Tonight Is The Holy Sabbath
The First Communion
This Word is the Formless, what cannot be heard by the reading of scriptures, which are dead words, but alas we must find the written law, of that Law what is formless and Supreme; and He has commanded this of us. We must put off the idols of the past, used for the associations of our four and twenty helpers. He, Master Of The Senses, is All in all; who both listen and ignore, by the design of the archons, resisting the Law, teaching men to lust for flesh and war, with a bloodlust to make men turn toward a counterfeit 'word'; what only enslaves the student, turning them from the Law, to an Idol. And that Idol, what is become a very Law unto them, shall require their lives; for they love not the Law Of Life.
If I turn from the Fourteen Communions, I must return to their recitation. For the Day of God waits upon no man, but the faithful, to bring the light of hope, to all people, by the Recitation of his Law, by the carrying out of his Law; and by the planting of it in the Earth! And all sincere aspirants before the LORD may put on eternal life, in front of the Almighty. For it is that One with whom we should concern ourselves. For John Himself says, that the One is not like unto any god, or even God Himself. It is always that autogene, by which we identify with the human expression of the Law; and God will discern between the sinner and saint, the idol and the art. I advise all Christians turn afresh to Yeshua and learn the Humanness of his true and holy Gospel!
By The Angel Of Air
For alas the Gift Of God is eternal life and they who will not hear the scriptures prove the Voice of it, will not believe that the LORD could really save their body, or preserve the organs within, to the replenishing of body, the soul and the Spirit. For that most Holy Breath is the Highest of all creations and it is handed down to us from heaven above. It brings the stillness of knowing and the sound of the manifested glory, by "the many waters, upon the many waters". His Voice is louder than all the madness of the Universes. For it is a poem, the expression of faith; and one should live only by faith in God's Holy Law! Night and day should he recite the Fourteen Communions, to make his body into a holy Temple; the only gospel!
This was always the promise of the Gospel, but men cannot see what the Son Of Man is. The Child within you is the Son of Man, waiting for the earth Mother to reveal a great unfoldment of Wisdom; but that most prized Wisdom belongs to the father, it will belong to Him forever! It is Him who reveals it, not by study, but by the enlightening of the Mind, and by the Angel of Power. Let none keep you from worshiping the Holy Father, forever and ever. For the Key Of Life is freely given too and the Earth Mother will bring forth the New Age, to the Glory Of God, the Father! It is by him that all things were created, it is by him that love was created and even the effectual burden within us, as we stand before him; it is his Creation for the glory of the Children Of Light!
Evening Before Sabbath
The one who holds his balance by the Key Of Life, will see the Day Of Jared, so that the children of Earth may receive the help of IOUEL, Mother Of All The Living! He shall guide them and they shall rise up with him forever, by the Holy Breath. The Worship of God the Father is life's greatest gift, bringing the fruitfulness of mind, body and spirit. Even as the man of God shows the children the way, so Almighty God makes his words palpable and agreeable to the Order in that day of the Lord. The man of God will earnestly call out to him, by the name of the Anointed, and on behalf of the people of God. And those who are humbled in his presence, will see the land healed forever; they will enter into the Infinite Garden, amidst the Eternal Sea!
It is the Heavenly Father who gives Wisdom liberally. Always be ready to honor Him with your tongue and praise him with your lips. He will hear from heaven and return you to the Holy Law. For the law is glorious in nature, shining the light of understanding into the mind of every sentient being, giving pure hope to Creation, despite afflictions of the Earthly Mother. Do not think the LORD is unable to have mercy on every creature in the universe. For while men believe in their litanies and magic theorems, an earnest prayer to the One, will instantly deliver from the chasm of infinite despair. And the Law is merciful. If I am truly Kosher, I will please him, despite all the lusts of the flesh. Albeit, touch not the unclean thing.
The Holy Breath
For one declaring there is no reason or purpose in life, that all is meaningless and no one is coming to bring us the truth; he tells lies! The Lord Of Israel promised his children the Law and it has been perpetually expanded out into the sight of every creature, that they might hope in the Law, and find reason in the Infinite Space; no one doubts there, man or beast. The LORD is ever-present, and the True Essence continues gleaming from within. And by the Angel of Air is this accomplished. For the air I breathe is present everywhere, like the Water in an Endless Sea, surrounding me a thousand times over, giving a full cleansing and washing to my internal organs. The Angel Of Air brings that cleansing breath afresh, everyday. Step out early in the morning and breathe deep, in that hour when the sun is just coming up. You will always be regenerated!
And if I will continue communing with all the Angels, by those fourteen trees, I am guaranteed long life; and I know that by the reign of peace, will man and beast put off the death of the body, forever, as the LORD has said! They will multiply their years to infinity. They who believe it not, know not the LORD and they refuse the Communion with the Seven Spirits, who were referenced by John. Let the believers greet one another saying, "Peace Be With You". And they who do not, by God Almighty, shall lose their place in the Garden Of Life and their portion of the fruit of the Tree Of Life. For the Law is Our Father; and the Most High is not like unto any god, or even God Himself.
The One is infinite, with none there to name him, compare him, or even bear witness of His Being. Thus YOU is ever his Name, a first name, what every creature knows by instinct! For THOU art Great & Mighty, and we should use distinguished titles to glorify YOU and Worship YOU continuously. It is the common knowledge of the Essene, that we all address the LORD, as YOU. That is why the LORD is named IOUO in the Hebrew Language. They all seek to outwit the Almighty, with idols, their love for flesh eating and every evil, selfish endeavor of this world. The LORD will destroy this world and then give the Garden to the Elect, forever; no money, no war and no wicked.
Wisdom's Loving Touch
And it is not so much the wrong of the worldly things, as the separation from the Infinite, whereby one may fall far from the Light, for lack balance, power and inner peace. We must be ever given to the Cosmos, what feeds this below; and just as we seek to envision the propensities of His creative forces, providing every need, our internal being mirrors that Great Macro, who thus unties the knot, in that moment toward the best end result. For tonight will I meditate on the Glory Of Wisdom, then rise early on the morrow to receive the Angel Of Air, bringing Holy Breath, highest of all things created; whereby will I regenerate my internal organs and receive afresh the new wisdom of the Day. God gives us Wisdom, I merely told you so.
And Wisdom is the friend of the gentle, for she is quiet, awaiting the company of a peaceful One, pouring love down out of heaven, by the Holy Breath, one with the Seven Spirits Of God. For the man rattling through knowledge quickly, to find the nugget of wisdom, will find only sand. We must move with Life and seek the Great Mystery in harmony with those we see around us. And those in the house of the damned; they cannot be utterly damned, for there is nothing what can squelch, crush or even whither the Human Spirit; soaring ever onward towards the eternal goal. For by Wisdom's loving touch, will I sleep in the arms of the Heavenly Father.
He will cradle me and guide my spirit through the cosmos, to even the Highest! I may only be his humble vessel; chaste, peaceful, joyous and enlightened; thus to meet the zest of the new morning, having vitality again, through Communions with the angels of the Earthly Mother and the Heavenly Father. Commune with the Angels Of God, then shall you find that the brightness of the noon day, is the Lord Himself. The Holy One brings the message of God and the Wicked mock, while they run towards the grave. For a rightous man may do wickedly and a Wicked man will turn to the Good. Thus may God Almighty alone be the Judge of the quick and the Dead.
Praise For The Kingdom
Witness Of The Earth Mother
Embraced By The Isles Of The Sea
I am not ashamed of My Master, who is the Father! He sent the Light into the world and men saw the power of it's work, uncertain exactly wherefrom it found it's origin. And yet because the LORD is Love, he met them in their houses of worship, where they knew him as the Self Created, Pymander. (the Divine Mind) There is only the One and the way in which he inhabits your mind, so you will see that HE is the only Law Of Laws, taking all names to Himself, even HELIOS! Even NOW, HE is all, in all places, where they find the mercy of Wisdom, by the endowment of the Father, who owns Wisdom! What was always with him, who was created before everything else. It is Sophia, the Holy Ghost and Earthly Mother, who owns Earth and cleanses her of all wickedness, by the spring of all springs, the river of life in the heaven, up above. For the Angel sends the rain, the wind, the Sun!
Thereby is the earth made new at dawn, with tiny hints of dew on the ground, by the angel of water, bearing eternal life to each new day; whereby the Earth Mother is regenerated forever! Let the Children Of Light to know that the Earth Mother is NOT what they were taught, the Universe is NOT what we were taught. Any who desire the truth, seek it intently, by what Source you name and what Cause you serve! If your intent is sincere and your heart is pure, the Law will spring forth and Glorify Itself, as the only true ruler and god. For a Son of Man is ever the Son Of Man, as the same God makes ensample of his very life, whereby, he causes the lips of the aspirant to say the name best honoring the Law! We also are a Law to ourselves, thus we should judge neither others, nor ourselves; the Law is sufficient to reveal all things to us!
Ragnarok Is Finished Forever
Consider, milk and eggs, the gifts from God, the birds and the beasts of the field. They give food, not to become food, thus are we only fodder for the grubs and the maggots, without the Law. Mohammed said, "Acts of kindness toward God's Creatures are every bit as noble, as those toward one's brother." And I firmly assert, it is required that all life be spared and loved, by the children of the Earthly Mother. Albeit, for while it is sin to kill any living being, God is the All Forgiving, the One, who gave you life and who may swiftly take it! But alas, he will take also the taker of victims, down into hell, or deep into to the outer darkess, and torture the wickedness from their very extremities; whereby the new spiritual sense had been borne to them, again and again. They must surrender, to that Infinite End, to the One and All, who will not wait! Rather shall He give them to the sleep of the Universal Mind, til they come unto the Chosen!
Take now yourself to the long grassy feild, with tall trees, to those forever standing shades of the wide wood. And in that crisp, green morning, breathe the cleansed air deeply and ponder the freshness of the new day, as brought on by the Angel Of Sunshine. Give yourself to Worship in the Scrolls. From there will your New Song be sung, for we may only be born anew now; so long as I have breath, I will praise Iouo, the Lord. Walk in the Light, striving ever toward it, and ask God to reveal himself. This is what IOUO wanted for us all; to receive his Law and never again, turn from the Light. That the world may be a garden, forever and ever; and that the children of the Light may freely live on in perfection, forever without end.