The Essene Humane Gospel

The Essene Humane Gospel Of Christ
The Salvation Of The World


Part I  Part II  Part III  Part IV


The Humane Gospel Of Jesus

It is recorded in the homilies of St. Chrysostom that Jesus told his disciples if they wanted to learn the mysteries of God, they would first have to be of Humane character. He said to them: "For if ye are disposed to be humane, ye will learn of the unspeakable mysteries.... Be ye therefore humane, that ye may hear these things."

Here St. Chrysostom implies that those who are prepared to receive Christ and His Holy Law will be entertained by Christ's words, "Come ye blessed of my Father, inherit the Kingdom prepared for you be-fore the foundation of the world."

The word Humane describes man at his very human best, man who not only knows God's Laws, but lives by them daily, for Humaneness is a virtue that results from the understanding of Truth. (See the Holy Law Code.) It can be said that the present Bible translations of our day discredit greatly the Humane quality of Jesus, his teachings being tampered with by Bible editors of the third and fourth centuries of the Catholic Church.

Only the Essene writings contain the complete story of the most kind and generous of all men, a man that by his moral strength of Holy character puts all other men to shame, especially the religious frauds of today who preach in his Holy Name. Yes, so-called men of God who eat animal flesh, hunt, fish, trap animals, indulge in hard drink, lead sordid sex lives, participate in politics, support warfare and weapons and have an absolute lack of interest in the human affairs of their fellow man, not to mention the Innocent creatures of God. There are very few men who can call themselves Christians or men of God who can even come close to the Standard of Humaneness that Christ set for his true Disciples. Jesus warned of such men, who would mislead the sheep of his fold for dishonest gain and riches, men interested in fame only and not in the Truth of the Godhead. Little do such men realize their fate when Christ tells them: "Get away from me, you workers of lawlessness, I know you not!"


Part I  Part II  Part III  Part IV


The Nazarenes of  Mount Carmel
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