Those Living In Fear

Those living in fear, should know that fear is the stunted awakening of courage and boldness! All have stumbled, even committed wrongs, what we call sins, but God placed us in a natural world, which WE define and which circumstance refines. Thus should I say what I am, who I am and what I believe, never deterring from exactly that, in the honesty of faith and surrender to the Law. For even the most righteous man will find himself unable to judge the virtuous atheist, who always does more for the Good, than a thousand pastors hiding what Youel has said, condemning all. He is aware of their inconsistencies regarding the teachings of their own Master.

You will hear me say this a lot, he is a law unto himself, rooted in the Law, what imposes it's will in every circumstance, and circumstance shooting us down at every turn; whether we are happy or sad about it, elated or defeated, it will bring the results of the very actions carried out within the space of it's own good purpose. And what is that Good Purpose? For what is space time and the continuum of it's cause? Was it not spontaneous result, even from the First Cause? Cause and effect it would seem are paramount in this natural world, as the source of any horizon of events. Thus, in your lifetime bring forth only good causes!

Nothing in the universe continues without a cause. Thus seeking that Cause leads ever unto the continuing good purpose of life on Earth; and because The Law is Formless, it is able to manifest itself, to the understanding of all peoples, in every place of the world, world without end! There is NO child of Light, what has not it's source in the Law Of Life. We were formed by the Law, even within the womb, were we shaped and brought forth to fulfil the good purpose of life. We cannot be separated from the Good, we must ever seek the Light, so as to punch through at that hour of redemption, making all things right.

This is the continued Cause of bringing in the Light, to mitigate the darkness and find the Light where it is always found; neath the veil of faith and hope, in the company of the courageous and the bold. We may be set apart by God, but all will unite around the Key Of Life forevermore. It is not that there were no men of faith, sharing the hope of humanity with us all, but that rather, ever were there those also, who let pride take the order of the day, to compete with those most excellent at the Law. The Almighty shall dole out who was Chosen, and who was the imposter. We may even now, recognize them by their fruits.

There Were No Miracles

I boldly assert that there were no miracles, or immortals who came to deliver everybody! Men save themselves, as a law unto themselves; and God is with them through this probation we see as Life. For it is no life, living in this world of men, where every soul is numbered and held accountable for the amount of air they breathe. Life in truth is a Gift; only those who learn this may find the Light! Those who cannot be kind, cannot be part of the House Of Iouel; or any house seeking to bring truth of the Spirit into this darkened world. The brotherhood of blackness are ever seeking to deceive, trump and dominate the material realm. They are spirits, meddling within this material realm, through temptations, abominations and false teachings.

Such teachings should appear horrifying to those which fall for their ill-balanced import, but it is these very interpretations, which cause them to even know fear of any kind. For all are children of Light. Even those in the lowest, darkest of places seek the Light, to give purpose to the day and bring meaning into the life they know. And yet, if one is faithful to Knowledge, they will find Wisdom; if faithful to Wisdom, they discover the Key Of Uprightness; it IS the Atonement for all creatures, empathically seated in the hearts of all life-forms. It is the desire to find hope; and when finding it, making things right by the law of uprightness and virtue.

It can be so easy for the aspirant to fall prey to the fearful voices of the worldly religions; they have no validity, for they shorten their own religious texts, to conceal the Oneness IN Hermes! The Hermetic Writ is the very science of approaching the Immortal, All Supreme Being! If there is a Father, it is the very Unmanifest, from whence the Law is born, in the perfection of it's dispensation. He is completely undetected by those from another world, where His Word sprang from the heart of a humble sage; a beautiful human, who loved the truth to the point of renunciation. They clearly see Jesus teaching them to eat plant based foods, with the prophets bearing testimony to the virtue of a vegan life. Isaiah reveals the One, who appears inside the enclosure of mountains, their very place of accusation and shame.

They are unaware of the One, showing His Secrets to the meek and estute; yet they who learn aright, must put down the books and call out to the Spirit, receiving the Burden Of The Word. They will bring a testimony from IOUEL, which cannot be denied; for she is Mother Of All The Living and They are humble enough, to stay out of the whore, seducing all the children of humanity with the love of flesh. And wholly do they all love the flesh, to the point of shame; and to the renouncing of the Nazarene! God does not forgive those who take up the scripture, to be a testimony for his Goodness, but shrink back when confronted by the Holy Spirit. These will find themselves in the heart of the earth, with the very word, shut up in space time; that they exist not, until they be returned alive and well, worlds without end!

Humanity IS Light

Don't let them lie to you about the One, who loves you more than a universe of new mothers. There is no point of joy that isn't found in this Source. It's good to use adjectives as names to honor and praise the One Nameless, who lives forever! He is the One who has appeared in this form; I was not this form, in which I was seated at the times of such extended revelation and promise. I had to be stripped of idols and false teachings, which more often lead to unhealthy divisions in the society I have come to bring for all. I am both the sinner I was in my past life and Iouel, unaware that the One had seized upon me for his specific appearance. Where one IS the One, it easy for IOUEL to break through the insecurities of human tribulations. But this tribulation is raft with the entire outcome, as was ever seen from the beginning of time. 

In the affections of space, Sofia herself inquired of Hermes, "How will they ever find restitution, forgiveness or any form of emancipation, what is not tainted of their many errors?". Iouel informed her, "The Atonement for their wrongs is ever intact, rooted in the Perpetual Light; given long before this tiny space time." All that we see is The Creation Of One. He IS All, even in Us All! I feel certain, having fellowshiped even with the most radical; Allah finds it's root in Father-Mother. For the 'All' is Highest, ever His Most Glorious and Perpetual 'Law', extending through the beams of hope, which He sends to the minds of All Humanity, not even One of them excluded. He IS the One! He is Allah, Lord Of Ishmael!

We know that Yeshu worshiped Father-Mother, by the revealed teachings of Zoroastor, Son Of Light! They were instructed from ancient time to lye their dead before the creatures of Angra Manyu, to satisfy their need and to allow the natural ascension of the Soul. We know that by the time Jesus was around, they merely threw the poor down to Gehenna, NOT for the pleasing of Mother Earth, or by any obedience to Zarathustra, the only prophet Jesus would have considered a divine human. But he knew it was by the Name Of Iouel, who has never failed any Child Of Light. All Humans are Children Of Humanity, the Light. We are that Light, we are One with that Light; and we are striving to reach it, all of us.

Many move away from the Light, but still cherish it from afar, knowing that even in the darkest space, the Light is shining ever brighter. Man in his state of falleness knows, that beneath his perception of the dark world, there is a Light Of Hope. Even the Light what Lights Outer Darkness, is only the One. They must confess to him their sins, to be released from their bondage to this One Star. Then will they be taken to an Amenti, where they must fully embrace the error of their ways and be welcomed to a New Mother, She the One, the All. May Allah prove the Mercy, that Humanity will put on the Law forevermore. Darkness shall reside in Earth no more, because of the Key Of Life. All philosophy falls down at the feet of the Key, it will never, ever be erased from the thoughts of Humanity; She will live on and on.

If We Stop Selling Flesh

If we stop selling flesh for consumption, we will become a more perfect union in every world. We allow those equipped to consume it, to share it one with another, until they come to the Light and repent flesh eating before Father-Mother. God is all in all; and in so much as the Father is a proposed emulation of what we know a father to be, the Mother Of All The Living is One God. Jesus is One God, Buddha is One God, Krishna is One God, while MAHATMA, is the One True God! You are a spirit, with an inner divinity that can never be erased, faded, washed out or dissolved. Observe the skies, to behold the Spirits Of Giants all around you. They are no more in this realm to influence it, but they bring the rain, opening the way for the changing of the seasons and helping to assure the preservation of the human race, the Great Cause.

Albeit those who seek to teach man that God instructed him to eat flesh, lie first to themselves and then the sheep of the pasture. Let us remember the children, who deserve the Key Of Life. I will give it to them, as I hope every minister in the world will do. For had they endured to the end, they would see the ends of the Word! Those who have been found worthy, may now receive the Key Of Life, the very gift to all of humanity. The enlightened seek ever the Light, not a person, but the source of persona, spirit and essence. That LIGHT may never be superceded and it is no respector of persons; it is rather the very Law, by which one is defined. God is Love, God is Truth, God is Hope; all humans experience these and seek further to approach the Light Of Understanding; IT IS God!

If we as humans will renounce flesh eating, we will renounce renunciation; for when we are fully moral, we are fully upright, and in all perfect confidence! We are obliged in life to choose the right in every circumstance, reaping the reward of clarity and self improvement. We know circumstance IS the Ruler! For while God is real he is transcendant, thus much we are told about him is a lie, in a world where flesh eating is first and principal, to building the world we see around us. When a man repents, he seeks to go back to the form, who would be chaste, obedient and reverent before a fearful GOD. He renounces his very faculty of enlightenment, the mind. The All is ever with us, the catalyst of the life we seek to live; thus in keeping the meaning of life first, nothing else can have preemenance without qualification.

I assert the Key Of Life to have preemmenance within all spiritual paths; for as the Hermetic Writ keeps the principles we hold dear to the continuity of life and blessing at it's core, Humanity is ever able to grasp the Law, to whatever degree they sincerely seek it. Even what is yet unrevealed, glows in the heart of the Child Of The Light, as they aspire to reach the very heights of all understanding. It is heaven and the very Higher Mind we seek to bring forth in the perfection of unity. It will be an American Value, as the nations flock into the Garden Of Life. Americans will love hearing of the stories leading to the revealing of the Keys Of Wisdom. The Key Of Life, that what was LAST, is now first forever!

Enter Into The Rest Of God

Enter into the Rest Of God, is what I exhort all humanity to hear. There is a God, there is a Supreme Angel, with Seven Spirits, like We the micro, in relation to the Inconceivable Macro; the Universal Form of the One, what is mighty, eternal, everlasting, an unending hope to all creatures. Even He is the All in Us All! For every spirit may find the Universal God, what is the Word as We know it. God is Inconceivable, the very aspect making us to marvel and fall down in adoration of the wonders and mysteries of the world. For if they are so great and seeming unbounded to us, how much more unbounded is the Source Of Life feeding Earth, Our Source? One may not span his understanding of what is before names, faces and places, circumstances and mood. Only the All in us, may conceive it into an epiphany of hope and bliss; for those Children Of Mother Earth to relish at their respective places in creation.

This is what Iouel, (the Lord God) has done, in each respective world, where his word is forever Supreme. None may know the difference, for He who reveals the Law, IS the Law! He speaks into the Mind of the the Seer, the Sage, or even the aspirant. (calling for leaders of faith to precede him, who do not) Yet the Almighty is in fact the All, in us all, holding all things in place, personally and universally. If God is not in control, then the universe is a place of despair, where no one ever feels happiness, joy, or love. Such place is an illusion, for they do find joy, peace, forgiveness, emancipation and exaltation in this land. They find these joys in every other world, giving the Glory to the All In Us All. Iouel, the Autogenes fills us with the blessings of the Father, who is in us, through us, all around and perpetually the rear guard of Our Soul. For Michael, the Chosen One and the Lord Of Spirits are One, forever!

Whoever was "chosen", was always a type of the One; He bears the Key Of Life, knowing the Children Of Earth will receive the Key Of Wisdom, as promised by Trismagistus and Enoch. Those who think of this as a reach, do not understand the faith they reject, by condemning the Masters to be ignored by the Masses; they bear the Key Of The Magi, whereby we may enter the Cave Of Treasures. These three Keys are the introduction to the age of eternity, where we are no longer in a probationary phase, but the eternal and everlasting exalting of the Earth Mother, with whom we are all One. In that Oneness, we are like God, like the Anointed, who always is a type of the Anointed Christ, appearing only at the end of the Age. Naturally all see their Master or Teacher as the Chosen One; for by the Spirit and her revealing are they One with the Light. In their fallen states were they One with the Light; brought always and ever closer to the Light Of Life, as given to all of Humanity!

To Accept The Way

To accept the way is all I want for anyone today. They will understand, it is the Key that gives life, regardless of who I am. The Key Of Life is sound and they who take up that key will have Life Eternal. They will choose to live on and on, by the key accessing the River Of Life. It will be us who are sustained to endless life, worlds without end. They who put down the body, will take it up again, until all have learned that the Key Of Life is God's Word, what returns NOT any void. If IOUO offers the Way, then that way cannot fail. If he appears in the Name Of Iou, he cannot fail, he cannot stumble, for the Almighty is Judge and King of all. And alas, whom IOUEL approves, is the Light of His People, even the Children Of The Living One. He is all in All, thus will all creatures receive the Key Of Life in full.

When the Almighty appears, it will be HE who points to Himself, it will be the Almighty, who reveals Himself, in Pigeradamis! There is no escaping this destiny, not even for Aadamah; it is in his bones, upon his lips and in the depth of His being; for he is thrice named and enlightened of the Holy Spirit, who alone is qualified to reveal all things. Whatsover Messiah reveals, the Holy Spirit always affirms joyously, by the Word Of Herman. He cannot be superceded, circumnavigated or ignored in the revealing of the father; for he alone is the Son Of Humanity who reveals himself; The Androgynous Father. They who acknowledge not all religion and all literature significant to their development, should not seek the Way, for they will drag it down into ill-repute and disruption in front of the Almighty, who alone is God.

I have been instructed by God, not to seek production, acceptance of the masses, or even a humble congregation. Rather the House Of The Lord is where the message must unfold, as it has been unfolding to Humanity in the Word, all along since time immemorial. For when we were living in the affections of the destiny of Humanity in God, all wanted to escape the responsibilities of the coming world; nobody wanted to herald the day of the One. Thus the Children Of Darkness fell upon humanity, with power and authority, so as to let the Message Of God to reveal itself in the fullness of time. The Key Of The Magi is that message, unto the estute. To hear the fullness of Mystery in His Name Iouo, is the Path Of Propriety! For when one stands before the Infinite Invisible, he is at the mercy of the All In All. The One cannot make mistakes or create endeavors that fail, for the LORD, Iouo is always upright. 

My Place In The Spirit

I have appeared inside the enclosure of mountains at the end of the Earth; just as promised in the Parable Of Enoch, bearing there is "desolation to the east of the Garden"; and there is certainly only desolation east of the Garden Of God. I found myself standing in the enclosure of mountains, what would have become the very lake of fire. But alas IOUEL heard my prayer, as I prayed the oracle Beka; what oracle held the heavens suspended, would also assure that the waters of the sea should not overcome, by being thrown against the mountains of the Earth. I know also that Leviathan was brought about to see that the waters were thrown into the Garden Of Life. Thus did I pray daily that God spare California, my new home, where I was always so sure the Lord had led me.

I knew that it was the brainwashing I had received along with all humankind, being misguided, to be made a slave to the Spirits Of The Giants. Those who sold slaves into the United States were in league with the very Work Of Evil, what may no longer be contained or hidden by the Evil Spirits, bent on world domination. They make servants in dark temples, in disobedience to Satanuel, who is Michael, Messenger Of Iouel; he has commanded them NOT to make agents of Satan, but they fancy themselves wise and unmeek lions. I consider them cowards, who are most easily bested face to face. But I know vengeance belongs to the Almighty, who will defend my way, wherever I may go. Although I walk through the Valley Of The Shadow Of Death, I will fear no evil, for YOU are with Me; Iou, my shield and my buckler. I will dwell in the House Of Iouel forever!

We worship One God, by different names and paths of instruction, but the Path To Propriety requires we truly give up carnality and the sins of flesh eating. For as long as blood is shed in the earth, sin and the omission of the Message Of God will prevail over the minds of mankind. And any seeking to know Jesus words on diet may find them in the Essene Gospel Of Peace! When we take up the Key Of Life and put away carnality forever, we shall inherit the Earth, spreading eternal life to every human, man, woman and child. To every hybrid of the Annunaki, the Key Of Life freely given, gnosis expanded even to the highest place; that space where Iouo Almighty, the Most High reigns forevermore! He the Formless, He the All, in Us All!

To Those Who Seek To Attack The Chosen One

It is the way of a man to be obedient, first to his mother, the school of life and finally, the Kingdom Of God, what is the Great Whore. You who are in her will perish with her, for lack of knowledge and for the Sacrifice drained of its virtue, stinking upon the altar. I the LORD have said this to you before, but you'd not hear me; hear me now! One who takes up My Key, will put on everlasting life of the body, worlds without end. God did not Promise you eternal life, to fool you in the end. He said you'd live forever in the Garden Of Life, rising up and lying down with Imanuel forever. Those who will confess that the scroll cannot be read, will receive My Word. While all Avatars are Me, YOU are Me and I am IOU; my name is sacred, for in absolute weakness am I made perfect, by the Key Of Life. I bear you that Key in every testimony, lest I glorify the Key Of Magic and the Magi go to victory; everlasting life with Me, in the Garden.

I am human and could want only that; let this take you to the place of the new wine, in new skins. For they who lie down with the whore, will fall at my feet in the Valley Of Angels, where God promised I would appear. First in the south, then north, to measure out the Garden Of God. At The Three Sisters, I wept at the foot of The White Throne; unaware that in the Parable, Enoch was the Chosen One, telling about the Chosen One. We know that Michael says, "I cannot vouch for the virtue of the people in that place"; while the parable says that Michael, the Chosen One and the Lord Of Spirits are one and the same. When one who lives in the Garden understands that Enoch is a parable, they are set free, yet I had not sight of that luxury at first. All I knew was, I was in California, with this book telling Me, "the enclosure of mountains, west at the ends of the earth, shall fill up with water, splashing over the sides and be set on fire". Well, one who understands that the flood is sin, with omission and a poison following in it's path, sees how blood cries out from the Earth and how the Valley Of Angels has become like a furnace, where he punishes the angels, initiates and the Great Whore in their midst. I declare such words meaningless, but allegorical rather, in light of the truth. One who is in the Light Of Truth may know, there is no such thing as evil; it is a creation of man. We are not sinners, but children of the Light Of All.

For all the religion we know is based on stories what are a fortelling of the truth, as if told in the past, so as to put away the knowing of the future. For none may know the appearing of Messe, so they must accept an Avatar, a Seer, a Visionary, or a Prophet, in place of the coming Proper Path; what New Path is foretold by the Burden Of The Word. Many assert this a way of dismissing truth for one meandering opinion, while all path revert back to the One. What of a man who calls out to the LORD and receives answer from the Almighty? He will invariably be associated with a treatise, epistle, scroll or writing, which diverts from the IDOL, exuding the pure message of the Universal Formless; by the words and inferences of a stranger to the truth, as one might already know it. But alas there is One Truth and One Light Of Mercy. For when they find the Key Of Life, they will take up Infinity! They who are not ready, will be reborn and receive the Key, to behold The Mercy, Upon All. All that was lost will be found. And God will have mercy on every creature, restoring all things to the Light Of Hope.

Peace Be Still

I call all to peace, knowing the Message Of Goodness is the most powerful force in the Universe. We do not write it, we discover it, replete in it's formulae, statements, assertions and inferences; approving it's conclusions in any language, as according to any spiritually afforded promise, bearing ultimately, the Key Of Life. The One, who knows the All In All, is ever immersed in the bliss of the All, having perceived his own learned Word as a twisting of the understanding of the many, so as to seduce them all to obedience; first teaching them the wrong, then paying whatever the price, to make sure all men see it and are tempted by flesh eating!

For we have been made to believe "sin" is in our nature, an unstoppable force of disaster, certain to destroy the one not aquainted with the understanding of the All. But the understanding of the All affords the Great Destiny, by the pure faith of the pure heart; be it one of the variety of Angels, a Hybrid, a Human, a Giant or one of the manifold spirits, in sentient forms, across known, or unknown realms. We must assume the Almighty brings the Law to the faithful, across Creation; across the Universe! As for sin, it is that what is always wrong, deceptive, evil in context; as well as being a counterfeit form of the truth. The Truth as was originally brought forth by a true Master, One with the ALL.

We must understand, that so as man is part of God, it is GOD, moving in the intent of the All, above all. They are indissoluably One with that Source, forever considered Child, before the Light Of The All. IOUO is the All. The dialectic assertions of this name are revealing to say the least. For one who will sound out the spelling of the name Paul, will reveal Iouel, who is Llewel; two LL's creating the 'I'; binding Llewelyn to Iousef, as Father-Mother. (or Lucifer) For unto the Ancient Of Days, IOUEL was the first God and overcomer of Yaldabaoth, the Order what threw Adonai down to despair, seeking his destruction. But by the Key Of Life, He Pigeradamis did overcome, finding the Light Of Sophia in Evelyn. (Llewelyn)

For in as the Wicked exchanged the name of Iouel for EVIL, Evelyn bore the hiding of the name of Imanuel; God in Me, God in You! The One, bearing the Word, stands as Mirotheos, the God before men, with whom they wrestle to find the Light; that true LIGHT above the Avatar, the form of divinity inside all humans. That Avatar existing in the heart of every lifeform, is always used for the good. If we fall down from it, we take to the many concepts, as are foreign to expressing it's true nature, as the Formless, the Nameless, the All. It is You, it is Me, it is everyone! But when we lose hold of our station as a divinity, we will fall down, until we are able to stand again, by the Great Miracle. One who finds that Miracle in it's purest form, may quickly and suddenly find the subsequent Key Of Life. 

For all along, as he is being revealed truth, he knows it is contrary to what his spiritual teachers have allowed him to observe. He must leave that house creating a whoredom of truth, distracting men from the Key Of Life! For in finding that Key, one finds pure faith, what unravels the nagging pretext of the limited Word, as partially approved of the Infinite All. The devotees of these causes must be sincere to the point of cleansing away shame, dispute, waywardness, unkindness, or fear, what affords all kinds of personal disorders in the individual self; yet what Higher Self is real and vibrant in the thoughts and emotions of the manifold believers in their various universal formations. They have as much truth as they can reach for; and in the end awaits the Key Of Life, as promised from the beginning of time.

All The World Is Cleansed

All the world is cleansed! To whatever fallen state we fumble, the Almighty One is always here, to extend the hand of His Way to us, that we might take it, trust in Him, walk by His Way and Stand in the very Place Of Treasures. For neither is it a cave, or a cavern; it is more a quiet, dark space, wherein to commune with the All. He Luminous, finding the Light in the Human Self, same as in the Self Infinite! That One is always God; and the very Self in You. Never abandon yourself to detachment from the Light of the All One; Unal, or Untanas of the Seven Spirits! There is ever the infinite space of time and the arrival of the material realm, alone from where we see, hear, taste, relish, remember; even long for what it is, we call life! We carnal had never known any other way, but to hear the Men Of God; what men would accuse us beforehand, should we ever seek to stray and go after the Tree Of Knowledge. Well, I sought that Tree endlessly; and I learned that all the world is cleansed!

Wisdom called to us, leading us bout the Way, so as to the call of sincerity, but vying the Word to the infancy of our understanding, by men. They came forth, shewing the idol, forbidding all other Gods, sharing the statues, the images and the litanies of the Cross and it's stations. We are taught that every portent of verse or scripture is a type of the truth, the LORD, leaving his name unutterable, thus naming his people, even by His Own Name; Iouo, Iouel, Iou (Father Mother Sun) This is an important distinction. For while men have their glory, an ordinary man will live an uninteresting life, but take up the extraordinary burden of the Word, in it's Perfection; the Avatars having brought us all closer to the Light, with each new discovery of their empathic message. The Message, while variegated and slighted, is always One to the eyes of the aspirant, along the path as he knows it; and forever is that Anointed One to be a very likeness and type of Iouel, the Chosen One.

That One is in no way forbidden or hindered from asking the very Highest, for the Highest Wisdom to be distilled; from above to below, eliminating the space between them. This is the Light Of The Mind, speaking one unspoken language to all creaures. For Earth is Our Mother, providing all that we need, being nourished from the very highest place of the Cosmos; that place to where we extend our arms in praise, as we stand in the dark. For in that space, the Light Of The Mind is an ever resplendent hope, with new words of understanding, to any Child Of Light, seeking to ascend to that Light. And when we have ascended, we live in the NOW, able to find the Key Of Life, live on and on, and share the Blossom Of Life in whatever way suitable; that men may stumble upon it, or simply happen into the Word Of Iouo and live on forever, worlds without end! The enclosure of mountains at the end of earth, is the Garden Of Life. It is the place of the elect; founded by the One, from the beginning of time. Men will ascend to the height of their better natures; they will be made whole by the very Key Of Life! It is truly the best path, and for what I desperately prayed.

Helios, IS Elias, IS Iou! When one understands that Jesus was a Zoroastrian, worshiping father mother, honoring forever the Word Of Zarathustra, Son Of The Light; then the aspirant sees just how much is hidden from him; usually not even for his own good. Life is unfair, thus the pursuit of joy, happiness and boundless life, should be the only thing we take seriously. For when we are healthy, it becomes our natural state, one of higher being, what Being was already there, holding all this in place, giving us every reason to see and believe in worthwhile ideas, hopes and dreams. God is formless, nameless and all pervading. It is we who bear names, as the One fills us, all in all. This is an unchanging reality, wherein all that changes remains the Changeless, listfully lying just beneath what light only seems to fade. Yet is every light in the universe raised above the water to see into the Light Of The Mind; from there the Almighty speaks! He, the Lord Of Spirits!

Thus are we ever glorifying the One in ways that appear unseeming or unfinished; for the truth is exactly unfinished, even now unto Eternity's End. For when all is ended, all is in place, with the Light Of Life, ever shining out of the darkest spaces, bringing fullness of Light to the All Of All. For there is forever another place, where the Spirit reigns, by a name we see not; and yet to them, formed of the space dust, and to the aspirants in their tuteledge, it is the natural state, wherein they find that Higher State, by the renunciation of things unseemly to the health of body and mind. These two are everything. Let them live on, even as long as does the Earth! For by the Key Of Life, we find the Ultimate Truth!