I have been instructed by God, not to seek production, acceptance of the masses, or even a humble congregation. Rather the House Of The Lord is where the message must unfold, as it has been unfolding to Humanity in the Word, all along since time immemorial. For when we were living in the affections of the destiny of Humanity in God, all wanted to escape the responsibilities of the coming world; nobody wanted to herald the day of the One. Thus the Children Of Darkness fell upon humanity, with power and authority, so as to let the Message Of God to reveal itself in the fullness of time. The Key Of The Magi is that message, unto the estute. To hear the fullness of Mystery in His Name Iouo, is the Path Of Propriety! For when one stands before the Infinite Invisible, he is at the mercy of the All In All. The One cannot make mistakes or create endeavors that fail, for the LORD, Iouo is always upright.
To Accept The Way
My Place In The Spirit
To Those Who Seek To Attack The Chosen One
Peace Be Still
For we have been made to believe "sin" is in our nature, an unstoppable force of disaster, certain to destroy the one not aquainted with the understanding of the All. But the understanding of the All affords the Great Destiny, by the pure faith of the pure heart; be it one of the variety of Angels, a Hybrid, a Human, a Giant or one of the manifold spirits, in sentient forms, across known, or unknown realms. We must assume the Almighty brings the Law to the faithful, across Creation; across the Universe! As for sin, it is that what is always wrong, deceptive, evil in context; as well as being a counterfeit form of the truth. The Truth as was originally brought forth by a true Master, One with the ALL.
We must understand, that so as man is part of God, it is GOD, moving in the intent of the All, above all. They are indissoluably One with that Source, forever considered Child, before the Light Of The All. IOUO is the All. The dialectic assertions of this name are revealing to say the least. For one who will sound out the spelling of the name Paul, will reveal Iouel, who is Llewel; two LL's creating the 'I'; binding Llewelyn to Iousef, as Father-Mother. (or Lucifer) For unto the Ancient Of Days, IOUEL was the first God and overcomer of Yaldabaoth, the Order what threw Adonai down to despair, seeking his destruction. But by the Key Of Life, He Pigeradamis did overcome, finding the Light Of Sophia in Evelyn. (Llewelyn)
For in as the Wicked exchanged the name of Iouel for EVIL, Evelyn bore the hiding of the name of Imanuel; God in Me, God in You! The One, bearing the Word, stands as Mirotheos, the God before men, with whom they wrestle to find the Light; that true LIGHT above the Avatar, the form of divinity inside all humans. That Avatar existing in the heart of every lifeform, is always used for the good. If we fall down from it, we take to the many concepts, as are foreign to expressing it's true nature, as the Formless, the Nameless, the All. It is You, it is Me, it is everyone! But when we lose hold of our station as a divinity, we will fall down, until we are able to stand again, by the Great Miracle. One who finds that Miracle in it's purest form, may quickly and suddenly find the subsequent Key Of Life.
For all along, as he is being revealed truth, he knows it is contrary to what his spiritual teachers have allowed him to observe. He must leave that house creating a whoredom of truth, distracting men from the Key Of Life! For in finding that Key, one finds pure faith, what unravels the nagging pretext of the limited Word, as partially approved of the Infinite All. The devotees of these causes must be sincere to the point of cleansing away shame, dispute, waywardness, unkindness, or fear, what affords all kinds of personal disorders in the individual self; yet what Higher Self is real and vibrant in the thoughts and emotions of the manifold believers in their various universal formations. They have as much truth as they can reach for; and in the end awaits the Key Of Life, as promised from the beginning of time.
All The World Is Cleansed
Wisdom called to us, leading us bout the Way, so as to the call of sincerity, but vying the Word to the infancy of our understanding, by men. They came forth, shewing the idol, forbidding all other Gods, sharing the statues, the images and the litanies of the Cross and it's stations. We are taught that every portent of verse or scripture is a type of the truth, the LORD, leaving his name unutterable, thus naming his people, even by His Own Name; Iouo, Iouel, Iou (Father Mother Sun) This is an important distinction. For while men have their glory, an ordinary man will live an uninteresting life, but take up the extraordinary burden of the Word, in it's Perfection; the Avatars having brought us all closer to the Light, with each new discovery of their empathic message. The Message, while variegated and slighted, is always One to the eyes of the aspirant, along the path as he knows it; and forever is that Anointed One to be a very likeness and type of Iouel, the Chosen One.
That One is in no way forbidden or hindered from asking the very Highest, for the Highest Wisdom to be distilled; from above to below, eliminating the space between them. This is the Light Of The Mind, speaking one unspoken language to all creaures. For Earth is Our Mother, providing all that we need, being nourished from the very highest place of the Cosmos; that place to where we extend our arms in praise, as we stand in the dark. For in that space, the Light Of The Mind is an ever resplendent hope, with new words of understanding, to any Child Of Light, seeking to ascend to that Light. And when we have ascended, we live in the NOW, able to find the Key Of Life, live on and on, and share the Blossom Of Life in whatever way suitable; that men may stumble upon it, or simply happen into the Word Of Iouo and live on forever, worlds without end! The enclosure of mountains at the end of earth, is the Garden Of Life. It is the place of the elect; founded by the One, from the beginning of time. Men will ascend to the height of their better natures; they will be made whole by the very Key Of Life! It is truly the best path, and for what I desperately prayed.
Helios, IS Elias, IS Iou! When one understands that Jesus was a Zoroastrian, worshiping father mother, honoring forever the Word Of Zarathustra, Son Of The Light; then the aspirant sees just how much is hidden from him; usually not even for his own good. Life is unfair, thus the pursuit of joy, happiness and boundless life, should be the only thing we take seriously. For when we are healthy, it becomes our natural state, one of higher being, what Being was already there, holding all this in place, giving us every reason to see and believe in worthwhile ideas, hopes and dreams. God is formless, nameless and all pervading. It is we who bear names, as the One fills us, all in all. This is an unchanging reality, wherein all that changes remains the Changeless, listfully lying just beneath what light only seems to fade. Yet is every light in the universe raised above the water to see into the Light Of The Mind; from there the Almighty speaks! He, the Lord Of Spirits!
Thus are we ever glorifying the One in ways that appear unseeming or unfinished; for the truth is exactly unfinished, even now unto Eternity's End. For when all is ended, all is in place, with the Light Of Life, ever shining out of the darkest spaces, bringing fullness of Light to the All Of All. For there is forever another place, where the Spirit reigns, by a name we see not; and yet to them, formed of the space dust, and to the aspirants in their tuteledge, it is the natural state, wherein they find that Higher State, by the renunciation of things unseemly to the health of body and mind. These two are everything. Let them live on, even as long as does the Earth! For by the Key Of Life, we find the Ultimate Truth!
All The World Is Corrupt
I Will Take A Stand
Iouo is Real, Jah is NOT! IOU is the God Of All, having appeared time and again with the Masters, who given to the Cosmic Thought, said unto Him, How Great Thou Art! He bore them truth, as afforded of Grace & Mercy. For that mercy is given only to the one wanting to please the Creator alone! When he makes that choice he will be scorned for rejecting the revealed Word, being accused of seeking only hidden things. His true intent is to find the end of the Word; what has the LORD said? It is in our nature to FEEL the Creator, surging through us internally, speaking through us, to the very heart center of our lives. We have no choice but to follow that Light. It guides us to making decisions, whether they be great or small; for the swelling heart rules us all and at the end of his labors, man seeks Heaven.
Iouo Save The Meek
Love Your Neigbor As Though He Were You
Sacred Name Of Iouo
Let Iou be glorified in open prayer; thus with Christ in mind and Father Of The Gods at Heart! Let then the very Highest Name be honored Today, what name before which even I do shutter. For if I gently say Iou to the lord and let the consonant carry; I hear IOUO, I see the Supreme God! I glorify, ONLY the Supreme! Thus I PRAISE HYMN with more power than Anyone! Praise Iouo for NOW; for now and eternity. Wake to the dark of the morning. Keeping your curtains drawn, accurately anticipating the New Day; stand in the Dark, with your feet spread sparsely apart. And with arms raised to the Cosmos, bring in the circle of Affection & Care, bring it close to surround you and protect you from wickedness; and the bringing in of LIGHT! The All will be there that Day! He will be with you in full.
Iouo is My Shepherd! I shall not want, for he beckons me to lie down in green pastures, as he leads me beside the still waters. Iou Alone O' Almighty One; You Alone ARE ALL. There is NO other, but Iou; the Spirit, through whom YOU fashioned and formed all things in the Universe. All things through him and for him. Iouo, always have you cared for the righteous, when they trusted You; and engendered trust in all people. Touch YOUR people once again, O' Great God. Forever O' Cheif Angel, shall we Call Out to YOU, beckoning YOUR WILL ONLY. Let them accuse me of self glorification. It is Your Word, what does that, but YOU are forever the THE WORD, forever the LIGHT!