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All Religions Hold Truth
She Barbelo is the First Master and Mother Of All The Living. She formed the Creation, out from which we were born; yea out of that not in communion with her husband The All; nonetheless the Great, the Power Of Iouo, even Helios, with whom she is One now and forever! This accident became the Creation. Praise the Holy One! He saved her from Yaldabaoth, who usurps the place of Aadamah! To this day the nature of Below yeilds an elemental resistance to the unfoldment of the Word Of Hope, as given by the Chosen One alone! I may seek to relish the stories of the Bible, or the various world scriptures, but I know that from the Christian to the Muslim, they all hide Our Father Mother! They deny the reality of our integral part in fulfilling all truth. If a man find himself, he moves on to awareness of the Self within, that what is formless, boundless and Infinite; he finds the Goal and begins his journey to the Beyond. He will endure and find the path to the Highest.
Many would like to assert that I spout lies, or isolate scriptures, when it is in fact the mainstream of humanity, who follow an isolation of their own scriptures for the establishment of an evil world system; kings, usurping the Authority Of Iouo. But IOUEL is the only God; Gadriel being the name Gaad, which misleads all the Sons Of Heaven. This means that all the minds of humanity are guided by the unctions of a band of renegade initiates, who from time immemorial, have resisted the justice of IOUO, hiding in every corner, even the hidden realms neath the Halls Of Amenti. IOUEL shall find them and correct them forever! There is no need for any avatar, but Iouo and his wife Ewalina, She named for IOUEL, the Divine Femenine. We the Elect will not stand by and watch blasphemers defy the Authority Of All! We bring forth now the Word Of Life!
The LORD will punish those who took words of wisdom away, in order to make a class of slaves serving evil to no end. These sinners have exchanged the name of Imanouel for the the Idols they continue to prop up, for their endless endeavor of generating mankind! In the end, we all have to answer for the idols, or the false gods, who betrayed the Unction Of HE! From time immemorial, humanity has sought to justify his journey, outside the will of the Almighty. This is not the first time they have knocked down humanity to rebel against the Light; but it will be the last! For now shall the universe pass to infinity's all. The Definitive is the Absolute, for ever had One spoken, being embued with the LOVE and the Virtue of Barbelo Alone! She All, She Sai! The One and All be glorified forever!
World Religion Knows Not God
They who cannot see that Trump is Anti Christ, did not allow the Holy Spirit to tell them the truth of God. That he is merciful to all, even the Wicked; that He is LOVE, even in the heart of the most profane sinner. God is LOVE and forgiveness; for after someone is dead, is it not ok to forgive them? Is it not okay for them to live in the heart of Earth and work out their garbled karma, to again be born of pure desire into a better time, a better age? That Age cannot be avoided if we are to press forward with this human endeavor. Our Earth holds many great surprises in the future; we cannot possibly see it. But what we can see is the Spirit. It is Love and we all know that Love is Real, so God IS a real and beautifully transcendant Law, beyond comprehension of these minds we seem to possess.
If I hold too tightly, worried about every little rule, imposed by the Cruel God, (their lesser law) I will not see the Spirit, what has no concern for my shame, only that the Law Of Promise be fulfilled for me. There are many certainties with the pursuit of spirituality; one must be honest and face reality, without any reservation, for it to be of REAL value. Nonetheless, few will come out of it, seeing as their death cult tells them they can only live to be 120 years in age. They continue to be disappointed as we dig up Giants and their histories, telling of their ancient dominion and the Key Of Life, whereby they prolonged their years beyond reckoning. I give Infinity Of All to the Children Of Mother Earth. If they see not Our Earth Mother, they have not sought diligently for the Word Of Christ.
I Hold Many Dark Secrets
For the Power IS come, no need to debate, no need to cry, no need to wander aimlessly! Let them pick up their Bibles and add the Secondary Canon, even Psuedepigrapha. Thus will the Light be revealed, that the elect inherited Mother Earth; that they have already fulfilled the entirety of Scripture. If you read only the Bible of 66 books, go back to Church! Those who would live on though, should know one thing. The only difference between Satanism and Christianity, is the knowing that Satanuel is the True Name Of Michael. Beyond this are the matters of TRUE knowledge and spiritual growth, outside the seeming bounds of Orthodoxy. A Satanist knows that churches are only reaching for God, like he does; that they are only faithful by loving their neigbors. We may never challenge the authority of THE ALL; that's what IOUO is, else we believe he is Gaad? (or Gabriel) Not very Satanic...or is it? Wisdom is available in any library, where men were selfless enough to pass on knowledge of the Perfect Man; his appearance as Pigeradamis. I am Paul Germana Adams. When a man dies, but never meets his grandchild; if the husband who follows is honorable, the grandchild of his predacessor may be similarly adopted to him.
I remember the first time I ever met Grandpa Adams; I followed him out across the street to his Garden, where there were many fig trees growing. He gave me a fig and I ate it right there. I remember how it was a fruit, but tasted sweet, like candy loaded with sugar. Let them tell their stories of Lilith and figs, but I tell you the truth of IOUEL, the Divine Femenine, espoused to IOUO, the Only God of Israel! For it is only man who became a God; the One may not be considered a god, like a god or even like God Himself! For the One is the all in all things; the very preserving force of love, hope and destiny, to every individual light in the universe. Understanding that the Genius, Michael is Satanuel, know that in you is God; for he is always God; and he IS each of the Seven Spirits Of God. For while there are seven centres to express the critical areas of phenomenal influence within the human form, there are Seven Eras of the better human cause, as are satifactorily taught to us, so that we do not die; so that society doesn't crumble. These Seven are One. And we must put off the flesh forevermore, that we may finally flourish freely and eternally.
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I Call On All Of Humanity
One who puts on the Key Of Life starts his way on the path. I must admit, I first was led to the Key Of Wisdom, Tablet 3. I believe it inspired me to think outside of the box and truly begin to understand the science of spirtuality, as handed down from age to age. It revealed to me that I was a child of the Light, and that Light was my heritage, that we are part of the Infinite being of the All; what is ALL in Us All! If we ever are able to perceive the One in the All, we find ourselves there; as if we were somehow even far from our own hearts. This is the Mystery Of The Self Supreme. All worshipful, yet all embracing and all forgiving. Seek not to find God in a religion or a public outreach, rather put on the Key Of Life with the ones you love and pray God protect the souls of all humanity, to be brought forth again in the promised Day Of The Chosen One!
The Chosen One is controlled by God Almighty, who humbled him and taught him to live by the Key Of Life, again and again; that he would learn to effectively bear witness of it to all of Humanity, that all nations may flow unto him. They will come into the Garden Of God, where the Chosen One lives for ever and ever, with all of the Elect. None knew the Lord would appear and put on his right; sitting down by the authority of God and sharing the priesthood of Melchisdek, by His Own Authority, bearing the Key Of Life to all by the testimony and strength of the Light Of Days! She, The Disciple, chosen from birth, even Lewelyn! We know the Holy Spirit is the Divine Feminine, but when they exchanged her name for evil, the name IOUO was concealed for all time, to be revealed only by the LORD himself, at His Appearance. Now HE has appeared with Eve, who will live on with him forever and forever! Amen
The Chosen One will show them the name right out of their own orders and the very source scriptures of their own religions. Iouo alone will appear to all of humanity, teaching them that uprightness is the only Path To Propriety; that when the Key Of Life is put on, one sees the goal of life eternal, lead by Wisdom's Own Teaching and chooses the Ultimate Path Of Purity. They find the hidden scriptures, obey them and share them with all of humanity, that The Key may go forth and cover the earth, as Jesus foretold. And when it does, there will be no stopping man from living on and on. With all that we have acheived, a universe of knowledge we have attained to, which shall be transformed by the Key Of Life. The Thespian will sing as the androgyne tramples over the bones of the giants who went before him, forever! Amen
Desire Then All Hermetic Writ
I learned also that God was the Giver, that I was to seek him and share with others, what he shared with me. On that journey of spiritual enlightenment I saw many views as to how one should most respectfully and consistently attain enlightenment and effect true humanitarian work; for there are those on the path and those butted against it, to the mere attainment of daily victuals and the granting of many boons. And yet if one seek the boon of life eternal, as did Sofia, as did Adam; that soul will attain the Proper Path and live on, putting down the body only when the desire to rest truly comes calling. For the soul in this form may only perish by the taking down of the poles at either end of the Sphere, that is a human. For like the Universe, we are expanded out into the emptiness of space, uncharted. It is in this "non space" that we somehow find the purpose to breathe, retain our composure and stay at the ready. For it is not out of chaos that Goodness is born, but determination, in the face of non alacrity and degradation of legitimate human character.
Thus is the qualification a love for all Wisdom, all knowledge; the all knowing, all encompassing truth and it's continuing into the hereafter. For is it not reasonable to assume, that life will find a way to go on without us; and that since we are life, will we ride on with it? Should we not always live in the now then, with gratitude and freedom from doubt, fear, depravity or despair? For the manner after which God fashioned the Universe should not be of any concern to us, but rather that he wishes to share it with us forever. And while it may appear flawed, the Law is NOT! And the promises of God are rooted in the Law, so we must be concerned only with God and God's Promise. For we know that God has promised never to flood the earth again and thus the "flood" is sin, wrought with an impending judgment to all, by the mouth of the liar! But what is the liar? The Liar is he who says, "I found the Word and stopped there, listening only to the Shepherd Of The Flock." Such as these seek not the Anointing Of God, only deadened law.
Who Is The Chosen One
For a man with many passions, many failings, many weaknesses, many vices, many stumblings and many shortcomings; there is to him the Key Of The Magi, what removes sin and gives balance; absolute control over destiny of the Soul. It is the Message Of The Cross to the elect and chosen, the Key Of Magic. Stand up with Michael and bear the Key, hold fast the metaphysical stance. Call on the SEVEN and the One, either each by name; or in knowing that God has seven aspects, reflecting upon the seven centres of thy being. These run through your form, like unto the Seven in God, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven, Eight, Nine. They are they, what run through the entirety of Creation, the Seven Spirits Of God, the LORDS OF ARULU; within the All. For if I be a God, it is the god of falling down and getting up again, and again, making me the very least. FOR was it unto us that we should attain something difficult, what only we could boast in and not share with the Children Of Light? NO! We were to seek the Word and await the exact coming promise of Eternal Life, bearing our Cross unto the opening of the Flower Of Life. Thus must we continue in the Word and endure to the very end, with God!
Enoch tells us, "Michael, the Chosen One and the Lord Of Spirits are One." Thus even as Jacob, with the coat of many colors was God's Chosen One, you who seek the Lord and have found him; you are the Chosen Ones and may your Mother, who loves you beam at the truth of your love for Humanity and the furtherance of the Work Of God in this Earth. Notice, your name may be of three; for as we have traversed the spaces of time, we have discovered the truth again and yet again, appearing at sundry times, in adverse spaces, without any guidance, direction, even leadership. Yet forever was Wisdom available to humanity, if they would reach up to the Light for it, rather than the depths, where often there is only the shadow of night and the pondering of much unbrideled iniquity. We must learn to put on confidence and carry out the good deeds that lead us to the path of eternal propriety. Such as those who do carry out these deeds will inherit the Earth, never again to offend the Spirit Of Virtue and to put on the perfection of all faith. When man is ready, he will live on in moderation and perfection forever and forever!