Essene Gospels Of Peace

Other Cherished Essene Writings:

TREE OF LIFE - Fourteen Communions

Morning, Noon, and Evening EsseneCommunions to Follow

Day Contemplative Force
Seek Peace With:
Saturday = Angel of Eternity = Planes = Gravity
Sunday = Angel of Work = Bees = Work of Man
Monday = Angel of Peace Moon Peace Within
Tuesday = Angel of Power = Stars, Actions = Neuropath, Life
Wednesday = Angel of Love = Feelings = Emotions, Love
Thursday = Angel of Wisdom = Thoughts = Thinking Body
Friday = Heavenly Father = Currents = Union with Cosmos
Saturday =Earthly Mother = Food = Nutrition
Sunday =Angel of Earth = Soil Growth = Regeneration Glands
Monday =Angel of Life = Trees = Vitality
Tuesday=Angel of Joy = Beauty = Harmony
Wednesday=Angel of Sun = Sunrise =Fire of Life
Thursday =Angel of Water = Blood, Rivers, Etc.= Circulation
Friday =Angel of Air = Breath = Energies of Atmosphere

Saturday =Kingdom of the Heavenly Father
Sunday =Kingdom of the Earthly Mother
Monday= Culture
Tuesday = Humanity (Social Peace)
Wednesday=Family (Feeling Body)
Thursday=Mind (Thinking Body)
Friday = Body (Acting Body)

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