One who sees prophecy and the Seer Of Truth at His Appearance, may discern the Hermetic Writ and perceive Kabballah at work in all things. For God is only known by faith; and the Avatars, who forever await The Living One, he who loves Heaven's Truth and Her Gifts. The Universe is Our Mother, vast in mercy and endless beauty. We may freely sail to her end, without tasting of any death; by God's Secret Of All Secrets.
I Am Wholly Perfected
Only The Bible
Those who see the Emerald Tablets and surrender to the Flower Of Life, what washes away all shame and leads to the Path Of Propriety; these will escape all fear, failure, poverty and any form of ego's disparaging. If they desire it and seek hard they will find even eternal life in the Garden, in the Presence Of Lucifer; even The Lion Of Judah forever. He And She are the bearers of All Light! One whose eyes are placed on the light of days will see her power to be matriarch of all Humanity. She Alone is Ishtar. She loves the Master Of Masters above all things. She alone is Eve unto Humanity; they are all receiving the Key Of Life. And may men who are beasts, put on the Key Of The Magi, the Sixth Tablet. They will be made free from every shame, every guilt, every despair. And when they practice the Key Of Life, they erase all sin in themselves and their children forevermore!
Iouel Is Our God
The Name Of The Lord, IOUO is the highest name of the Master Of Heaven, who has watched over us in this life. None can deny The Spirit and the influence of Love and Mercy, which this Ruler has kindly brought into all of our lives. Love is actually pronounced IOUO; it's a scholarly variant of the name Iouo, as the name Jupiter shortens Jove to Ju, to say Great Father, JUPITER! The moon closest to HIM is IO; this is the most true spelling and pronunciation of JAH, signifying the bloodline of the Anointed Elect, which can never be found out by the Wicked. We should sing this name everyday like this:
And Unto The Anointed:
"Iouel Iouel Iouel Iouel"
The Key Of Life has been given to us in the Hermetic Writ, as handed to the Ancients, making one aware of the Inner Star, who may be lifted to uprightness and Perfection Of Balance. Those who admit shame for wrong doing know that we are all responsible for how we respond to the conditions of life, regardless of race or creed. In spite of persecutions, failures, weaknesses or shortcomings we must all learn to be grateful for life, to grow with Creation. The Key Of Wisdom opens the way for an aspirant, as to what practices they are to carry out, in the search for the ultimate goal; Eternal Life!
Master Of Humanity
Seeking Wisdom's Peak
Come To The Light
For while I am One with THAT, it is All in All; the least is the greatest in my world, in My Garden. Understand My Children, Thou Art That! One with The Child, knowing that as I overcame shame on the Cross Of Light, so too will YOU put away all shame, all pain, all fear and even death, by the Key Of Life!