JUPITER! The moon closest to HIM is IO; this is the most true spelling and pronunciation of JAH, signifying the bloodline of the Anointed Elect, which can never be found out by the Wicked. We should sing this name everyday like this:


And Unto The Anointed:

"Iouel Iouel Iouel Iouel"

The Key Of Life has been given to us in the Hermetic Writ, as handed to the Ancients, making one aware of the Inner Star, who may be lifted to uprightness and Perfection Of Balance. Those who admit shame for wrong doing know that we are all responsible for how we respond to the conditions of life, regardless of race or creed. In spite of persecutions, failures, weaknesses or shortcomings we must all learn to be grateful for life, to grow with Creation. The Key Of Wisdom opens the way for an aspirant, as to what practices they are to carry out, in the search for the ultimate goal; Eternal Life!

Master Of Humanity

What is a Master? One who has mastered ego for the sake of others, and whose continued balance is that very self mastery; earned and relished in either the perfect abandonment of results, or the complete enjoyment of an eternally long life. This is the Promise Of IOUO, who spoke from above saying, "This is My Beloved Son in whom I am well pleased."

He promised through the Prophet Enoch, the Chosen One would appear west at the ends of all the Earth; in the south (California) where they did harm to Humanity, then north of that Valley, sharing The Greater Wisdom with them all. They will live forever by this Key Of Life. The Ancients passed on to us this Key, whereby Adam lived to be over 900 years of age. 

Master Thoth preserved this Wisdom in the Immortal Books, sealed away from sinners and wherever Wisdom may not be shared. Enoch foretold the Elect One sharing the Crown Of Life in Oregon, west of that Serpent in Duidan; even in that green Valley, the Garden Of Life.

Seeking Wisdom's Peak

To understand how it is Wisdom approaches us for our inquiry into the truth of God, is to understand how water turns to ice; a language what commands the elements to be harnessed for the causes of Mother Nature. We should see Earth as Our Mother. She provided us with understanding as to how we may become ONE with the LIGHT after this probationary time. Who is higher than Nature, Knowledge & Wisdom; THAT is IOUO, The True Ruler Of Israel, Judge Of The Nations! IOUO is The Name of The Supreme, all knowing Creator!

The Almighty Allah is Truth Forever! We should have no qualms about the descendants of Ishmael knowing the ALL by the Mighty Name, given by Reason & Destiny. IOUO is ALL in us All. We must surrender, despite any weakness, lack of understanding of higher mysteries, for the LORD makes the mystery of the Self within us to be very clearly understood. We are even a bright part of His Being, by which we  discover The Highest! Idols are for the time of the probation. Should I be mindful that art is only the work of hands, but a finite symbol of the Almighty Invisible AIOUO! (The LORD)

We who sanctify his name are the Elect, sharing the Knowledge of the Stars, that the little children may live on forever before Iou, The Chosen One! We are all children of the Divine IOUEL, who created consciousness within Herself, yet apart from her Eternal Consort, IOUO! This accident became the world we know. Whatever the age or cycle, the Lord is always known as He who brings all things into existence. He is The One; we find Oneness with Him by grace, then Mercy; even The Wisdom!