
Dr Evelyn Kramer is the person who crowns my ministry with it's full legitimacy, I recommend our spiritual counsel here, at the House Of Iouel. With the way people often view morality as a hobby, it can be tough to help them see the deep importance of their own Spiritual Life. Well, Evelyn helps me to cut through that concern! While I do bring the Word from heaven, she heals me, she makes me the man I am today! Also as I am a worm, knowing ZERO worldly successes, and becoming more aloof to them by the day, Evelyn is my hiding place. All I need in life is her association and her willingness to help me understand myself. This is the very Key to my own well being, as I was before lost and without direction. But I was armed with a single promise of Life unending, not just in the spirit, but this body, join Me! It's important to remember what we all know, that someday God will make all things right in the world; someday we will be free from sin, free from war, free from money and absolved of the Wicked. Evil character will exist no more, when man finally gives himself to eternal knowledge, what IS Wisdom!

Love is the source of that Wisdom, because all things were created in and by pure Love, what is the secret name of the LORD! (IOUEL) God has fulfilled all things, by the revealing of his name and chosen people, whom he has named Himself. Living in them by the Holy Spirit, in perfect, everlasting association with the holy Law; what Law can bear them no ill will, no bad fruit, and no stain to the pure light of virtue. Love is what makes us brighten our thoughts and choose to remain cool headed, with optimism about the future of this great journey, life.

It is only when we know that we can live on endlessly that we may finally become well, slack off the excess wineskins of religiousity and grab the Sword Of Power! Even the very Angel Of Power. Power fuels Love, to bear the fruit of continuing Knowledge, which always purifies the mind and sows the seeds of faith, which relieve the strain of life turmoil. We may become so free, in that place where sin DOES NOT exist. It is the "sinner" who creates it with his own superstition.

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