Contains newly translated texts unknown of for centuries
This book came into being by several mysterious circumstances. I was sent copies of roughly translated material plus a few photographs of apparently original documents. The unknown translator made numerous notes in the text itself and in margins.
Supposedly, there was a Hebrew, Greek and Latin form of the text that this translator worked from. Many words are in their Hebrew, Greek and Latin forms. I have tried to render certain passages as clear as possible.
One argument by textual critics to denounce certain texts as frauds is the literary style theory. This means if a translation is similar to a translator's style of communicating, the text is a fraud. If this is true, then the KJV of the Bible must be a fraud written by James I himself! The answer is simple. A translator translates a text in a way that he would communicate. It is just plain natural.
The first section is called MISSATICUM BIBLIA (pronounced mee-city-come bib-leah), roughly translated as "Book of Messages". Biblical figures are mentioned along with a few unknown figures. It is pretty much in order in a historical time-line. The same is true of the second section. There are no other surviving texts that resemble the Missaticum Biblia so we cannot vouch for its accuracy - except for the few Biblical highlights it gives.
The second section called SECRETS OF THE ANCIENTS does contain text similar to other surviving texts. One example is the Jannes and Jambres story. However, it is worded much different than the text known of by scholars. The ten commandments are listed differently as well. They resemble the list in the Shapira MS but they do have differences as well.
The challenge to the reader is: YOU DECIDE. Is this a true record or some concocted hoax? Don't pass judgment too quickly!
I have traveled to various lands and have seen numerous ancient MSS. The photos I collected of these texts did not seem to have a common connection until a few years passed. It was then I began to realize that I had, in my possession, a sacred text that may have influenced many writers and poets in days gone by. I have translated these to the best of my ability and maybe you could render them perfect, kind sir. I enclose my translation and a few photos (as proof the text is genuine). Thank you. Sincerely, J.W.
Song to the LORD
1 Sing praises unto the LORD, O you his holy ones and give thanks to his holy name for his anger is but for a moment and his taste is for a life-time.
2 Weeping may wait for the night but happiness comes with the day.
3 Also LORD, take me not off with the evil ones with those who are workers of iniquity; who speak peace with their neighbors but are unruly in spirit. Amen.
The book of Nakash
1 In the beginning was a seraph of the order of the heavenly hosts of the LORD. His name was Nakash. He was given authority over the earth generations before man.
2 This is the book of Nakash and how he became null and void.
3 Nakash led the third part of the seraphs of fire in peace in paradise. Trees were gold and leaves were of the color of jasper and other fine jewels.
4 From earth, he saw how the LORD loved the only begotten ones more than him. Nakash influenced his army to do the evil thing and tempt the LORD. God sent Michael, Gabriel, Uriel, Raphael and even Phanuel to fight Nakash. The messengers Suraphael and Raguel were sent also. Yes, the LORD sent his seven messengers to defeat Nakash the heretic.
5 Nakash caused the earth to become desolate. His nature was created to be in opposition for divine reasons.
6 Generations passed and Adam was begotten of mud and spirit. He was alone. Therefore, God fashioned a woman from his side. Yes, the being from the womb of man became the woe of man. They were both unclothed in the paradise of God and were not ashamed.
7 God forbade them to eat of the fruit of Nakash for it is to know pleasure and pain. However, the woman looked upon Nakash and lusted for him and did touch. Her husband joined them. Both then realized they did commit an abominable thing.
8 God asked the man, Where are you, Adam? He said, I am here. God said, Why are you hiding? The man replied, I was ashamed, so I put fig leaves around me to hide my shame. God asked, Who told you that you were naked? Adam said, The wife you gave me performed sin with Nakash. Therefore God ordered man to work from then on in strife.
9 God asked the wife, What did you do? Eve said, Nakash lured me through my senses and I did obey him. The LORD said, Because you have listened to another voice instead of the voice of your man, I curse you with pain in child-birth.
10 God asked Nakash, Should I now destroy you? No. I will cause war between your seed and her seed. It shall crush your head and you will merely bruise its heel. You are now a filthy worm eating dust forever. (Psalm 22:6-10)
11 God drove them out of paradise and set two cherubim there to guard the way to the tree of living. To this day, the heathen testify of this through their oral and written legends.
12 Eve bore Kain first and then Abel. Kain murdered his brother because Nakash wormed his way into the thoughts of Kain and conspired a plan to end the seed of promise. However, God marked Kain as a vagabond and forced him to roam about in the land of Nod. Kain begat Henoch who became an Anti-henoch in the land. However, God had a true Henoch from the seed of Seth. The evil Henoch built a great city called Henoch while the true Henoch built the spiritual city of the LORD.
13 Henoch of Seth prophesied many things and they can be read in his books bearing his name.
An account of Henoch the Prophet
14 Henoch was shown a vision of the coming deluge. The LORD said, My servant, Henoch, you must warn the wicked generation that I tend to keep my promise. I will destroy every creation in the land for they have corrupted all that I have made.
15 Henoch asked, Who will survive, my Lord? God said, I have a chosen vessel that will carry on the pure seed of righteousness. You will be taken before this great destruction comes. Warn the infidels!
16 Henoch went out to the multitude and said, Behold, the LORD is coming with ten thousand of his holy ones to mete out judgment to all those who are ungodly. You have sinned a grievous sin and forgotten the creator of the worlds.
17 After he said this, the multitude took up arms to kill him. Suddenly, a whirlwind came from heaven, as a storm of fire. Within the whirlwind of fire were seraphim, dragons of the power of God. All who saw this became blind in that moment for their eyes were burned from their sockets.
18 Henoch was then taken up into the heavens and disappeared from the land. No one knew where he went. He could not be found, for God took him to an appointed place, even to a place of holy ground.
19 In this place, Henoch wrote books about the history of his people, from Adam until the time of his generation.
20 At that time, God showed him a vision of the great Leviathan and Behemoth. These two beasts were stirring up the population in the end of days. Behemoth was a beast of liberty and Leviathan was one of royalty and power. They began as one beast with a name called Phoenix. The Phoenix died and from the ashes arose these two great beasts. Behemoth eventually became greater and dictated its laws to the whole earth. It attacked Ishmael continually, even when he did not deserve to be punished.
21 Then another beast came up. It awoke from a slumber. The beast was a dragon-like beast with ten horns returning to reclaim its two severed heads, that is, Leviathan and Behemoth. The two beasts fought for a while but gave in afterwards. Now the dragon-like beast was again whole and it ruled the whole earth. It placed its seal upon the multitude until one like the son of man came and destroyed the beast.
22 After this vision, Henoch was afraid and stricken with awe.
23 It came to pass that Noe entered the ark and God fulfilled his will.
End of the account of Henoch
24 In those days, and afterwards, the gods were tempted by Nakash to lust after the women of earth. The women bore titanic children to these gods which are called Fellers.
25 They also taught men to mix species of animals and to mix forbidden races of the heathen. So God flooded the inhabited land with a flood and destroyed all of the corruption therein.
26 The gods were chained forever but their offspring became shades, called the phantoms of fear.
27 After the flood, Noe sent out the pure animals and his children to replenish the land.
28 However, another threat arose thereafter in Ur of Babel. Kush begat Nimrud, the mighty one who opposed the LORD.
Account of Nimrud
1 In the land of Ur there was a man by the name of Abram. Ur was of Babel and Nimrud ruled the kingdom with great cunning.
2 Noe’s son Shem heard about the exploits of Nimrud. He heard that after Kush died, Nimrud had taken his own mother to wife. Her name was Shemerimus which was a daughter of Shem.
3 This unholy alliance angered Shem. It was an unthought-of relationship in those days that a son should play the monger with his own mother.
4 One day, Shem came to Nimrud and said, You son of Kush, your spirit is black because of the sin of all sins this day. In three days, I will tear down your temple and there will be nothing left but the shameful object of your lust.
5 Nimrud stood up and said, Shem, you see how mighty of a huntsman I am. I am the only true savior of this confused society. I am a god to the people of my realm. I could destroy even you at this moment if I so desire. Shem said, No longer shall you be Nimrud, the god of the hunt, but in three days you will be Nephilreshim, the fallen king.
6 Two years came to pass and Nimrud forgot the warning of Shem. Around this time, Abram was called from Ur by the LORD to begin his congregation. Abram left the idols of Nimrud behind and God changed his name to Abraham, the father of many nations.
7 Abraham sent word to Nimrud saying, In one year is your death, O king. Your harlot bitch will also die in seven years of your death. However, your legend will taint the generations of my people and, at the last day, you shall even rise in judgment against the generation of Amor and Berith and all those that sprang from them.
8 It came to pass that Shem marched with an army to Babel and overtook Nimrud in battle. The sword of Shem rent Nimrud asunder. Afterward, his whore found one part of his body and set up obelisks in honor of that foul thing she found. She kept it by her and even did unspeakable acts with it.
9 Seven years passed and she was torn apart by wild pigs in the desert. To this day, we have the saying, In the desert, the night bitch is there trying to find her resting place. She became known as Lilith.
10 Before she died, she gave birth to a son named Trybetha, for he was third in the house to rule the heathens of Babel. Trybetha did the evil that his father Nimrud did before him and even spread his seed among the sons of Assur.
11 The armies of Trybetha searched for Shem but could not find him for his bloodline was vast and the LORD hid him in the mountain, of which was later called Sinai. There, Shem scribed the books which had been taken upon the ark so that they may be preserved.
12 When Shem was 600 years old, he made a testament unto his people. He said, My days are coming to an end and I must prophesy what the LORD has revealed unto me.
13 In the last days, God will send his word to die. Many will obey the word and wash themselves in its blood. However, Nimrud will return with his whore on top of man and cause kings to commit whoredoms in the name of the word which they will replace with another.
14 Specters will ride the spirits of men and hurl them into the abyss. This will occur many days hence.
15 Also, my people will fight another like unto Nimrud before this. His name will be the manifestation of a god. The leader of my people will be Judas. The children and their mother will die because of Piggul. The same will also come to pass in the last days.
16 The people of bugbear will also be taken over by adulterous men who will spread another word not heard of before that time. Another congregation will profane the name of the LORD into a strange sound never heard of before. Then I will send a strong arm but he will also fall because of the sin of Nimrud.
17 My word will be tampered with by those bishops who think to know better. It will deceive many and place my word into infancy each year cycle when the year is dead.
18 In the beginning God made the heavens and the earth. The earth became formless and empty and darkness was upon the shaft of the abyss. And the spirit of the LORD hovered over the surface of the seas.
19 And God said, Let there be light and there was the word, the light of men. Men were in darkness and the light overpowered the darkness but men saw it not.
20 I, Shem, command that you follow this light and shun the false light of Nimrud. Do not worship the east nor carve trees in the name of God.
21 I give you, my children, this prophecy to ponder and keep. Remember the days are coming when the LORD will send a law-giver to deliver you from the mouth of Leviathan. My words will help you deal with the coming trial upon the children of Eber.
22 Go. I must die now. Be of good cheer and remember what I have done to the hunter of Babel.
23 These things Shem said to his children and he died. He was gathered to his fathers and his children wept for seven days.
The account of Joseph, son of Jacob
1 An account of Joseph, the son of Jacob, the son of Isaac, the son of Abraham; which account was written by the hand of Moses by the word of the LORD while he dwelt in the house of Jethro the Midianite. And it came to pass, Rachel, the wife of Jacob, was drawing water from a well and suddenly two messengers of the LORD, with shining garments, stood before her and said, Fear not handmaiden of the LORD, for you are a chosen vessel to bear a choice branch unto the LORD. And Rachel said, I know not what you say, my lord.
2 And one of the messengers said unto her, Jacob shall be a tree of life reaching unto all the earth. Over the high walls shall his branches reach. Even unto the isles of the sea which are afar off. And his seed shall rule all lands and trample down all people, for the LORD God Almighty shall make strong his seed.
3 Rachel, your reproach is taken away from you and you shall bare a son, and you shall call his name Joseph, for the LORD your God shall make him two great nations, yes, even mighty nations before him.
4 And immediately Rachel ran down unto Jacob and said unto him, the LORD has taken away my reproach, and opened my womb, and I shall bare you a son which shall be two great and mighty nations before the LORD.
5 And when Jacob heard this he rejoiced and did offer a burnt offering unto the LORD saying: O LORD God, yes, even the Most High God of heaven and earth, surely through my seed you shall show yourself faithful of the promises made unto my fathers.
6 And as the sweet smelling aroma did ascend unto heaven which did fill the nostrils of the LORD. And the LORD did hear Jacob.
7 And the messenger of the LORD appeared unto Jacob over the burnt offering and said: Jacob, Jacob, the LORD is well pleased with you. You shall be given a son and shall call his name Joseph. For he shall be a great and mighty nation before the LORD. And out of the loins of Joseph shall the LORD bring many sons into His glory.
8 And it came to pass Jacob said unto Laban, Allow me to take my wives and my children for whom I have served you and let me go down and dwell in my own country. For I have served you well and my time is at hand.
9 And Laban said unto him, I beg you abide with me, if I have found favor with you. For I know of a surety that the gods have blessed me and my house for your sake and for the sake of your seed.
10 And Jacob said, I am sore desirous to depart unto my own land. And Laban said, what shall I give unto you, that you abide with me?
11 And Jacob answered Laban, saying: If you will allow me this day to pass through your herds and take of the spotted and speckled and striped cattle; and of the spotted and speckled and striped goats;
12 and of the spotted and speckled and striped sheep, yes, of any speckled and spotted and striped beast which lives among your flocks, I shall stay and serve you. And Laban said, so be it as you say.
13 And so Jacob took possession of all the livestock which Laban had given unto him.
1 And it came to pass, while Jacob was tending his flocks the messenger of the LORD appeared unto him saying: take sticks of this tree which the LORD has prepared and set them before the cisterns of which the livestock drinks that they may conceive.
2 And so Jacob set the sticks before the cisterns as the messenger of the LORD had commanded. And when the flocks were come to drink, they conceived before the sticks.
3 And it came to pass, the flocks brought forth speckled and spotted and striped offspring. And Jacob put his own flocks in a far place, and allowed them not to mix with Laban's flocks.
4 And it came to pass, when the stronger cattle conceived, Jacob laid the sticks before their eyes one each side of the cistern, that they might conceive between the sticks and bare speckled and spotted and striped offspring according to the word of the LORD.
5 Now when Laban discovered this he was angry, and came against Jacob saying, why have you dealt deceitfully with me, that you might get gain deceitfully? Have I not been a gracious provider unto you and your entire house?
6 And in this manner Laban severely accuse Jacob that he might persuade him to give unto him a portion of Jacob's increase.
7 And lo, the messenger of the LORD appeared unto them as they were speaking.
8 And Laban fell to the ground and hid his face for he was very afraid at the sight.
9 And the Messenger of the LORD said unto Laban, I have commanded Jacob to do this thing that you may know that the LORD respects Jacob and not Laban.
10 For you have dealt deceitfully with Jacob. And have made him serve you unjustly seven years. And know this: that the LORD shall rescue the oppressed and judge the unjust in due season, to reward the righteous and to destroy the wicked.
11 Yes, the righteous shall inherit the wealth of the wicked and the fatness of all the earth: for the earth is the LORD's and the fullness thereof.
12 The wicked shall prosper for a season, however, the LORD keeps his eye on the righteous and on the wicked, and shall judge them in the time which he has appointed for his own purpose.
13 And in the latter time, the wicked shall be exceedingly prosperous seven years. And then the LORD shall come suddenly and pronounce swift judgment upon them and destroy them all. Yes, the God of heaven and earth shall smite them with the fury of his wrath which shall be poured out upon their heads without mixture. Then shall the wealth of those who do wickedly be given unto the sons of righteousness who shall shine like the stars. And the sons of righteousness shall inherit the earth forever, yes, even shall they shine upon it forever and ever. And the earth shall not pass into the hand of another.
14 When Laban heard this he heaped dust upon his head and said, forgive me this wrong, my Lord. If there is anything which Jacob desires, the same may he freely take. I pray, lord, spare my life and my house.
15 And the Messenger of the LORD appeared unto Jacob and said, take your wives and all your possessions and return to your own land. And take the gods of Laban that he may know that the LORD is the Most High God over all the earth. And so did Jacob as the LORD had commanded.
16 And when Laban had perceived that his idols were removed, he was hot with fury. And said to his kindred and slaves, who has removed the gods from before the altar?
17 And none in Laban's house knew where they had been taken.
18 And Laban went to the place where Jacob had dwelt, and finding him not, Laban uttered curses against him in the names of his gods.
19 And Laban and his kin and all of his slaves pursued Jacob. And when they had found Jacob and his kin, Laban seized Jacob by the throat and said, I have offered you that you may take any of my possessions. Yes, even of my gold and silver, and my own daughters may you freely take.
20 Why did you dishonor me by taking my gods and thereby bring a curse upon my head and upon my house?
21 And behold the word of the LORD came unto Jacob and Laban in the midst of their disputation and said, the LORD has commanded Jacob to take your idols that the house of Laban might know that the LORD is the Most High God over all the earth, yes, even the Most High over the house of Laban.
22 Yes, the LORD is God even over all nations and families of the earth. For the earth is mine, and the fullness thereof, says the LORD. And there is no other. And I, the LORD, exalt as many as I will, and debase as many as I will: for men are as grasshoppers unto me. And none can stay my hand. Who has an arm like unto the LORD's? Who has frustrated Him when he has decreed his decree?
23 And Laban began to tremble exceedingly before the LORD. And his countenance became exceedingly fearful.
24 And the LORD said, Behold your gods! And the idols of Laban melted before the eyes of Jacob and Laban as they stood by.
25 And a chariot of the LORD he caused to pass by. And the noise thereof was like the sound of mighty rushing waters. Awesome and terrible was the sound of it. And the chariot had the appearance of lightning and fire was in his mouth. Awesome and terrible was the sight to behold in the eyes of Jacob and Laban.
26 And the LORD caused a violent whirlwind to appear which scattered the ashes of the idols of Laban whereby they could be found no more at all. And Jacob and Laban fell to their faces and cried out: how marvelous and terrible is the hand of the LORD God! And the LORD said unto Laban, Behold, you and your house also shall likewise perish if you do not repent before the LORD this day, and forsake the gods of gold, and the gods of silver, and the gods of wood, and the gods of stone:
27 Gods which are fashioned by the hand of a man when he says in his heart: I shall fashion a god and bring my hand upon it; and use my tools upon it. And I shall bow down before it.
28 Behold, they are gods which can neither see, nor can they hear; neither can they speak. They are gods that are not gods, for the LORD Most High is the one true living God who dwells in the heavens and who reigns over all the earth.
29 And He made the sun, and the moon, and the stars, and yes, even all of the sons of men. And they are merely dust in his hand and breath from his mouth.
30 And Jacob and Laban were astonished at all the things which the LORD had said and done before them. And Laban made a vow that he and his house should serve the true and living God for ever.
31 And after the messenger of the LORD had departed, Jacob offered a choice lamb unto the LORD for a sacrifice for the sake of Laban and his house. And Laban returned unto his house.
1 And it came to pass, Rachel did bring forth a son. And she called his name Joseph.
2 And the Messenger of the LORD appeared unto Jacob in a dream saying, Joseph shall be two great and mighty nations in the hand of the LORD.
3 These nations shall be greater than any nations upon the face of the earth. However, only a remnant shall see my face and live.
4 Behold, wisdom shall increase in the latter time. And men shall make weapons of war; yes, even terrible weapons which shall touch the power of the Most High.
5 And the seed of Joseph shall believe a lie, wherein the terrible weapons shall be for the protection of their lands. And woe unto them, for the people shall be deceived.
6 And the LORD showed Jacob a vision, and said: behold, the mighty men of the earth shall lay an awful scheme by the word of their god, that they should destroy the LORD when he shall visit men at the appointed time when he shall reward the sons of men according to their works.
7 And all nations shall gather together in the heart of the earth to make war with the LORD, even the almighty king of heaven and earth. Woe, woe, woe unto the chief princes of the earth, even unto the seed of Dan, who has made gold their god and a lie their refuge:
8 Who have said among themselves: the LORD is no god wherein we should fear him, for by our mighty power have we become gods ourselves and have spread abroad ourselves over all the earth. Yet shall they be judged and cut off from among the sons of Jacob.
9 Thus says the LORD: The wicked plot in vain. And they shall drink from the cup of vanity which they have grasped: for the LORD himself shall utterly destroy them all by the brightness of his terrible presence.
10 And lo, those who plot in vain have over them a king; even he whose name is the liar from the beginning, even Azaziel, he who was a guardian of the presence.
11 Yes, Azaziel shall be bound; even he who has granted them their great authority and their seat and who has whispered lies into their ears like a cunning serpent which lies in the dust. The LORD himself shall come and bind him with cords which cannot be loosed, and seal him up with a seal which cannot be broken.
12 For Azaziel has led them astray by his corrupted wisdom which has become folly in the sight of heaven. Woe unto him for he has laid waste the cities of the garden of God and made the inhabitants of the earth stumble exceedingly, causing them to be drunk from the cup of blindness, yes, even to feast from the table of rebellion.
13 Comfort yourself with these words, you beloved Jacob. For verily, the LORD reigns supreme over all the gods and shall swiftly mete out justice which cannot be overthrown. Amen.
14 And Jacob was astonished at all the LORD had shown him: for weak was his understanding, and without strength was his soul in the presence of the LORD.
1 And it came to pass, Joseph, the son of Jacob, grew in stature unto a man. And Joseph was a peculiar child, full of knowledge and wisdom.
2 And is came to pass the messenger of the LORD appeared to Jacob and said, make a tunic for your son Joseph, and place on it the holy emblems of the priesthood of the LORD your God.
3 And lay your hands on him and grant unto him to be a priest unto the Most High God. And instruct him in the hidden wisdom of the LORD, even the hidden treasures of knowledge which have been known among your fathers.
4 For I shall cause Joseph to go down into the land of the sun, a land full of idolatry and iniquity, and I shall cause him to be a savior among the people for the sake of your seed.
5 And he shall bare the priesthood of the Most High, and become a mighty ruler among the Egyptians. And the LORD shall bless whomsoever he shall bless, and curse whomsoever he shall curse: for my name shall be in him. And great shall be his name in the land. Wherefore Pharaoh shall know that he is a prince with God.
6 And behold, he shall seal up the blessings of the priesthood for the generations which are afar off, that the Most High may have witness for Himself in the latter time, before the great and final day when the LORD himself shall come and reward the sons of men according to their works, whether they be good or whether they be evil. Even so. Amen.
7 And so Jacob made a tunic according to the word of the LORD. And he placed it upon his son Joseph. And blessed him with all of the hidden blessings of wisdom.
8 And Jacob instructed him in the hidden wisdom of the LORD, whereunto Joseph should be a priest of the Most High God.
9 Now when the brothers of Joseph had discovered that Jacob had made Joseph a priest unto the Most High God they were filled with the spirit of jealousy.
10 And they gathered unto their father Jacob saying, why have you decided that Joseph should receive a tunic and become a priest unto the LORD and not us also?
11 And Jacob rebuked them saying, Joseph is a chosen vessel whom the LORD has chosen, and it is according to his purposes. Who are you that you dare accuse God?
12 Truly, the LORD has chosen him for his own purposes and you shall well abide under it. For this is the word of the LORD.
13 And when Jacob had finished speaking, his sons murmured among themselves.
14 And it came to pass, Joseph dreamed a dream, wherein he saw all of the flocks of his brothers bowing down to his flocks. And Joseph boasted of this before his brothers.
15 And his brothers mocked him saying, shall you become a prince over us? And his brothers murmured among themselves.
16 And it came to pass, Joseph dreamed another dream. And said unto his brothers, I have dreamed a dream wherein the sun, and the moon and the stars bowed low before me.
17 And his brothers mocked him saying, as the LORD lives and as we live, your blood shall be spilt on the ground before we fear you.
18 And his brothers murmured among themselves how they might kill Joseph. And a servant of Jacob secretly spied them.
19 And when Jacob heard of this he said unto Joseph: do not fear my son: as the LORD has decreed his decree, you shall be a prince over me and my entire house.
20 Yet pride has filled your heart. Let no boasting be found at all in your mouth, yes, neither in your heart, lest you fall under condemnation: for the LORD God hates a proud and boastful heart.
21 You did come into this world naked and you shall leave it naked.
22 And remember this, my son, the LORD exalts whom he will, and the LORD abases whom he will. Therefore you shall keep your heart humble before him all the days of your life.
23 And Joseph was pierced in his heart, and dared not open his mouth to ever boast again.
1 And it came to pass, Joseph was in the desert seeking his brethren and they seized upon him, and mocked him, saying: behold, our prince is come unto us. May you live long, and may your kingdom be forever!
2 And they worshiped him in mocking fashion, saying, have mercy on us O king! Save us, O mighty one!
3 And they seized upon Joseph to kill him. And Dan drew his sword and thrust it into the side of Joseph, however it pierced not his flesh.
4 And all who stood by were astonished. And Reuben said, Truly, the LORD has surely chosen him, and the power of the Most High dwells with him.
5 Let not our hands shed his blood, for his blood shall surely cry up to the LORD against us, and great would be the curse against our children unto seven generations.
6 Yes, rather, let us cast him into a pit wherein he may perish for lack of meat or may be eaten by wild beasts, and thus shall our hands be free of his blood. And so they seized the tunic which Jacob had made for Joseph and cast Joseph into a pit naked for to die.
7 Now, after Joseph's brothers had departed from the pit into which they had cast Joseph, a band of Midianites came near unto it.
8 And Hanok, the chief of the Midianites, said unto Joseph, I see that a great evil has befallen you. What shall you give unto me that I remove you from this pit.
9 And Joseph said unto them, I shall serve you all the days of my life if you remove me from this pit. Therefore, I pray, go unto my Father's house and tell my father where you shall take me, for it is the will of the Most High God that I should go with you.
10 And Hanok said, so shall it be. And so Hanok commanded his sons to remove Joseph from the pit.
11 And Hanok sent one of his servants to Jacob that Jacob might know of the thing which had befallen Joseph. And after the servant had spoken the thing which had befallen Joseph, Jacob said unto him: this thing is by the hand of God.
12 And Jacob wept bitterly. And Jacob bade the servant of Hanok to stay with him.
13 And while Joseph's brothers were eating the evening meat, Reuben said, let us not allow our brother to die. For the LORD shall surely avenge his death upon our heads and our children.
14 Therefore let us sell him to that foreign band of the sons of Ishmael that his blood be not upon us. And so they were agreed as one and bound themselves by an oath.
15 However, when Reuben returned to the pit where they had cast Joseph he saw that Joseph was not there.
16 Then Reuben tore at his tunic and said, what has befallen our brother Joseph? May the LORD forgive us this evil which we have done unto our own brother whom the LORD has chosen! And Reuben was bitterly sorrowful.
17 And the brothers of Joseph took a goat and slew it. And they took of the blood of the goat and put it on the tunic which Jacob had made for Joseph.
18 And when they had returned to their father, they said unto Jacob that Joseph had been overcome by a wild beast. And when Jacob heard this he tore at his tunic, and put on sackcloth, and cast ashes upon his head for many days crying out, O my son, O my son!
19 However, Jacob knew that Joseph had not suffered the evil. And he kept the matter in his heart.
20 And Jacob took Joseph's tunic and folded it up in a cloth and gave it unto the servant of Hanok and said:
21 Deliver unto Joseph this tunic and all shall be well with you and your house: for the Most High God has ordained it so. And the servant of Hanok said, I shall surely do it.
22 And Joseph said, you must swear an oath that you keep the matter in your heart. And you must not allow your eyes to gaze upon the tunic lest you be cursed: for it is holy unto the Most High God.
23 And so they took a ram and made a covenant to keep the matter secret. And Jacob said unto the servant of Hanok: so shall it be unto you if you shall break this covenant.
24 And so the servant of Hanok departed and delivered the tunic unto Joseph.
1 And it came to pass, Hanok the Midianite sold Joseph to an Egyptian whose name was Potifar.
2 And Potifar had respect for Joseph seeing that he was a stout man and full of knowledge and wisdom. And so Potifar made Joseph the master over his whole house.
3 And Joseph served Potifar well. And the LORD greatly blessed the house of Potifar on account of Joseph.
4 And Joseph taught wisdom unto Potifar, yes, even in all the ways of the LORD. And Potifar did forsake the gods of Egypt to serve the living God, even the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.
5 And Joseph taught Potifar the hidden wisdom of the LORD, even of the holy priesthood of God. And Potifar became a priest unto the Most High God at the hand of Joseph.
6 And it came to pass, Shinmin, the wife of Potifar, did set her eyes upon Joseph. And Shinmin said unto Joseph, come and lie with me.
7 And Joseph said unto her, I shall surely not lie with you, for I have made an oath unto the LORD. Who are you to tempt the LORD?
8 However, Shinmin relented not. And so Shinmin said unto Joseph, if you lie not with me, I shall cause you to be cast into the prison until you repent.
9 And Joseph said, by my head and by the LORD of Hosts, I shall never lie with you.
10 And it came to pass, one day while Joseph was walking in Potifar's house, Shinmin seized his garment, saying, I beg you, lie with me. For my master has utterly forsaken me.
11 However, Joseph refused to lie with the woman, that he fled naked out of the house.
12 And after Joseph had fled, Shinmin called for Potifar. And when Potifar had returned to the house, she cried unto him saying:
13 The Hebrew which you brought into this house, seized me saying, lie with me. However, I did not lie with him, and he became angry and struggled against me; and I seized his tunic that he has fled naked out of the house.
14 So Potifar commanded his slaves to seek after Joseph and deliver him up.
15 And when Joseph was delivered unto Potifar, he said, I have appointed you to be the master over my whole house. Yes, there is but only I alone over you. Why have you dealt with me in this manner, to bring shame upon my house?
16 And Joseph said, I have done no evil unto you, my LORD. The wife of your youth seized my tunic and pleaded with me to lie with her. And for righteousness sake and because of my oath, I lied not with her.
17 And Potifar said unto Joseph: of a surety, I know that the thing which you speak is true.
18 And Potifar said, Of a truth, you have not sinned. Yet for the sake of reproach, I must deliver you to prison for a little season, for you are a Hebrew slave in Egypt, and Pharoah shall be sore displeased if he hears of the matter, and lest he take away my name and my house I must do this thing.
19 So Potifar delivered Joseph to the prison saying to the master, fear him as you fear me, for he is full of the spirit of the living God over all the earth.
20 Inasmuch as you entreat him like a brother, the living God shall bless you and your house.
21 And so the master of the prison feared Joseph. And when the master had perceived that Joseph was full of wisdom he made him chief over all the prisoners.
22 And Joseph became known unto the house of Pharoah.
Pharoah’s dream
1 And it came to pass, Pharoah sent for Jacob: for he had become renown in Egypt as one having the spirit of the gods, and an interpreter of dreams.
2 And Pharoah said unto Joseph, I have dreamed a dream, and in all of the land of my kingdom neither my wise men nor my watchers have been able to tell the meaning thereof.
3 However, I perceive that you, Joseph, are filled with the wisdom of the lofty ones.
4 I pray, tell me the meaning of my dream and you shall be greatly rewarded, for truly, all of Egypt lies in my hand.
5 And Joseph said, may you live forever, O king. Truly, I am dust and ashes, and there is no wisdom in me. However, the Spirit of the LORD Most High who is with me can tell the meaning thereof.
6 And Pharoah said, this is the dream which I have dreamed:
7 There were seven fatted heifers drinking from a brook. And behold seven sickly heifers appeared and did devour the seven fatted heifers. And thus were the seven fatted heifers no more.
8 The dream has troubled me that sleep is fled far away from me; and I lay troubled on my bed. Therefore I pray, Joseph, show me the meaning thereof, that I may have peace.
9 And Joseph, said, may peace be unto you, O king. Thus says the LORD who is the Most High God over all the earth:
10 It shall come to pass, there shall be seven years of bounteous harvest. And after the seven years are passed, a fearsome damnation shall overtake the land.
11 And Joseph fell on his face before Pharoah and cried, after the seven years of bounteous harvest are passed, there shall be seven years of famine; yes, even a sore famine which has not ever been in Egypt nor in all the earth.
12 Thus says the Most High God, take of your bounteous harvest and lay up unto the seven years of famine, and the life of you and those of your kingdom shall not utterly perish.
13 And if you heed not, your people shall become a great abhorrence unto the whole earth. There shall be death of man and beast such as there has never been on the face of the whole earth.
14 And so Pharoah took his seal and placed it upon Joseph.
15 And there was not anyone in the land of Egypt who was greater than Joseph except Pharoah. Thus did the LORD bless Joseph.
Joseph’s dream
1 And it came to pass, the messenger of the LORD appeared unto Joseph in a dream saying, Joseph, you are a chosen vessel from among the children of men and a great blessing unto all the earth.
2 You shall become two great and mighty nations in the hand of the LORD: for the LORD exalts whom he will, and the LORD abases whom he will. And who can stay his mighty hand?
3 And the LORD performs this that he may richly reward his faithful among the sons of men with the riches of the earth. For the LORD delights in the righteousness of his children, that he may prosper them with all blessing.
4 Therefore walk humbly before your God; for this day I have ordained you to be a savior in the land of Egypt, wherein the Egyptians shall bare you on their shoulders and call you blessed; Moreover, you shall preserve your house and the holy wisdom of the LORD from destruction.
5 And when many days have passed, your seed shall be cause for a great work of the LORD in the sight of the heathen unto the glory of the LORD.
6 And when Joseph awakened from his sleep, he was astonished at all the LORD had said unto him.
Joseph and Aseneth
1 And it came to pass, the LORD gave Aseneth the daughter of Potifar to Joseph. And Aseneth became the wife of Joseph at the hand of Potifar.
2 And the LORD placed his seal upon them.
3 And it came to pass, Joseph knew his wife and she conceived. And Aseneth bare Joseph two sons. And they named the first Manasseh and the second Ephraim according to the word of the LORD.
4 And the messenger of the LORD appeared to Joseph in a dream saying, your sons Manasseh and Ephraim shall be two mighty nations before the LORD.
5 And they shall be as two stiff-necked and rebellious goats which run away when they hear the voice of the shepherd. In the latter time they shall be a scourge and a terror and shall fight the LORD when he comes to reward the sons of men.
6 However, a remnant shall be faithful unto the LORD. And He shall give them the earth as an inheritance with you after I have raised up your bones from the dust.
7 And the LORD spoke again unto Joseph saying, Behold, the famine which shall overtake the land is at hand. When the famine has become a sore burden on your kindred, your brothers shall appear unto you. Be merciful unto them, as I am merciful unto you, and all shall be well with you and your master’s house.
Famine in Egypt
1 And it came to pass, according to the word of the LORD, that a famine fell upon the land of Egypt and upon the lands of Jacob.
2 And the sons of Jacob said among themselves, we have little to eat; wherefore shall we suffer ourselves to perish with hunger in this place which has been forsaken by the LORD?
3 And thus they did murmur against the LORD their God.
4 However, Jacob knew of the honor which the LORD had given unto his son Joseph at the hand of Pharoah.
5 And it came to pass, Jacob said unto his sons, make haste and go down unto Egypt for the LORD has made known unto me that there is a ruler among the Egyptians who is full of wisdom and knowledge of the LORD.
6 He shall have mercy on our souls, and shall sell grain unto you, that we live and not perish. This has the LORD provided.
7 And so Jacob sent all of his sons, except the youngest, from their lands; and they went down to the land of Egypt.
8 And when the brothers of Joseph were come to Egypt, they sought to buy grain.
9 And a man by the way said unto them, go and seek Joseph the prince, for he sells grain.
10 And when the brothers of Joseph did find Joseph, they bowed down low to the earth, and said, we beg you, O prince, sell your servants grain that we may live and not perish.
11 And immediately Joseph knew that they were his brothers who had left him for to die in the pit.
12 However, the brothers of Joseph knew him not for his appearance and language was according to the Egyptians.
13 And Joseph answered coarsely unto them saying, are you of the land of Egypt?
14 And they said, no lord, we are twelve brothers except the younger who are come out of the land of Canaan to buy grain at the word of our father, lest we die.
15 And Joseph said unto them angrily: wherefore do you come unto me? Are you spies come to spy this land? What shall I do with you?
16 And they answered, not so, lord; we have need of grain that we perish not, for this great famine has reached unto our land, and has become a scourge unto us.
17 And Joseph was bitter in his heart, yet he remembered the commandment of the LORD.
18 Therefore Joseph had pity on his brothers, and forgave them in his heart of the evil which they had done unto him, yet spoke he coarsely unto them saying: bring unto me your younger brother and I shall sell you grain.
19 And the brothers counseled among themselves that they might bring the younger brother unto Joseph. And Joseph heard it, however, the brothers knew it not, for Joseph had spoken unto them by his interpreter.
20 And when Joseph beheld them counseling among themselves, he had compassion on them.
21 And so Joseph said unto them, go unto your land and bring your father and your brother. Yet Joseph kept Simeon and bound him hand and foot that he should remain.
22 And Joseph commanded his servants that they should bring unto him sacks of grain for to give his brothers.
23 And after they had mounted the sacks of grain onto their beasts, he sent them on their way.
1 And the messenger of the LORD appeared unto Joseph saying, Here I Am!
2 And when Joseph turned he beheld the messenger of the LORD standing in a flame of fire. And Joseph cried out saying, I am a dead man. For my eyes have seen the glory of the king of heaven!
3 And immediately the strength of Joseph left him and he fell to the ground as a dead man.
4 And the messenger of the LORD touched Joseph saying, Joseph, Joseph, stand up on your feet as a man and fear not.
5 For you have been chosen from among all your brethren; yes, even from all the sons of men which dwell on the earth, to be a chosen branch unto the LORD.
6 And through your seed all the nations shall be blessed with the fruit of bounty: where the wine shall overflow the vats; and where the milk shall overflow unto the dung hills.
7 And after Joseph had arisen to his feet the LORD said: Behold the handiwork of the LORD!
8 And suddenly a strange and marvelous vision appeared before Joseph. And Joseph began to quake exceedingly, for marvelous and terrible to behold was the vision which the LORD had opened unto him.
9 And the messenger of the LORD said unto Joseph: This is the kingdom which I have created for my own purpose and it is very great. Is it not marvelous to behold?
10 And the vision multiplied before Joseph eyes. And Joseph said: what is the meaning of this, my Lord? It is great to behold and marvelous in my eyes.
11 And the LORD said, these are lands upon which my seed abide. The land on which you stand is one land among all of the lands which I have created by my own my hand. And I set them on nothing, for I the LORD am the foundation of them.
12 Behold, the lands which number more than the sands of the sea. And this is my work and my great glory: to give unto my children that which I have prepared for them, yes, even all I possess.
13 And Joseph said, how great and mighty is the LORD, full of wisdom and strength and mercy: for I have never at any time considered that this could be.
14 And Joseph fell down and worshiped the LORD.
15 And the LORD said, Joseph if you are faithful to the LORD all the days of your life, and walk circumspectly before my face, you shall be lifted up, even to the throne of God, and you shall be a master workman in all wisdom, yes, even in all of the hidden wisdom which is the LORD's.
16 And you shall inherit, with your faithful seed with you, the glory of the LORD. And thus shall you have great joy. For the LORD delights to give his children the works of his hands.
17 And you shall sit in my throne, yes, even the throne of God. And you shall be my son, and I shall be your father, forever. Yes, even forever and ever.
18 And Joseph fell on his face and cried out, depart from me Lord, for I am not worthy to be called to such a great and marvelous honor.
19 And the LORD said unto Joseph, the LORD has seen your great faithfulness. You are more faithful than any of the sons of men upon on the face of the whole earth:
20 For the LORD casts the proud to the dust and exalts the humble. The power of the wicked shall be completely destroyed, yet the LORD delights in the throne of the faithful.
21 And the LORD said: look up. And when Joseph had looked up, he beheld a great multitude which had the appearance of the sons of men. And they did shine like the sun.
22 And every one of them had a golden crown on his head. And they were singing and praising God around his glorious throne. And there was one in the midst of the throne which had a name written on him: and his name was Theosophia, which is Wisdom of God.
23 And the LORD said unto Joseph: Joseph, my son, these are those who have glorified my name. They shall be my sons forever. And at the latter time you shall rise from the dust and take your inheritance in the midst of my holy congregation forever. Even forever and ever. Amen.
Joseph teaches the priests
1 And it came to pass, Joseph was reasoning with the priests of On.
2 And the priests said unto him, surely you have communed with the gods, for there has never been a wiser man in all of Egypt.
3 And Joseph taught the priests the knowledge of the LORD. And Joseph continued to gain favor in their eyes because of his exceedingly great wisdom which the LORD had given unto him.
4 And some of priests secretly worshiped the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and said, if the LORD would have us be an example to the people, so be it, for we know that the LORD is God over all the earth.
5 And Joseph said, see that you do it not. For the time is not fully come. Not many days hence shall you and your children openly serve the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Nevertheless, the time is not yet.
6 And Joseph taught unto those faithful to the LORD the hidden wisdom of the fathers saying: of a truth, this wisdom was given to Adam, and it has come down to us by the hands of my fathers. And many things did Joseph teach unto the faithful which cannot be written.
7 And, yes, it is not to be had among the wicked and unbelieving. For the LORD shall not allow his holy wisdom to be defiled.
8 And Joseph taught them all things pertaining to the priesthood of the Most High.
9 And Joseph taught them knowledge concerning the sun, the moon, and the stars, saying, they are nothing but only merely the works of the hands of the LORD God.
10 And they were astonished that the sun was not a god, saying: if the sun being so marvelous is not a god, then surely how strong is the LORD Most High who has formed it.
11 And Joseph said, not many years hence there shall arise a Pharoah which has not respect for my people. They shall be treated with contempt and become slaves unto the people of Egypt. They shall become a stench and an abhorrence in the nostrils of the Most High.
12 And when the oppression becomes a burden too hard to bare, the LORD God will have mercy on them; and one shall arise at the word of the LORD who shall lead his people out of this place.
13 He shall be a prince in the king's house notwithstanding he shall spring from the loins of my father.
14 When he opens his mouth he shall roar as a lion roars. And when he stands up, he shall speak with the voice of God almighty.
15 And he shall show forth the mighty wonders of God unto you. And he shall confound all of the wisdom of Egypt. And he shall lead you to a land which the LORD shall give unto you as an inheritance.
16 Him must you hear.
17 And there shall be great weeping and wailing in that day, for the LORD shall visit the iniquity of the fathers in Egypt upon the heads of the sons except they repent.
18 And when you are led out of this place, you must bare my bones on your shoulders. For I desire not to stand before the LORD in this place when He shall visit the earth and reward the sons of men according to their works in the great last day. Amen.
The words of Hadar and Melech
1 Proven writings to ensure faith and to encourage spiritual revolt against evil prevalence. Thus being affirmed, Lo, Hadar of wisdom and spirit, heed.
2 Thus says Melech, the righteous and wise. I look upon the land and see beauty but horror prevails and I ask 'Why?’ The answer will come soon. Amen.
3 In the 219th year after Israel broke away from Ephraim, we ascended upon the Mount of Egypt.
4 Yes, all you participants of time being, I say, Turn back. Change your ways from evil. Knowing that the percentage of you are vast and ruling to ignorance and deceit and corruption that will assure obedience of us pure, honest, genuine and worthy dwellers of the law.
5 On the contrary, you evil rulers and congregations of evil works shall only manifest yourselves and unbelievers for only a season. Hallelujah. The meek shall inherit the earth.
6 Your battle will disperse of the wicked, diseased, the unrighteous and forsakenly as well the righteous. Why do you ask ‘forsaken’? Because these righteous congregationers are temples of hypocrisy and have become infected, so I have warned against.
7 These righteous forsakeners that I have condemned to death shall not be eternal death. Look, the day of judgment would categorize their dwelling in ever life. Understand. If you shall be a participant of this generation, in reference to your death, it shall not be of waste and condemnation but of gratitude and of holy cleansing.
8 Look. You have been a part, a spiritual vessel, of God’s prophecy. Praise God. Amen.
9 All you kingdoms and dwellers of wealth and power are but heavy-ladened with defeat. The plagues descending upon earth and time will creep into your boundaries as well. Look. You shall surely beg for forgiveness. I am a jealous angry God but I am a forgiving God. Amen. Holy, holy, holy.
10 All you that abide in man’s law, you will surely be defeated into peasantry and other ordered works by the evil powers that heed to evil. Cast your ears upon the horizon for the thunder and the trumpets wail. I am meaning to not cast stones upon the hand that feeds you, however, rebel, rebel, rebel against the branding. Amen.
11 Thus says Melech, according to God’s word. I looked upon the land from the Mount of Egypt. The world is fading quickly. God will judge you.
12 Why do the rich vex the poor? Is it because the poor attract jealousy from them? God says, Damn the rulers who take to trial my own poor. They shall enter eternal torment along with their god. Listen. The swarm is coming from the pit to sting those who oppress us. Hallelujah.
13 Now I see the truth. The fields are ripening quickly. O God, this is harvest time. But hurry for they may not endure until you come.
14 This is the sign of the time. New pestilence and deformed plagues are at the threshold of your existence. God said, Man’s flesh will waste away in pestilence. Hold fast even though these come upon you. Rejoice. For God will intervene to save his poor from this scourge.
15 From this mount, I see peace on the earth but from the heavens will come war, the final confrontation, not between boundaries of races but of wealth and not.
16 I see their houses from here and I wonder if peace exists within their dwellings for we know not. Peace is here but there, 'nay or yea’?
17 I know that out of a thousand houses there probably is not one that is righteous. I see their prosperity but do they prosper with God? No.
18 But remember God will forgive for they know not what they do. Where has wisdom gone?
19 This ends the words of Melech. Amen.
20 Behold, these things I know. This is to reveal the accounts of the future that will come to pass, received by me by the holy spirit of time and to the ages without end. Take heed. Amen.
21 Vow of Adam To Eve: Gleaming light from your soft eyes. Enter the dark corners of my mind. Your soft gentle touch of your smile causes emotions to have no sense of time.
22 Woman made from me, don’t turn away nor look upon anything other than my face. I see good and laughter from day to day. Let me keep your heart now and always.
23 Walk with me as long as eternity will be. Let me lead you to undying light and love. If you agree and follow beside me, peaceful secrets will overflow from above.
The words of Abigdor
1 These are the words of Abigdor which were given to him. I have been told by God to go to a deep thick forest alone. And that I will be visited by instructors from the third heaven.
2 In the state of meditation, I will acquire the wisdom and ability to carry out the prophecy of the LORD. This will unfold upon the land just like a snake crawls upon the dirt. My meditation will help me identify with my purpose that God has ordained of me.
3 These Babel bastards will reap what they have sown. They have fornicated with God’s children. God is going to use this meditation that is going to take place in a deep forest to give me strength and courage and condition me to carry out his will upon the synagogues of Nakash. Thus says the LORD of hosts. Amen.
Another prophecy written by Hadar and Melech
4 The word of the LORD came unto me saying, This land will receive reckoning very shortly. The feathers will be plucked and handed over to another even mightier than you.
5 The king that comes will sell you out to this great enemy and many will be trampled under-foot for a span of time that is not to be compared.
6 Damn you, Amor. The days come when the man with three crowns changes the eternal law once again as he did in the days of night.
7 But I will spare my people this time. I will shorten your days from 1200 twelve moons to half of seven. I take pity upon my virgin bride.
8 Golgathi will return and lay waste on some of my holy ones. The gazing window will report this news to the pagans. My bride Henoch will be saved from most of the horror and desolation to come. The ark is preparing again, my servant Noe.
9 The wings of the cherubim hold back this time as of now but not for much longer. The seraphim await to deliver fire and punishment upon rebellious Amor. The LORD says to Amor, Love me and obey my law.
10 Why do the heathen play stones and sticks with whores and loose women? The mouths of prostitutes perform shame upon weak men.
11 These are the signs to observe before the punishment upon the unclean bird Amor: Shameful beasts will pleasure themselves from behind. Wives will desire ungodly heathen who are filth and have their beginning from the abyss. Wanton slayers of infants and children will rape the spirit from Caesar’s slaves. Unruly men will forbid the acceptable offering. The land of milk and honey will become the land of ilk and money; of this, it has begun already.
12 These signs are to come to pass, says the LORD. Our brother Saul shall warn of this.
13 According to the heathen time of the 21st of the 11th month, I left my profession in confusion. On the 21st day of the 12th month, the guiding hand of God led me back into it; for he sees that there is a good to this. The horror to come may be the reason. I do not know. The LORD is a mysterious God.
14 Now a parable. John’s Battle With Satyr: John had three wives. One was Kush. One was Nephi. One was Lilith. A son was born from Kush. His name was Adam, but others called him Joseph.
15 One day, Lilith’s son Rollo was sent by Satyr to lure Adam from John. John’s God cut the strings of deception very quickly. Kush and Lilith now exist in harmony. Nephi had a son supposedly by John but it turned out to be the son of Nephi’s own father Yubal. Nephi no longer taunts John for she has fallen out from him. Life for John is turbulent but the LORD will save him from deception for Joshua will be his rock.
16 A man asked me, Who do you think you are? Elias? I said, You mock me. Moses gave a commandment: You shall not witness falsely.
17 These are the laws of the LORD for the land of Amor: You shall not have any other gods against me. You shall not construct any statues resembling anything up or below or of any soul or honor them with your heart, soul or mind. You shall not profane the name of the LORD to men. Do not forget my Sabbaths, O Manasseh.
18 Honor and love your parents in the name of the LORD, so that death does not hover over you. You shall never murder nor kill for naught. You shall never be a whore or whore-monger. You shall never take without asking or paying for it. You shall never lust for things that do not belong to you. You shall not lie nor be a tale-bearer.
19 You shall not consume the abominable. You shall not act as a beast. You shall not abort infants nor act as Lilith. You shall not follow Molech and Ashteroth nor their wives. You shall not commit incest.
20 Wash yourselves with the waters of repentance and be clean. Do not be a vessel for shades. God will destroy the phantoms for their lot is oblivion. Do you know we will judge the gods? The LORD sent us here to be kings and judges at his supper.
21 Listen, says the LORD. The days are coming that darkness will fall upon the land of Amor and Lilith will yell from her bed to kill their sons in the evening. The heavens will become hot because of the sun and Nakash will gaze from the hunter as a lion to kill what Lilith left for him. The number of days for the judgment will be 49 days multiplied by 42 years.
22 Woman, made from me, do not turn away nor look upon anything other than my face. I see good and laughter from day to day. Let me keep your heart now and always even to the end of time. Amen.
Warning upon that generation
1 From the voice in the wilderness, heed this warning. Mercy on you. Repent, repent, repent. Pray right now. Hurry, for the time is running out and your end is nigh. But yet 1,000 years will remain so that you, who are survived, shall bury all the earthly dead and witness God’s final wrath and his awesome return by Joshua the messiah.
2 For those who think Lilith and truds are nothing but nonsense. They are doing the work of Nakash. Just because you do not see, does not make it an untruth. This is the way of devils. They do not appear to show you the truth. They appear to children and innocent creations. Devils are at your side every day.
3 You, who are in this generation, shall see great wonders and times of trouble with famine and plagues. Thus, so God’s punishment will be released upon you as Nakash attempts his final temptation and all his miraculous power to easily convince you that you will not burn in torment.
4 Have faith in all, against the evil that you will witness. Like your nemesis that will be cast upon the earth and cause the world to end, so shall you be cast under it. Hence, it will be blood, fire and sulphur. There is no place on earth to escape. Only the righteous and the faithful know the safe haven where you shall not be stricken.
5 Therefore, I say, Go there. Know the place when the trumpet sounds. The one place on earth which is safe is no not room for many.
6 Your wicked ways, ignorance, immorality and selfishness are in your blood for generations to come. You, your children and your children’s children have succumbed to Nimrud; idolizing and deitism. Evil ones shall not pass in this generation before your end is nigh. Your synagogues are corrupt and so you have been ruined as Sodom and Gomorrah.
7 Hadar wrote this as God gave him utterance. Amen.
Concerning Joshua and the twelve
1 The devil works evil in the hearts of men twelve hours a day and twelve hours a night and twelve months a year, week by week. This is why his name, yes his hidden name, is Sametiwotufs.
2 Joshua said, All things exist in and with one another and will again be resolved into their own roots for the material is dissolved into the roots of its ways alone. He who has ears to hear, let him hear. Petras said, Since you have explained all things unto us, tell us what is the sin of the world? Joshua said, Sin does not exist but you create it when you give in to your nature. Because of this, I came into the world to restore it to its root. Because of this, you come to be and die.
3 Hollow is a life of treachery when a woman partakes of the devices of Nakash. Her voice echoes like a bitch in the night among the deserts of the dead. Her mind is not capable of understanding the desire of a man’s love to his God.
4 She sits reclined and gazing by pouring the aroma of the mandrake into her breath. But my LORD, your love can teach me the ways of truth. I shall never walk alone in the world as long as you are there beside me.
5 Let all the abominable ones suffer your wrath so that they may see the love and sacrifice you have made.
6 It was in Jerusalem that Joshua and the twelve were keeping the feast. After Judah betrayed him and was killed, he lay in the tomb for three days and three nights. On the third day of the unleavened, he arose but no one knew of this until the Sabbath drew to a close.
7 Mariam discovered the body was not there and went to tell the disciples. My LORD, if only women were like Mariam. If only they loved you enough to lead ignorant men to the truth of your light.
How the wicked are numbered
1 The wicked ones are numbered according to their sins. The abominable will number 132,000. Those who break the ten laws will number 612,000. And those who are of Nakash will number 652,000.
2 Those who bow to the image will number 150,000. Those who honor Therion will number 244,000.
3 All the wicked that will be punished will number 2,636,000. There may be more before all is fulfilled. However, 659,000 will be given over to the four winds. Unbelievers will be separated and numbered the same. They number 28,000. They will follow the rest by separation among the four winds. The number of the wicked is 2,664,000 divided in quarters.
4 Now, I give you a hidden message. If you are wise, you will understand. The king of Amor is the door to the power of Therion. Watch. Repent. Pray. Amen.
Prophecy concerning the end
1 Thus says the LORD. The spirit of evil is here. The daughters of Babylon the whore have embraced her when her feast day comes. The LORD says, I hate your moons and feasts. I will end them all.
2 Heylel has boasted that he will bring down the congregation from its foundation in wrath. For three times and a half he will wage war. However, Michael, Gabriel, Uriel, Raphael, Phanuel, Saraphael and Raguel are ready to blow the trumps of the LORD.
3 There will be hail-stones all ablaze mixed with the blood of the wicked. The blazing mountain will destroy the ports of the sea. Kernobl will fall and poison waters of life and many will die thereof. The great star of Tau will return which left a flood in the days of Noe.
4 Devils from the abyss will torture wicked men for 150 days. Four will lead 200,000,000 shades for 391 days and an hour. Then the kingdoms of the earth will belong to the LORD and his son, Joshua. But this will not go well with the heathen for they will be angered. But the LORD will plague them with sores, blood, heat, darkness and drought. Then the war will come; the third and final war to end all wars; and the world will war but not for long.
5 There shall come the son from the east with thousands of his holy hosts of heaven to render judgment upon those who sit among the green trees eating pigs, mice and everything abominable. These shall be thrown into the fire and become ashes and, lo, worms will be in their flesh and they shall feel this thing forever. Yes, they shall die a horrible death.
6 The LORD knows their thoughts. He knows of the masses they keep. He knows they have eaten the broth of unclean meats. He also knows the thoughts of lust in the hearts of men. He will not allow them to go unpunished. Belial forever captivates the world but not for long. He will be brought down to the pit and be chained there for 1,000 days.
7 During the day of the son, all who have breath will rest and be given life eternal. After Belial escapes, he will unleash his mighty devil Gog, the master of Magog, for a final battle. He will be defeated by fire. Belial will be burned from within into nothing. Forever will he anguish in the place of the dead, the sea of sulphur.
8 After this, a holy rest will come upon the messiah and his followers in order that they feel not the pain of the purifying fire of God. All things will be burned up and the earth will lie in silence for less than one half hour. The earth will itself be renewed to eternal life. Then all will awaken from their holy rest and the new city of God will appear, for this city must descend upon purified ground in order to be holy forever.
9 God will dry all tears and the holy ones will live in peace and love with Joshua forever and ever with no end to glorious everlasting life. Amen.
The righteous Chattoatl
1 And Kanaan became the father of Heth. The people of Heth began calling themselves Hitti or Chitti. When Alexander conquered Asia, the Chitti went north and west into Europa and then sailed to a new land. They changed their name to Chatti.
2 There, they built a temple called Tenochittilan with 13 levels of heaven and nine steps to the underworld. They practiced heathen rituals and tore out the hearts of their human sacrifices.
3 One day, their god appeared to them in the form of a winged serpent. In this heathen tribe resided a righteous man named Chattoatl who was inspired to denounce the worship of the serpent god of the Achittics. Chattoatl prophesied saying, The men from Gaul will come and bring plague upon your heathen tribe. The God of Eber cursed us for our father’s sin but now calls us to repent and believe in the one who manifested in Jerusalem and died for even us. The curse is no more for he left it in the place of the dead with the phantoms. He arose as a new creature and so we should rise in newness as well.
4 My brothers, repent and be washed so that this coming invasion does not catch you unaware. Denounce Quetzocoatl and his ways and turn to the true God of Jacob.
5 When he said this, the Achittics took him and laid him upon the altar of the temple of Tenochittilan and cut out his heart. It came to pass that all Chattoatl said was fulfilled. Here ends the testimony of Chattoatl unto the Achittic people in the new land.
Secret of life
1 Soothing hours of light reflect the warmth of the word above. He guides the hearts of men alike with undying and wondrous love.
2 He knew us and we knew him but we left to fulfill a Father’s plan. We were in ignorance and this is why we became man.
3 Lessons to learn and things to do bring us into his own perfection. Some of us do not learn and it is a shame that he gives them rejection.
4 Soothing hours of light reflect the tenderness of the one above. He guides our obedient hearts, souls and minds with his eternal love. Amen.
The mystical vision of the prophet Esdras the high priest
1 This is the word that was given unto Esdras the prophet and high priest in the confines of Babylon.
2 Let the children weep and moan for the day of vengeance has come. The fire has been kindled in the midst of the seven circles of death. The circles speak each a prophecy that pertains to the end of all things and here is what they have said to me, Esdras your prophet.
3 The first circle said, No longer will the tainted sheets of prostitution be forthcoming. The lords of clandestined mirth have ended the perversion of intercourse.
4 The second said, Blood and entrails are soon to be thrown about in the land of mixture. Mothers will see their seed dissolve into lifeless garbage which will draw the maggots of slaughter.
5 The third said, Hearts will pound heavily because the rotted corpse of destruction has arrived on the wings of retribution. No more celebration, gladness or dancing will be seen or heard in all the land for a space of seven times seven. The jubilee will end this terror but even then a merry heart will be lacking.
6 The fourth said, Animals have given you life and now they bring death and calamity. A strange plague has come from beasts called Arnabeth. Why has this happened? It is because you have committed fornication with many strangers and have given birth to children by numerous men. Since you live by the law of Arnab, you will die by her law.
7 The fifth said, You have been druggers and now you live up to the name of your choice of stupor. It is called "dead" and now you are dead. Your flesh rots and your bones dissolve. You have become a man of one hundred in just a moment of time. You are detestable and a shame to the image of God. Tumors will afflict you and cause your spirit to dwindle.
8 The sixth said, Harvest the urine from the bowls of trial. Your food has turned to mildew along with your mind. No longer will the LORD sit idle and allow the dregs of men to congregate within His temple. You are poison and the Devil is your image.
9 The seventh said, Rain, storm and tempest in the hour of flight will cause faith to cease. None believe in Joshua. Shall the LORD cause destruction unmeasurable? Watch yourselves with the eyes that none can see. Plead with God to restore the former paradise before the chance fades into oblivion.
10 As soon as the voices of the seven circles were finished, I saw a large flat surface appear. It was able to show visions of things never prophesied before. I also saw a man who was dressed in white and with eyes that were as fiery red rays of light and with them he burns a man's soul to the core.
11 He said unto me, Watch these visions and write what you see but do not explain. Write them in single words. We must hide the truth from those with ears that do not hear and from those with eyes that do not see.
12 I looked and began to write. The first is "heat". The second is "ice". The third is "mist". The fourth is "pain". The fifth is "death". The sixth is "blood". The seventh is "rest". I did not know what this meant but I wrote it down nonetheless.
13 I took my stand upon the universal path of knowledge and I heard one voice say to me, This is not what is; for you have been blinded as all others to the fact of existence. Nothing is; but all exists. You will find Me over there or under here. I AM in all and all is the same. You must free yourself from the convoluted and enter the vastness of sense. You will never make sense out of nonsense so turn away from perverting sense.
14 My handiwork is a veil to be lifted only by those who are willing to see and hear. If you perceived My true form, you would cease to be in a twinkling of an eye. I will utilize this in the latter day of My wrath. Meditate upon Me and acquire the mind of the only true God. I AM the only One and my Seed testifies of this.
15 I, Esdras, wrote this down in the thirty-third year after the destruction of Jerusalem.
16 Behold my son, I, Esdras, have caused to come into your hands the writings of Melech in which he had left a record of his life among men and of the blessings of the LORD unto him. I have brought this to you that you might restore that which was lost and that the complete record, in its original purity, might be found again among the sons of men.
17 Behold, these things are sacred. Do not send them unto the heathen but let them be for the edification of the chosen ones that your hearts may be turned unto the fathers and you may draw close to them and they to you.
18 Thus will the veil be withdrawn and you will commune with the congregation of the LORD and shall be ushered back unto my presence.
19 Go now and do this work which I have placed in your hands. Amen.
The book of Melech
1 I, Melech, was born the son of Barak who was the minister to Nimrud who reigned in Ur of Babel.
2 Now this Nimrud was a wicked man and an idolater and my father was led to follow after his abominations.
3 Nimrud was a man of mighty power for he was master of the great secrets of the builders and had in his hands all the secrets of the ancients as they had come down from Kain, wherein he knew the words of power and the signs for using them and he had the holy garments which had been given unto Adam in the garden in which was also great power.
4 All of this power did Nimrud use to get gain after the manner of the secret combination.
5 With his power he had set out to build a tower which would see into the sky, even the city called Babel. Nimrud thought he might depose God from his throne.
6 But God frustrated the plans of Nimrud by confounding the language of him and his people that they could no longer remember the sacred words and they scattered forth over the face of the land.
7 At that time Nimrud came and established the city of Ur which is the city of light, for he yet retained his determination to build a city to rival the city of God that the light and power might center in him.
8 And through the ministration of the Devil he received again some of the words of power and did reorganize the secret combination among his people; but he had not power as at the first for the pure language was not restored to him according to the decree of the Most High.
9 Now, in all the wickedness of Nimrud, my father stood by his side for he was deceived by the subtle cunning and power which Nimrud possessed.
1 My father Barak was the son of Jacob and Jacob was the son of Carmel and Carmel was the son of Levi and Levi was the son of Betzalel in whose days the land was desolate.
2 The land of Betzalel was desolate because of the flood that came. The people withdrew from the land and settled upon higher ground until the waters dried up. The sons of Betzalel helped replenish the land along with the sons of Noe.
Concerning Noe
1 Noe was the son of Lamech, the son of Methuselah, the son of Henoch, who was taken that he might minister unto those in the flesh who sought a higher law than was available to them elsewhere.
2 Now the birth of Noe was in this manner. While his father Lamech was traveling toward his home, an messenger of the LORD appeared unto him and saluted him, saying, Hail Lamech, favored one of God, for according to the promise of the LORD God to your father Henoch, you have been chosen to be father to him though whom the seed of God will be preserved through the flood which God will send upon the land in judgment, for all the sons of men have gone astray through the corruptions of those messengers who fell from among the gods and mingled their seed with the daughters of men and begat sons of great strength and mighty wickedness.
3 These have caused all flesh to corrupt their way before the LORD. They shall be destroyed.
Noe’s appearance
1 And when Noe was born, his body was white like the snow and his hair was as white as wool. His eyes were also like flames of fire. This caused great concern to his father and mother and his father's wives and children and his entire house.
2 This was a source of amazement and concern unto Lamech who thereupon went unto his father, Methuselah, and finding him he said, My father, this day did my wife, your daughter, give birth to a man-child.
3 And at his birth the child's hair was white and fire seemed to come from his eyes and his skin was white like the snow.
4 Tell me now the meaning of these things and how can I raise such a son?
5 Hearing these words, Methuselah also was troubled and said, Fear not, my son, for although I know not the meaning of these things, I will go unto my father, Henoch, for he is privy to the messengers and he will be able to explain all things to us.
6 Methuselah traveled to the top of the highest mountain whence he could speak unto his father, Henoch, and he said unto him, My father, my daughter, who is the wife of my son Lamech, hath this day brought forth a man-child.
7 And at his birth the child's hair was white and fire seemed to come from his eyes and his skin was as white as snow.
8 My son Lamech is greatly perplexed as to the meaning of these things and how he can raise such a son.
1 Hearing this report, Henoch comforted his son Methuselah, saying, Fear not, my son, nor fret over this matter for did not a holy messenger visit your son Lamech and tell him that this should be the seed of God? And was it not so?
2 For this cause have these things happened; but on the eighth day when the child is circumcised, he shall be covered and shall appear as other men except that his hair shall remain white as a sign that through him the LORD will do a mighty work.
3 This word did Methuselah return to his son Lamech and he was comforted.
4 And on the eighth day when the child was circumcised, he was covered that he became as other men except that his hair remained white and they called his name Noe, which by interpretation is comfort, because, Lamech said, My heart is comforted to know that my seed shall be preserved through this child.
5 And the child grew and waxed strong in wisdom and he was initiated into the order of the ancients and learned the rites and ordinances and the powers of the builders with the signs and tokens and key words wherewith he could call upon the powers to combat the forces of the adversary.
6 In the next generation men corrupted themselves, for the daughters of men went forth and lay with the sons of God, which thing was an abomination in the eyes of God.
7 For this reason, the LORD said unto Noe, Behold, the daughters of men have sold themselves and my anger is kindled against them, for they will not take heed to my voice; now, all those who go in unto them will be destroyed with them.
The exploits of Nimrud
1 After the flood, the people of Betzalel settled in the land. Betzalel begat Levi. Levi begat Carmel. Carmel begat Jacob. Jacob begat Barak. Barak begat Melech, who is the one preserving this record.
2 Concerning the exploits of Nimrud. Noe’s son Shem heard about the exploits of Nimrud. He heard that after Kush died, Nimrud had taken his own mother to wife. She was a daughter of Shem.
3 This unholy alliance angered Shem. It was an unthought of relationship in those days that a son should play the pervert with his own mother.
4 On a certain day, Shem came to Nimrud and said, In three days, you will be torn down and there will be nothing left but the shameful object of your desire.
5 Nimrud stood up and said, Shem, you see how wise I am concerning the ancient secrets and that I am a crafty hunter of man and beast. I am the only true savior of the land. I am a god to the people within my realm. I could destroy you at this moment if I so desire. Shem said, No longer shall you be the god of the hunt, but in three days you will be the fallen king.
6 Two years came to pass and Nimrud forgot the warning of Shem. Around this time, Abram was called from Ur by the LORD to begin his congregation. Abram left the idols of Nimrud behind and God changed his name to Abraham, the father of many nations. My father Barak was in the house of Nimrud at the time Abraham left. The father of Abraham remained with us.
7 Abraham sent word to Nimrud saying, In one year is your death, O king. Your bitch will also die in seven years of your death. However, your legacy will taint the generations of my people and, at the end, you shall even rise in judgment against the Amorites and Beritites and all those that sprang from them.
8 It came to pass that Shem marched with an army to Babel and overtook Nimrud in battle. The sword of Shem tore Nimrud asunder. Afterward, his bitch found one part of his body and set up obelisks in honor of that foul thing she found. She kept it by her and even did the unspeakable with it. By this time, I left Babel but, like Abraham's father did, my father remained also. I joined Abraham's flock in Bethel.
9 Seven years passed and Nimrud's bitch was torn apart by wild boars in the desert. To this day, we have the saying, In the desert, the night hag is there trying to find a resting place.
10 Now, before she died, she gave birth to a son named Salosobet, for he was third in the house to rule the heathens of Babel. Salosobet did the evil that his father Nimrud did before him and even spread his seed among the Assyrians.
11 The armies of Salosobet searched for Shem but could not find him for his bloodline was vast and the LORD hid him in the mountain, of which was later called Sinai. There, Shem scribed the books which had been taken upon the ark so that they may be preserved.
12 When Shem was 600 years old, he made a testament unto his people.
Prophecy of Shem
1 He said, My days are coming to an end and I must prophesy what the LORD has revealed unto me. In the end of days, God will send his word to die. Many will obey the word and wash themselves in its blood. However, Nimrud will return with his prostitute on top of man and cause kings to commit abominations in the name of the word which they will replace with another one.
2 Shadows will ride the spirits of men and cast them into the pit.
3 My people will fight another like unto Nimrud before this. His name will be Dagol. The leader of my people will be Judas. The children and their mother will die because of Piggul. The same will also come to pass in the last days.
4 The people of Sadra will also be taken over by adulterous men who will spread another word not heard of before that time. Another congregation will profane the name of the LORD into a strange sound never heard of. Then I will send a strong arm but he will also fall because of the sin of Nimrud.
5 My word will be twisted by those bishops who think to know better. It will deceive many and place my word into infancy when the year is dead.
6 In the beginning God made the heavens and the earth. The earth became formless and deserted and darkness was upon the shaft of the pit. And the spirit of the LORD hovered over the surface of the seas.
7 And God said, Let there be light and there was the word, the light of men. Men were in darkness and the light overpowered the darkness but men saw it not.
8 I command that you follow this light and shun the false light of Nimrud. Do not worship the east nor carve trees unto devils in the name of God.
9 I give you, my children, this word to keep. The days are coming when the LORD will send a law-giver to deliver you from the mouth of Leviathan. My words will help you with the coming trial.
10 Be of good cheer and remember what I have done to Nimrud.
11 These things Shem said to his children and he died. He was gathered to his fathers and his children wept for seven days.
Visions of Melech
1 Now I, Melech, witnessed the destruction of Sodom. Abraham said unto me, Do not look upon the city while the fire of the LORD consumes it. If you look, you will surely die. I obeyed the voice of Abraham and only looked before and after the destruction.
2 I heard the screams and cries of those being consumed in that city. The cries vibrated the mountain upon which I stood. The sound was painful to hear. God said unto me, This sound will never be heard again until the end of days when I come and deliver judgment upon those who sit in the midst of the trees. Those who eat the abominable thing and say they are righteous will be consumed together. Their cries will be even more than the cries you now hear.
3 At that moment, I was taken away from the sight of Abraham by a power I cannot describe. It took me to a strange place. My surroundings were unfamiliar.
4 I was standing among a crowd of people. They were listening to a man sitting upon a hill. The man was of a race that resembled mine. While he spoke, men came unto him and mocked his teaching but he put them to shame.
5 As I followed this man, I heard him tell certain people that their blasphemy had doomed them to a life of unforgiveness and death.
6 I followed this man for about three years until one sold him to these reprobates. I witnessed the murder of an innocent man. Was I seeing a vision? How could a vision last for three years? God said, You have been translated forward to the time of my Son. What you have witnessed is real. You will again be translated forward but you must beware. Those times are times of hate, selfishness and pain.
1 After He said this, I was taken again to an unfamiliar place. I looked up and saw chariots riding the sky. They were shooting darts of fire at one another. Some of the chariots fell to the ground. On the side of one of the chariots was an image of a bent tau. Were these from my people? God said, No. These are not your people. They use the tau but it is the tau of Kain. They follow the way of Kain by not using the secrets wisely.
2 I understood that I was now seeing mass war on a scale never witnessed before. Voices from the air herald each day of this war. I asked God, Why have you shown me this? God said, I show you this to prophesy it to your people in your day as a warning. This can be avoided if man would only listen to the truth. If he would do this, I would restore the ancient secrets in their fullness but until he learns to love, I will keep the veil over his eyes.
3 I desire to allow my creation to know the deep meanings of the secrets. I have just revealed one secret but they will never notice it because they are convoluted and disobedient. Those who are pure in heart will discover it easily.
4 After this, I was translated back to the days of Abraham. I relayed the message to my people. One year later, we went out on our own and settled near the glorious land. Today is my death. God revealed that I would be killed by perverse men at dusk. I have but a few moments.
1 O LORD God take my spirit unto you for you are the master builder and none are like you. You have revealed the deep secrets of the work unto me and I have kept them from infidels. My life is squared and I am ready to enter the temple not made with hands.
2 The enemy is here. I will hide this record.
Esdras speaks
3 This record was taken from Melech by a messenger that appeared to him and this same messenger gave me, your high priest, this writing in the days before the destruction of Jerusalem and great captivity. I gave the book to a certain high priest that preserved it. Glory be.
4 A letter has been found written by Zuar, the messenger over the captives in Babylon. I was instructed to include it here as an appendix to this great work so that it might edify the congregation of God.
The letter of Zuar to the Babylonian captives
5 Zuar, a messenger of the LORD to the captives who are at Babylon.
6 Honor be unto you and peace from the LORD God.
7 I give thanks to the LORD through all my prayers, that you have continued in him and persevered in his works, looking forward to the promise in the day of judgment.
8 Do not allow the vain talk of some intruders beguile you, that they may draw you from the truth which is preached by me.
9 And now may God cause those who are mine to continue serving, to the increase of the truth, and perform goodness of eternal life.
10 And now your bonds which you suffer in the LORD are well known, in which you should rejoice and be glad.
11 This to you is for everlasting life, which is also wrought by your prayers, and by the supply of the Spirit of the LORD, whether through life or through death.
12 To live is to be in the LORD, and to die is joy.
13 And likewise he will work his mercy in you that you may have the same love, and may be of one mind.
14 Therefore, hold fast and work in the fear of God, and it will be life eternal for you.
15 For it is God who works in you.
16 And whatever you do, do it without retreating.
17 And for the rest, rejoice in the LORD, and beware of those who are sordid in worldly gain.
18 Let all your requests be made openly before God, and be firm in the thinking of the LORD.
19 And do those things that are sound, true, sober, just and lovely.
20 And what you have heard and received, keep in your heart.
21 And peace shall be with you.
22 The holy ones salute you.
23 May the salvation of God be with your spirit.
24 And this is to be read in Babylon unto the captives of the congregation of the LORD.
25 Now ends the Book of Melech the righteous. May his spirit rest in the bosom of the Most High. Amen.
The book of Elias the Prophet
1. The record of Elias the Tishbite which he wrote for his disciple Elisha whom he called from his field in Abelmaholah unto the holy order of God.
2. Behold, I, Elias, write this record with my own hand and no man shall see it until I have ascended into heaven.
3. Then shall my authority and the keys of my priesthood, which is the priesthood of God, pass to my son Elisha by right of lineage and obedience.
4. This priesthood came down to me from God by lineage, for I am a descendant of Joshua the son of Nun who was descended from Ephraim the son of Joseph through whom the rights descended in Israel.
5. These rights I received when I was but a lad from my father before he was martyred for the testimony of the LORD and, according to the word of the LORD, I have appointed Elisha, who is my adopted son, to be my successor in bearing off this work.
6. Nevertheless, not all of my rights shall rest upon him, for the LORD has said, behold, my servant Elias shall bear with him the keys.
7. But he shall leave with Elisha those keys necessary to continue his work in organizing the schools of the prophets and the order of Henoch that the sons of the prophets may continue to live after the holy order of God.
1. Therefore, my son Elisha, I leave for you this book of the order by which you may govern the order of Henoch, for I have organized and governed this order according to the precepts of the LORD and under the direction of his spirit I give you these instructions.
2. Everyone who desires to enter the order of Henoch must be one who loves the Lord his GOD with all his heart, might, mind and strength and one who loves his fellowman as himself, according to the word of the LORD through Moses.
3. He must swear to live the law of consecration and to hold all things common with his brethren according to the pattern set by our first parents, for when they came forth from the garden they divided not up the land but held it in common until their posterity through wickedness began to lay claim to it for themselves.
4. Behold, this private ownership of the property came to pass through the teachings of that evil combination which was organized by Kain that men might get gain for themselves because the love of God and man is not in them.
5. He who enters the order must be one who is dedicated to seeing the face of God and receiving from him the promise of eternal life.
6. He must keep the commandments and statutes of the Lord his GOD, to do what is good and upright in the sight of God according to that which he commanded through Moses the lawgiver and through his servants the prophets.
7. He who seeks to enter the holy order of God must be one who loves that which the LORD loves and hates that which the LORD hates.
8. He must keep all the perversion far from him and love to do righteousness, that his works may bear testimony before God and man; he must be governed by the principles of truth, righteousness, and justice in all he does while in this house of clay, having rejected his inclination to follow after the ways of the flesh, no longer doing perversion according to the selfishness and jealousy and contentious spirit which dwells in the earthly man.
9. Every member of the order must be dedicated to bringing into a bond of mutual love all those who are striving to live after the holy order of God.
10. To live after the order of the ancients means that they must live in the community of God's elect, holding all things common and loving one another as themselves.
11. They must unite in one heart and one mind, for only then can Zion be built up in its perfect order and the name of our God be glorified.
12. Those entering the holy order must have shown by their works their desires to live according to all that God has revealed, to keep all his commandments, to perfect their lives according to God's holy order that they may be sanctified by the blood of the covenant unto the renewal of their spirits and their bodies.
13. They must love all the children of light, each according to his position in the house of God, for those who live the highest law are most able to be loved, and so forth, even unto the lowest law of God.
14. They must hate the works of darkness and avoid intercourse with the sons of Belial, each according to the measure of his guilt, for God will bring every work into judgment and those who associate with the wicked will be damned with them.
1. He who loves the truth and truly desires to live after the order of heaven must declare his willingness to be united to the congregation of the elect and must consecrate by covenant all of his mind, all of his strength and all of his wealth to the community of God so that his mind may be purified by the truth of the LORD's precepts, his strength controlled by the LORD's perfect ways, and his wealth disposed of in accordance with the LORD's just design.
2. He must order his life according to the pattern which the LORD has given, observing the hours of worship, the sabbaths and the feasts to do them, not neglecting the fasts of the LORD.
3. He must be one whose heart is knit unto the ordinances of God's law, who will strive diligently to preserve them in purity, neither breaking the laws, changing the ordinances nor neglecting the everlasting covenants.
1. When such a man comes forward to present himself as a candidate for admission into the order, he should be examined carefully by the elders of the community, and having been proven worthy, he must enter into a covenant in the presence of God, the holy messengers, and his brethren of the order by entering into the waters of purification that he will do according to all that God has commanded and not turn away from the service of the LORD through fear of wicked men or devils nor through discouragement because of the trials which Belial shall send against him, for the LORD GOD has appointed that all who seek to live after his holy order shall be tried and purified until their gold is pure and their dross consumed.
2. When a man has entered into this covenant in the waters of purification, the elders of the community are to lay their hands upon his head and bless him.
1. At the end of each year, every member of the community is to be interviewed, from first to last, that the spiritual standing of each in the community may be determined.
2. This is needful so long as Belial continues to hold sway over the world.
3. The object of this interview is that every man in Israel may be made aware of his status in the community, that he may measure himself against the perfect, eternal society of heaven.
4. If any man finds that he is being governed by a law which is beyond his desires, then let him be placed among those who live after his own heart.
5. If any man will qualify himself to live a law higher than he is living, let the opportunity be given him to live that law.
6. No man in Israel need be abased below his ability to qualify nor exalted above his desires to live after the heavenly pattern.
7. All members of the community will stand, each in his proper place, according to a true evaluation of his standing before God.
8. Let those who judge in these matters, judge according to correct principle, in profound humility, being full of charity and equity toward their brethren and sisters that the society of heaven may flourish among you, being sanctified by love and unity in the Lord our GOD.
1. Anyone who refuses to live after the pattern of God's holy order, the perfect society of heaven, but persists in walking after stubbornness of his own heart and vain traditions, shall not be admitted into the community of God's elect.
2. For inasmuch as he has rebelled against the discipline required of those who are called to set their lives in order according to the precepts of the heavenly law, he cannot be counted among the holy ones of the Most High.
3. The spiritual, mental, physical and material resources of such a man are of no value to the community; therefore he shall not be permitted to enter into the order of Henoch to live after the pattern of heaven.
4. If he were honest in acknowledging his weaknesses before God, then would the LORD make his weaknesses to become strengths unto him, but inasmuch as his heart remains stubborn and he changes not, he shall remain in his sins.
5. Such a one looks upon the light of God's truth but sees only darkness.
6. He can never be sanctified because the light is not in him.
7. Although he should offer numerous sacrifices and be purified in water any number of times and be anointed, yet he can never be cleansed from his sins except through contrition and repentance, wherein he rejects his former works and walks in the path which our fathers walked, which is the holy order of God.
8. Unclean he remains so long as he will not be governed by the laws of God, neither submit himself to the ordinances; he shall never enter into communion with the heavenly hosts.
9. It is only when the spirit of man has been awakened to the light of God's truth that he can begin to direct his life according to those holy principles by which he can ascend into the presence of God and make his calling sure.
10. Only through obedience to those laws and that order which have been handed down from our fathers can a man sanctify his life to commune with the LORD.
11. The blessings and rights and the priesthood can then descend upon their heads and they shall dwell in the courts of the sanctified.
12. For only through obedience to the laws and ordinances of God, walking faithfully after his holy order and enduring unto the end therein can a man be redeemed and gain a blotting out of all sins so that his mind can be opened to gaze upon the true light.
13. It is through obedience to the laws and ordinances of the LORD that a man receives the spirit which will lead him unto true and complete union with God and all holy men as his iniquities are lifted from him and his mind is expanded to receive God's truth that he may walk therein as one of the children of light.
14. For atonement comes upon all those who are upright and humble and submissive to all the ordinances of God that their sins should be blotted out and they be sanctified through the blood of the covenant.
15. Then are they purified from all blemish that they should be pure and holy, without spot.
16. Only such a one can perfectly direct his steps to walk blamelessly through all the paths of life, never deviating from the ways of God, but keeping all the commandments without turning either to the right or to the left and without overstepping any of the bounds imposed by the word of God.
17. Then indeed is he perfectly acceptable before the LORD GOD and a pleasure unto Him.
18. Then his joy will increase and he will enter by covenant into the community of the faithful.
1. Those that enter into covenant to hold all things common according to the order of Henoch and faithfully adhere to the order of the ancients should be instructed that their minds may be opened to the vision of eternity and how the order of heaven can be established and perpetuated here on the earth.
2. He who is called to instruct the children of light in these matters must understand and teach the true nature of man, the different influences which form his character, the meaning of his history and the reason that God at one time blesses him and at another time afflicts him.
3. This is the hidden knowledge, the application of which redeems man from his earthly state and ushers him into the holy order of God where he can be prepared to enter into the presence of God and partake of the fruits of eternal life.
The God of knowledge
1. The LORD is a God of knowledge.
2. By his word was everything made which was made and he governs all things according to his infinite foreknowledge.
3. Even before he created the heavens and the earth, he counseled with the hosts of heaven and planned a plan wherein the spirit of every man should have his appointed role, for the spirit of every man appeared before the father of spirits in the beginning and received a place appointed in the family of heaven and earth.
4. When a man fills his appointed role, it is according to the glorious design of the father of spirits and each one functions according to the divine plan, the work of God is pushed toward its consummation.
5. The designs of God cannot be frustrated; in his hand lies the government of all things and he sustains all the children of men in their needs, wherefore it becomes all men to worship the LORD God of Israel and be obedient to the divine plan which he has ordained for them.
Father of spirits
1. Now, the father of the spirits of all men created man to rule the earth and set before him the ways of life and death, truth and falsehood.
2. Thus was man made free, even from the beginning to choose for himself the good or the perverted until the final judgment when the works of every man shall be revealed and each shall receive a just reward according to his works requisite with the mercy of our God.
1. The origin of truth lies in the fountain of light, while the origin of falsehood lies in the well of darkness.
2. All that practice righteousness are under the domination of Lucifer and walk in the path of light while those who practice perversion are under the domination of Tenebre and walk in the path of darkness.
3. Tenebre is the Devil, that evil spirit who lies in wait to entrap the souls of men and drag them down to misery and woe.
4. He lies in wait at any opportunity to lead the unwary soul into sin and error so that through his perverted influence, even the children of light are led to commit those things which are grievous in the eyes of God.
5. When men of their own free will choose to follow the influence of this enemy of all righteousness, they fall from the favor of the God of heaven and must turn from their iniquities that the LORD can visit them in his mercy and redeem them from their sins, that they may know to sing the song of redeeming love.
6. All the afflictions which befall the children of men, all their trials, all their sorrows result from the acts of this prince of perversion.
7. He and all his hosts are dedicated to causing the children of light to fall and become entangled in their snares.
8. Nevertheless, the God of Israel with all his holy messengers is always nearby to assist the sons of light and save all those who will call upon his name from the power of the evil ones.
9. The LORD God has given unto man his ability to choose the good or the evil.
10. The LORD loves righteousness and will unto the ages to come and is always pleased with those who walk in the paths of righteousness, but he hates the perverted and those who walk in the paths of evil will be cast out of the presence of the LORD at the last day, for the LORD cannot look upon evil with any degree of acceptance nor can those who love evil dwell in his presence.
Fruits of the spirit of the LORD
1. These are the fruits of the spirit of the LORD: enlightenment whereby a man can perceive the ways of God to walk therein; discernment to know the good from the evil; reverence for the name of GOD and consciousness of the approaching judgments of God; humility; patience; abundant charity; love of righteousness; vision; wisdom; trust; faith; confidence in the power of the Almighty God; knowledge, self-mastery; sanctity; pure thoughts; abounding love for all who follow the truth; purity; modesty and the ability to hide within oneself the secrets of God which one has received.
2. All these things come unto men in this world through communion with the spirit of truth.
3. All those who walk in that path which is set before them by the spirit of truth shall receive health in their navel and marrow to their bones and shall find wisdom and hidden treasures of knowledge.
4. These shall inherit eternal life without end.
5. Eternal shall be their blessings and everlasting their joy in the realms of glory, for they shall be crowned with light and robed in glory and shall dwell in everlasting burnings in the presence of our God.
1. With the wicked it is not so, for the fruits of wickedness are greed; malice; falsehood; pride; presumption; deception; guile; insolence; unrighteous anger; folly; arrogance; lewdness; unchastity; blasphemies; selfishness; blindness of the eyes; deafness of the ears; stiffness of neck and hardness of heart.
2. Such men walk entirely in the ways of darkness and all their works are evil and abominable in the eyes of God.
3. Those who walk in the paths of evil shall receive a multitude of afflictions at the hands of the holy messengers of God.
4. These are the sons of destruction who are subject to the wrath of God.
5. Eternal contempt is their end and perpetual reproach, even the disgrace of final annihilation in the fire, for they shall dwell in outer darkness until their end which is extinction without remnant or survival and after this, their lot no man knows nor is it revealed to any man except those who are made partakers thereof.
1. These, O Elisha, are the ways placed before every man that he may choose the good or the evil.
2. Man is free to choose for himself, for the LORD will force no man to choose the right and the devil cannot force him to choose evil.
3. Between good and evil there is an eternal enmity; they cannot exist together in peace.
4. But the LORD GOD has appointed a time of judgment when he shall destroy evil for all time.
5. Then truth will emerge triumphant and shall cover the earth as the waters cover the seas.
6. Then shall the sanctified, those who have been refined and purified from all evil and all the effects of wickedness through the fire, reign with the LORD upon the sanctified earth.
7. God has chosen these to be joint heirs in his eternal covenant that they should inherit his glory.
8. Then will the earth be redeemed; death and sheol shall be no more and men shall dwell in the presence of God, those who have been sanctified, for all time, worlds without end.
1. Now, Elisha, my son, I shall soon leave, but I shall leave with you the keys which are necessary for you to do the work which the LORD has appointed you.
2. My mantle also shall fall upon you and the pure in heart will know your voice and will follow you.
3. Farewell, my son.
4. May the favor of God attend you all your days and may the peace of God be in your heart. Amen.
Concerning Solomon and the devils
1 When I, Solomon, was engaged upon the building of the temple in Jerusalem, there was a young man, the son of the foreman of the builders, of whom I took notice, for he was a clever workman.
2 So skillful was he that I increased his pay and his allowance of food above the rest. Yet in spite of that, I noticed that he was becoming thin and weak and pale.
3 One day I called him and asked him whether anything was the matter with him. At first he would not tell me, but when I pressed him he said, I know not whether you will believe it, my king, but a strange thing has been afflicting me. Every night when I go to my bed, something comes and sucks my right thumb, and it steals away my food; and I feel that it is taking away all my strength, and I believe that it is an evil spirit.
4 When I heard this, I went back to my palace and consulted the writings of the ancients; and I prayed that it might be shown to me how I could set the young man free from the power of the devil. And after some days there came to me a messenger from God, and brought me a ring with a stone in it, on which was cut the figure that is called the pentalpha and within it the name that may not be spoken; and he told me what I must do with it.
5 The next day, I sent for the young man and gave him the ring, saying, Take this and tonight, when the creature comes, you must cast the ring into its chest and say, In the strength of the name, king Solomon calls you. Then rise up and come running to me and do not fear what the devil may say to you.
6 So that night at the usual hour, the wicked devil Orniah came to the young man's chamber, with the intent to suck his blood and take away his food. But the lad cast the ring upon the devil, saying, Come, for Solomon calls you, and set off at once to my palace. But the devil shrieked out after him, Boy, what have you done? Take the ring from me, and I will give you the hidden gold of the earth; take it off, and do not bring me before Solomon! But the young man did not listen; and running into the palace, he called to me, My king, I have brought the spirit, as you told me; he is there before the door, screaming and calling me and promising me the hidden treasures of the earth if I will not force him to come to you. Then I rose up from my throne and went out into the court of the palace, and saw the creature, in the form of a flame of fire, quivering and shrinking; and I stood over it, and said, What is your name? And it answered, Orniah. And I bade Orniah to reveal to me, in the strength of the ring, how I should make him subject to me; and he told me where his abode was, and how he afflicted men, and all that I asked him. Then I sealed him with the seal of the ring, and appointed him to cut out stones for the building of the temple.
7 When I considered what I should do, I called for Orniah, and delivered the ring to him, and bade him to bring before me Beelzebub, the prince of all the devils. So Orniah went to Beelzebub, and found him sitting upon his throne, and said, Solomon calls for you. And Beelzebub said scornfully, Who is this Solomon of whom you speak of? And Orniah cast the ring into the chest of Beelzebub, and said again, Solomon calls for you. And at that Beelzebub uttered a mighty roar, and cast forth from his mouth a great flame of fire; but he had to rise up from his throne and follow Orniah, and stand before me. And when I saw him, I gave thanks to the Most High, who had given me power over the devils. And I spoke roughly to him; and he promised to bring before me all the devils that they should be subject to me and do all that I commanded them. And I appointed him to saw blocks of marble in pieces for the work of the temple; but when the other devils saw their lord and master laboring like a slave, they shrieked aloud and were very dismayed.
8 After that I sent for many of the chief devils, one by one, and questioned them concerning their deeds, what diseases they sent upon men, and what secret things they knew, and how they were to be subdued; and when they had told me, I bound them, and set them to work upon the building of the temple.
9 Now the shapes in which they appeared before me were multiple: one was like a beautiful woman, but she had one foot like a horse's hoof; and another like a man without a head, and flames of fire coming out of his neck; another was like a gigantic dog. These two I bound together, and the dog kept watch over the headless man, and the flames of fire that came from his neck gave light to the workmen by night. There were also dragons, one with three heads, and one with the head of a man. Another had a face that shone with a green light and hair like serpents but the rest of its body was darkness; and yet another was a dark man with shining eyes and a drawn sword in his hand who said that he was the spirit of one of the old nephilim who perished in the days of the flood. And of some I saw no shape, but only heard a voice. But over all of them I had authority, and I appointed them tasks. Some I made to carry water to the builders and some made ropes; others melted the gold and silver and others lifted the stones. So the temple was built speedily and I, Solomon, enjoyed great honor and peace and tranquility in my kingdom and the kings and princes of all the lands round about came to visit me and brought me precious gifts; and my kingdom was greatly exalted.
Account of the father and son before Solomom
1 Now in those days, as I was sitting on my throne in the midst of my palace and Orniah the devil was standing by me, there came before me an old man, one of my workmen, and cast himself down before me, and cried to me to do him justice against his son; for his son abused him and beat him and plucked out his hair. When I heard that, I had pity on him for he was an old man, and weak; and I sent for his son and asked him why he had treated his father in such a harsh way. But the son denied it, saying, I am not wicked enough to strike my father. It is far from me to do this thing, my king: I have done no such evil. I sent him away and called his father again and suggested that he be reconciled with his son; but he said, No, let him die the death. I was perplexed at this and it was in my mind to give sentence against the young man; but it happened that I looked at Orniah the devil and I saw that he was laughing. So I sent the people away and said to Orniah, Damned one! Why do you laugh at me? He answered, Forgive me, my king; it was not at you that I laughed but at this wretched old man: because he is planning an evil death for his son and in three days his son will fall sick and die. Then I said, Is this true? And he said, It is. Then I sent for the old man and his son and said to them, Work this out between yourselves and after three days come to me again; and in the meantime I will send you your food from my table. And they did agreed and departed.
2 And when the three days were past, I saw the old man come into the judgment hall and he was dressed in garments of mourning and his face was sad. I said to him, Where is your son? And he answered, I have no son: today, I carried him to his burial.
3 So when he departed, I said to Orniah, How was it that you knew these things? And he answered, It is thus, my king. We who are spirits can fly up into the air under the firmament and we float about among the stars and overhear the decrees that go forth from the heavens against the children of men when they are appointed to die. But we cannot abide there for long and so we become weak and fall like the leaves from the trees; and when men see us they say, Look, there is a falling star. But they are not in truth stars that fall, since the stars have their appointed place in the heavens like the sun and the moon; but it is we, the spirits of the air, who are in appearance like stars. And I sent Orniah away and wondered greatly.
Hyram Abiff, king of Tyre, tells Solomon of a devil he wants captured
1 In those days there came to me a letter from Hyram Abiff the king of Tyre saying, Because the LORD loves his people he has made you king over them. Blessed be the LORD God of Israel, who made heaven and earth, who has given King David a wise son, filled with discretion and understanding, who will build a temple for the LORD. There is an evil spirit here in Tyre that is skilled and endued with understanding. He is able to work in gold, silver, bronze, iron, stone, and wood, and in purple, blue, and crimson fabrics and fine linen, and to do all sorts of engraving and execute any design that may be assigned him, with your craftsmen.
2 When I had read this letter, I folded it up again and gave it to my chief assistant and said, Bring it again to my remembrance after seven days. Then I thought upon the matter and after seven days I called one of my servants and said to him, Make ready a camel, and get an empty wine-skin. And he did so. Now the wine-skin was made of a whole hide of a beast, so that it had the upper parts of the four legs remaining upon it, the legs being sewn up, and the neck open. I said to him further, Take this ring and go into Tyre, to the place where the wind blows, and take the skin and hold the ring in front of the mouth of the skin towards the wind, so that the wind shall blow through the ring; and when the skin is blown up, you will know that the devil is inside it. Then hasten and tie up the neck of the skin, and seal it with the ring, and put it upon the camel, and bring it to me. So my servant set out and came to Tyre; and the men of the country doubted much whether he could capture the spirit. But when the day was dawning he rose up and set the skin with its mouth towards the wind and laid the ring in the mouth of it; and the wind blew through the ring and entered into the skin and puffed it up. The man caught the neck of the skin and closed it and sealed it with the ring in the name of the Most High. Then he stayed yet three days in the place to make trial of his success; but the wind blew no more, so that all those in Tyre, including Hyram, were assured that the devil was safely shut up. And they rejoiced greatly and gave him many precious gifts; and when he set forth to come back to me, they accompanied him to their borders. So he brought the skin back to Jerusalem and put it in the midst of the temple.
3 Now at this time I, Solomon, was troubled because I had a great stone made ready to be placed upon the corner of the temple, and none of my workmen and none of the devils were able to lift it and set it in its appointed place; but I was very desirous to put it there because it was of such beauty and excellence.
Devils help build the Temple
4 The next morning, my servant was back from Tyre and I went down to the temple, thinking by what means I could lift the stone. And as I entered the temple I saw the skin; and it rose up and hopped seven paces, and fell on its face and did honor to me; and I wondered, and told it to stand up; and it stood on its feet, puffed up with wind. Then I asked, Who are you? And a voice answered me from within the skin, I am Ephippas who dwells in Tyre. And I said, What can you do? And it answered, I am able to work in gold, silver, bronze, iron, stone, and wood, and in purple, blue, and crimson fabrics and fine linen, and to do all sorts of engraving and execute any design and I can also overturn kings' palaces and wither the green trees of the wood and I can move mountains. Then I said, Are you able to move this stone and lift it up and set it upon the corner of the temple? And it said, Not only can I do so, my king, but if I have the devil that is in the Red Sea to help me, I can bring up the great pillar that is there and set it in whatever place you command. So I said, Lift up the corner-stone. And the skin first of all became flattened, as if the wind was gone out of it and slipped itself under the stone; and then it blew itself out again so that the stone was lifted up upon its back, and it walked upon its stumps, bearing the stone, to the ladder, and climbed up and set the stone safely in its place upon the corner of the temple; and I was amazed.
5 After that I sent Ephippas to fetch to me the devil that is in the Red Sea and commanded them to bring with them the great pillar; and after a while I saw the pillar being carried through the air, and was surprised at the strength of the two devils. And when I considered with myself how mighty they were and how they could shake the whole world in a moment of time, I feared to let them go; I made therefore a circle about them in the air with my ring and said, Stay there! And the devils stayed, holding the pillar sloping between heaven and earth; and there they are to this day. And if any one looks, he can see the pillar sloping in the heavens but the devils he cannot see. But when they let fall the pillar, then will be the end of the world.
6 Then I questioned the devil of the Red Sea and he told me how in old times he resisted Moses in Egypt, and helped Jannes and Jambres, the two sorcerers who fought against Moses; and how when Pharaoh followed after the children of Israel he went with them; and when the sea returned back and drowned the Egyptians, he was overtaken by it and was shut up in the depths and he remained there until Ephippas came and brought him to me.
7 Thus I, Solomon, had power over the spirits of the earth, and of the air, and of the water, and made them serve me; and my kingdom was exalted, and there was peace in my days. But when I became mighty my heart was lifted up and I committed foolishness; for I saw the daughter of a certain Jebusite, and loved her very much and asked for her in marriage. But her kinsfolk said, You shall not take her to be your wife except you worship our gods Rephaim and Melech. Then I said, I cannot worship strange gods; why would you want me to do this? They said, Because they are the gods of our fathers. And I refused. Then I went to the maiden and asked her; and she also said, I will not listen to you, except you worship my gods. So I departed from her. But after a while, she sent me five locusts by the hand of a messenger, saying, Take these five locusts and crush them in the name of the god Melech and I will be your wife. And I did so. And by this act my glory departed from me and I forgot my wisdom and became weak and foolish in my mind; and the heathen woman convinced me to build temples to the false gods, to Baal, and Rephaim, and Melech; and my spirit was as Tenebrae within me and I became a byword among men and devils.
Mystical Sayings
1 I am like the gods and the gods are like unto me. I am as large as the gods, they are as small as I am. They cannot be above me, nor can I be beneath them. The garden of delight is at your center; there is no way to enter unless you find it there. If the chosen one were born in Bethlehem a thousand times and not in you; then you are lost for all time.
2 Time is of your own device; its clepsydra runs in your head. The moment you stop thought time also stops dead. Love is not easy, because loving is not enough: we must be love, as God is love. Is there anything more wondrous than the wonders of nature? Yes, the awareness of the wonders of nature.
3 We keep so busy talking we are so highly developed to act that we forget that in the heart lies all we need yet to be discovered. What is outside yourself does not show worth; clothes do not make the man, the riding seat not the horse.
4 Do not think that someday you will see God's light. You see it now or in darkest evening. The name of Joshua is as oil poured forth; it nourishes and stills the torment of the soul. Nothing can throw you into the pit of sheol so much as this abominable word - this, mine and yours.
5 The rose is without reason of being; she blooms because it is what she does. It is not grain that feeds you; it is life and the spirit that feed you through grain. If in your thoughts you make a manger for his birth then God will become a child on earth.
6 The rose which is now seen by me, has matured in this way from everlasting.
The book of Hadar, the companion of Melech and Abigdor
1 I, Hadar, am come to show you the things of the past and things which must shortly come. I come to you from the Holy City, the regions of light; the city whose name is Salem, meaning the peace of God, the holiness of God and the righteousness of the people whose glory is the glory of God.
2 Lift up your eyes and understand. Open up your ears to hear; that your heart might be cleft in two to receive and know for yourself the light, the glory, the peace, the truth, the harmony of those who are ministering to you of the light that is in them; and thus they are lucÃferum, those who are the bearers of light.
3 I was myself encumbered about as you are, subject to doubt and pain and sufferings but I bound myself unto my God in prayer all the day long; and into the night I raised my voice on high, weeping and pleading constantly for myself and my people; for they had all grown strong in iniquity until they plundered and murdered without reason. The spirit of that evil one took control of all, so that there was no safe place because of the destroyer who was loosed upon the land. And I wept greatly for my people for violence and death were their ways, and nothing but vengeance was in their hearts. And it came to pass that as I was walking on the path of the city of Charismperuk to behold the carnage there, I prayed unto my God to deliver me from the destruction that was all around me and I met a man who asked why I wept and from where I came from, and I answered him and said that I came from the place Salinorum and that there was massive destruction in that place, for no one was safe except to hide by day and by night.
4 Do you believe that your God can deliver you? he asked. Yes, I cried, I know that my God can deliver me, for He can do all things and I know that He provides a way for escape to all those who vigorously serve Him and for this hope I pray all the day long. Then go not to the city of Charismperuk, he said, but go to a place which I shall show you and you shall be safe. I ran quickly to the place which he told me, for I took faith in the hope that my prayers were to be answered. I knew in my heart that my God was with me.
5 When I came to the place I found others gathered who were watchful and prayerful to be blessed of God. And we united our voices together that we could be delivered from the evil which had taken hold of all the people who had once dwelt in peace. And we fasted and prayed and lifted up our hands and hearts continually that we could be protected and delivered; and look, I will show you that we were protected and delivered, for we knew from our God that there would be an entire separation of the righteous from the wicked, and the righteous would be preserved and the wicked would be destroyed.
6 And there were also others who came out of the forest and joined us; for they came by ones and twos, being led by the spirit of God, bringing some food and some possessions, and gathering together until there were in number thirty-three souls who prayed together as one. And the food which they brought was multiplied so that no one was hungry; and sometimes we went into the forest in search of food for all to eat but we did not go much into the forest for we were afraid of being found for we knew that there was safety in numbers. We knew that as one our God would preserve us but in separation we had no protection.
7 Therefore, we gathered and preserved ourselves from day to day, fasting and praying that others who had faith in God would find us and be preserved. Our hearts grew together as one until we were visited by one Augerinos who had power and authority from God to bless and teach us, teaching us that we could rend the veil and be as he was, not subject to the pains and trials of the flesh.
8 With that gladness we lifted up or voices unto God; we praised Him all the day long for we had come through much tribulation. And Augerinos anointed me as their leader and teacher and blessed me that I could see into the heavens and behold many great and marvelous things. And I took hold of the gifts of God, and felt them magnified in me until I felt that there was not anything that God could not do in me, so powerful was His spirit in me, and so great the visions and glories which were opened up to me. And I traveled in the spirit and I saw the destruction and death in all the land for the devil was loosed and ran rampant in the hearts of all the people.
9 And Augerinos visited us from time to time, giving us instructions enabling us to rend the heavens and to see and know and comprehend those things which were until then closed to us.
10 And others visited us also so that there began to be free and open exchange between us and those who had power over death; for we saw that there were many like Augerinos who possessed in themselves much power and authority, light, and glory which we needed to understand to come into their order. And even all our needs were taken care of insomuch that we were in want of nothing. We began to see that all our food and clothing were preserved so that it did not wear out nor were our sandals broken or worn.
11 In all these things we praised God and all the day long we sang songs of praise and we did not cease to rejoice in the LORD our God. And when we were discovered by our enemies, they could not enter our camp for the fear of God took hold of them. And when some of our enemies found that they had no power over us, they ran away afraid; but some repented and sought to join our band, repenting and rejoicing that they had been saved from the jaws of death and sheol.
12 The work of separation took place, on the one hand gathering unto God in little groups of those who could see and hold fast unto the visions of Zion which was in their hearts and the rest, on the other hand, being totally turned over to the whiles of the devil until the testimony was bound and the law sealed against them.
13 And the LORD reigned in the midst of His people, giving and providing them with every blessing of heaven and earth so that they were preserved in all things from the desolation; the Mountain of the LORD's house being truly established among them. And the devil reigned in the midst of his people, bringing on the abomination that makes desolate on all the face of the land.
14 I, Hadar, do tell you this, commanding you to write but not to send forth to the world, only to a select few who will believe and understand; but unto the rest, seal it up for they will not learn wisdom when it is given them in plainness and truth. Oh, you wicked and perverse generation, do you not know that that same desolation which destroyed my people is coming upon your own? Do you not know the revelations and blessings and promises of God are available to you in any generation of time? Do you not know that the same destroyer who brought down my people and made them so that they were no more, is poised and waiting to tear down your people in like manner? Come out of her that you may escape the wrath of Almighty God. Come, unless this desolation overtakes you as it did my nation. Come, that we may minister unto you of the preservation which the LORD has provided for you. Come my people, and partake of His fullness and His power. Amen.
The little book of Abigdor
1 And it shall come to pass, that the LORD will begin to do a great work among the children of men. For when the heathen shall sin against my laws and depart from my ordinances then the LORD shall begin to do His own work and it will be made manifest unto the children of men.
2 The LORD will raise up just men who have the love of their God in their hearts and they shall gather the righteous men and women of the earth together and they shall have but one goal in mind and that is the will of the God of Jacob. The spirit of God will be poured out upon all flesh, and the righteous will not look on a man's skin nor his status but they will look and be shown the intent of a man's heart and through this method they will know how to gather the wheat from among the tares.
3 Do not be deceived for the LORD will come in an hour when you think not and in a day when you would not have thought. The earth must be cleansed for His coming and only those who have learned the ways of righteousness shall be able to stand at that day. For this purpose I, Abigdor, command you to seek His face continually and to depart from all things that would lead you away from light and truth.
4 Only when you are willing to give of yourself completely and consecrate all that you have, you are then offering an acceptable offering before the LORD. Let no man tell you how to disperse your consecration but ask of God and you shall be directed in all things. Those that are not willing to do this will not have the faith necessary to withstand the changes that will take place in and on the earth. The great cleansing by fire will devour you as dry grass and you will have left this mortal probation without having had your calling made sure.
5 Turn away from sin and look to the Lord your GOD for He is the only way. He will send His anointed to be slain for the iniquities of the world. No one will come unto God but by him. Do not look for him in the desert nor in the secret place for His everlasting kingdom is round about you and only there will you find Him. I have done none other thing than that which the LORD has instructed and so you must do the same or you will not find Him and can in no way obtain the glory that I will obtain.
6 Now my children, those that I have loved from the beginning, I bless you that you will begin to turn to the light more rapidly for those that turn to darkness will also lose their light more rapidly. Now I, Abigdor, must go and rest in the bosom of father Abraham. May you also someday be there with me. Amen.
The kingdom shown to Joseph
1 Man has turned the earth into a waste and destroyed the hearts of multitudes. The world is vanity. Life itself is vanity. It has no meaning just as the earth does not have meaning or purpose. Life and earth are lovers in a realm of pain and destruction. No more is existence a reliable thing a righteous man can trust.
2 When the wind blows upon the trees, it reflects the destruction to come upon the seed of men. The east wind is coming to give meaning to life and earth again.
3 The messenger of the LORD appeared unto Joseph saying, Here I Am! When Joseph turned he saw the messenger of the LORD standing in a flame of fire. And Joseph cried out and said, I am a dead man. For my eyes have seen the glory of the king of heaven! And immediately the strength of Joseph left him and he fell to the ground as a dead man.
4 The messenger of the LORD touched Joseph saying, Joseph, Joseph, stand up on your feet as a man and do not fear. For you have been chosen from among all your brethren; yes, even from all the sons of men which dwell on the earth, to be a chosen branch unto the LORD. And through your seed all the nations shall be blessed with the fruit of bounty: where the wine shall overflow the vats; and where the milk shall overflow unto the dung hills.
5 After Joseph had arisen to his feet the LORD said, Look! the handiwork of the LORD! And suddenly a strange vision appeared before Joseph. And Joseph began to quake very much, for terrible to behold was the vision which the LORD had opened unto him.
6 And the messenger of the LORD said unto Joseph, This is the kingdom which I have created for my own purpose and it is very great. Is it not marvelous to behold? And the vision multiplied before Joseph eyes. And Joseph said, What is the meaning of this, my Lord? It is great to behold and marvelous in my eyes. And the LORD said, These are lands upon which my seed abide. The land on which you stand is one land among all of the lands which I have created by my own hand. And I set them on nothing for I the LORD am the foundation of them.
7 Look, the lands which number more than the sands of the sea. And this is my work and my great glory: to give unto my children that which I have prepared for them, yes, even all I possess. And Joseph said, How great and mighty is the LORD, full of wisdom and strength and mercy: for I have never at any time considered that this could be. And Joseph fell down and worshiped the LORD.
8 And the LORD said, Joseph if you are faithful to the LORD all the days of your life and walk circumspectly before my face, you shall be lifted up, even to the throne of God and you shall be a master workman in all wisdom, yes, even in all of the hidden wisdom which is the LORD's. And you shall inherit, with your faithful seed with you, the glory of the LORD. And you shall have great joy. For the LORD delights to give his children the works of his hands. And you shall sit in my throne, yes, even the throne of God. And you shall be my son and I shall be your father, forever. Yes, even forever and ever.
9 And Joseph fell on his face and cried out, Depart from me Lord for I am not worthy to be called to such a great honor. And the LORD said unto Joseph, The LORD has seen your great faithfulness. You are more faithful than any of the sons of men upon on the face of the whole earth. For the LORD casts the proud to the dust and exalts the humble. The power of the wicked shall be completely destroyed yet the LORD delights in the throne of the faithful.
10 And the LORD said, Look up. And when Joseph had looked up, he beheld a great multitude which had the appearance of the sons of men. And they shone like the sun. And every one of them had a golden crown on his head. And they were singing and praising God around his glorious throne. And there was one in the midst of the throne which had a name written on him and his name was Eukamiel, which means wisdom of God.
11 And the LORD said unto Joseph, Joseph, my son, these are those who have glorified my name. They shall be my sons forever. And at the latter time you shall rise from the dust and take your inheritance in the midst of my holy congregation forever. Even forever and ever. Amen.
This is the account of Jannes and Jambres, the magicians who withstood Moses in the court of Pharaoh.
1 The king summoned all his servants, both the wise men and the magicians. After seven days, he was walking about his house and saw one of the apple trees had flourished and the branches were already providing shade. When he had become aware of this, he ordered one of his magicians, Jannes, to sit under the apple tree.
2 While Jannes was seated there, there was a massive earthquake and from sky came the sound of thunder and a streak of lightning which caused some of the branches to break off. When Jannes saw this, he ran into the library to get his magical tools. When he returned, two people appeared near the tree. Both were clothed in white robes, with the two having their own magical tools. One of the men turned to Jannes and stated, The LORD of the earth has sent us to lead you away to sheol. From now on, you will be a companion of the dead. You shall forever be pitied. Then the two men in white said, Let there be granted to you fourteen days in your house and after that messenger of death shall come for you.
3 When Jannes' brother, Jambres, knew what had happened, he sent for their mother to join them. When she arrived on the scene, Jannes explained what had just occurred. He said to his mother and brother, I shall send for you, my mother, and you, my brother, when it is time. He also said that Jambres should attend to their mother until then. Then he approached her and kissed her, fighting back the tears until she left. He then took leave of his friends, having urged them all to take care of his mother for him. Then he took his brother with him to Memphis.
4 While on their journey, Jannes handed Jambres a book. He said, I am passing this document to you. Keep it secret, and take heed so as not to go forth on the day when the king marches out with the grandees of Egypt against the people of the Hebrews. And also make sure you do not accompany the king on his siege. Then Jannes stated, When I become ill and my soul is being taken, make sure you summon our mother to me before I perish.
5 Seven days later, the brothers were enjoying themselves at a wedding. Jannes began speaking during the wedding but before he could finish speaking, emissaries came from the king's palace stating, Come quickly and oppose Moses, the Hebrew, who is performing wonders to the amazement of all.
6 When Jannes arrived in the palace, he opposed Moses and his brother, Aaron, by doing everything they had done. Then, the fatal disease struck him on the spot, and with a painful ulcer he went to the cedar trees. After a while, Jannes sent word to the king, that this active power is of the Hebrew God. He said he was unable to defeat this power, and he was on his death bed.
7 Jannes then called his brother and urged him not to grieve for him because it could be hazardous to him. All our possessions cannot protect us against this power. Make ready for the spirit of death to come for me and after it has come, try to summon me through my spirit. Morning was now approaching and all things being observed, Jannes made an inquiry at what hour did Jambres see the setting of the sun. Then he said, Such is a generation of lying lips and deceitful hearts of the hour of my death. But Jambres said nothing and did not move.
8 After this occurred, the king of Egypt planned on pursuing the people of the Hebrews, who were leaving Egypt. The people of Egypt were weeping in this time of mourning but Jambres did not. He remembered the oath which he swore to his brother. Jambres heard a noise and heard Jannes speak from his bed. Jannes told him that he could not keep himself from perishing because his whole body had been agitated since he opposed Moses.
9 When Jannes heard of the king's plans, he encouraged all his other friends also. Then his mother arrived, crying out, My poor son, how is he? When his mother viewed her son, she was amazed at how Jannes appeared. His mother approached him so she could kiss him, but he turned away from her. He said to her, Stay back, on account of the fever. I am unable to move and I am in extreme pain. His mother said, What can I do for you my son? He replied, You took the trouble to come and see me in my horrible condition and I am thankful for that. I will go to my grave happy before I perish. His mother then told him, I saw the dead and no one resembled you. Lie here and you shall be saved. Then his mother realized that Jannes' appearance had been changed. Her son was dead.
10 Jambres and his mother wept over Jannes. Jambres stated, I have been deprived my brother's presence and all the money or possessions could not replace him. Jambres realized that the spirit of death had not only taken his brother but also took his mother from this world. He took them both to the tomb of his brother. After having performed the rites, he left his mother and brother for all time.
11 Jambres later returned to the apple tree with Jannes' magical books and tools. He performed necromancy and brought up from sheol his brother's shade. The shade of Jannes said to him, I did not die unjustly but justly and the judgment will go against me. Since I was more clever than all the clever magicians and opposed the two brothers, Moses and Aaron. As a result, I died and was brought from among the living to sheol, where there is the pit of perdition and from here no ascent is possible. Make sure you do good in your life, to your children and friends; for in sheol no good exists; only gloom and darkness. After you will have died and entered sheol, your abode will be about ten square feet.
12 The sons of Egypt, on account of their actions in life, will be descending to sheol also. The gates of heaven are not for the dumb and perverted. We were unable to keep away from corruption in our lives, for Moses knew that we shall descend to sheol when we perish. Our limbs are full of darkness, and there is nothing anyone can do.
13 We, who worshipped false gods and carved devils, came to destruction with our gods for God loves neither the gods nor their worshippers. Not even the kings of Egypt can avoid sheol. For those who practiced sorcery, committed perjury, and other sinful actions of this nature, would end up here. Everyone who opposes the God of the earth cannot avoid sheol. Nothing we do can protect us now from the wrath of the Hebrew God. We are all damned for the way we lived our lives.
14 This ends the account of Jannes and Jambres which was from a document found in Egypt along with the secret book that Jannes gave to Jambres on the road to Memphis. The secret book was called the messages and these magicians kept that book as a way to hide what was contained in it from Israel because Jannes felt that the contents would cause serious revolt against Egypt.
The little book of Moses
1 These are the words that Moses spoke to all the children of Israel in the wilderness beyond Jordan in the plain. The LORD God spoke in Horeb, saying, You have lived long enough in this mount. You must turn around and take your journey, and go to the mount of the Amorim, and to all the places close by, in the plain, in the hills, in the valley, and by the sea.
2 When they left Horeb, they went through all that great and terrible wilderness; and they came to the holy wilderness of wandering. And God said to them, You have come this day to the mountain of the Amorim. Go up and possess the land, as I have told you. But they would not go up. And they murmured and said, Because God hated Egypt, we were delivered into this place in order for him to destroy us. And God was angry and swore saying, As I live, surely all the people who have seen my signs and my wonders that I did these ten times, they will not see the good land that I swore to give to their fathers, except your children Moses, and Kaleb son of Jephunneh and Joshua son of Nun who stand before you. They will go in there, and to them I will give it. But as for you, turn-around and take your journey into the wilderness by the way of the sea of reeds, until all the kin of the men of rebellion are wasted from among the troops.
3 And they stayed in the holy wilderness of wandering until the men of rebellion were wasted out by death from among the host.
4 You are to pass through this day the coast of the children of Esau who dwell in Seir. You will not distress them, nor interfere with them in battle, for I will not give you of their land any possession, because I have given it to the children of Esau for a possession. The Horim have lived there from ancient times, but the children of Esau succeeded them, and lived in their stead.
5 And they turned and passed by the wilderness of Moab. And God said to them, You will pass over this day the coast of Moab; you will not distress them, nor interfere with them in battle: for I will not give you of their land for a possession, because I have given Ar to the children of Lot for a possession. The Rephaim lived there since ancient times and the Moabites called them Emim, but God destroyed all of them, and the Moabim lived there in their stead.
6 And they turned and went over the brook Zered. And God spoke to them, saying, Get up, and pass over the river Arnon. This day I will begin to deliver to your face Sihon the Amori, governor of Heshbon, and his land. And they went forth against Sihon to Jahaz, and they smote him until they left him none to remain. And they took all his cities from Aroer by the brink of the river of Arnon, to Gil’ad and to the river Jabbok so the LORD God delivered all to them.
7 And God spoke to them, saying, This day, you are to pass the coast of the land of the children of Ammon. You will not distress them nor interfere with them in war, because I have given to the children of Lot the land of the children of Ammon for a possession. The Rephaim have lived there since ancient times; and the Ammonim called them Azamzummim, and God destroyed them before them, and they lived in their stead.
8 And God said to them, Send men to spy out Ya'azer. And they took Ya'azer and lived in the cities of the Amorim. And Og the governor of Bashan came out against them to battle, and they killed him until none was left to him remaining, and they took from them sixty cities, all the region of Argov, cities fenced with high walls, gates and bars, beside unwalled towns a great many. And all the cities of the plain, and all Gil’ad, and all Bashan, to Salkah and Edre’i and the land of the Rephaim; for Og governor of Bashan remained of the remnant of Rephaim.
9 Moses said to Israel, So know this day, and keep his statutes and his commands, that it may go well with you and that you may prolong your days upon the earth whom the LORD God gives to you. Hear, O Israel; the LORD God is one God. And you will love the LORD God with all your heart, and with all your soul more than anyone or anything. And these words that I command you this day will be in your heart: and you will teach them diligently to your children, and you will talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you get up. And you will bind them for a sign upon your hand, and they will be as bands between your eyes. And you will write them upon the posts of your house, and on your gates.
10 For if you will only keep all the commands that I command this day to do, to love your God, to walk in all his ways, and in all his statutes, then God will drive out all your enemies, and every place upon which the soles of your feet will tread. There will no man be able to stand before you; for fear and dread will be upon all the land that you will tread upon.
11 I am an hundred and twenty years old this day; I can no more go out nor come in before you. And God said to me, You will not go over this Jordan. Joshua, who stands before you, he will go over Jordan and he will come with you to the good land where you go to possess. Be strong and of a good courage for the LORD God is the one who goes before you.
12 These are the words that Moses commanded all the children of Israel in the plains of Moab before his death.
13 I am the LORD God, who freed you from the land of Egypt, from the house of bondage. You will have no other god. You will not make for you any carved image or any likeness of anything that is in the sky above or that is in the earth beneath or that is in the waters beneath the earth: you will not bow down yourself to them, nor serve them: I am the Lord God.
14 In six days the LORD God made sky and earth and all that in them is and I rested the seventh day: so you also will rest; you and your cattle and all that you have. I am the LORD God.
15 Honor your father and your mother. I am the LORD God.
You will not destroy the life-force of your brother. I am the LORD God.
16 You will not commit adultery with the wife of your neighbor. I am the LORD God.
17 You will not steal the property of your brother. I am the LORD God.
18 You will not make oaths by the name of the LORD God falsely for God will visit with zealous anger the iniquity of the father upon the children to the third and fourth generation of those who take his name falsely. I am the LORD God.
19 You will not bear false testimony against your brother. I am the LORD God.
20 You will not desire the wife of your brother nor anything that belongs to your brother, his man-servant, or his maidservant, or anything that is his. I am the LORD God.
21 You will not hate your brother in your heart. I am the LORD God.
22 These ten words God thus spoke but soon Israel forgot these words and God set his new covenant in motion. Since Israel would not obey these words, God would now send the Word; to remind them of what these words were all about. In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth and the earth was full of waste and God said, Let there be the Word and the Word was the light of men. Amen.
The epistle of God
Whosoever works on the sabbath-day shall be cursed. I command you to assemble, and keep my day Holy, without doing any manner of work. You shall not lazily spend your time adorning yourself with expensive clothes and ridiculous dresses for I have ordained a day of rest. I will have that day kept holy that your sins be far from you. You shall not break my commandments but observe and keep them. Write them in your heart and observe that it was written with my own hand and spoken with my own mouth. You shall not only assemble yourself but also send your servants and observe my words and learn my commandments; you shall finish your labor every sixth day by dusk.
I advise you to fast every year. You shall diligently and peaceably labor in your respective callings, wherein it has pleased God to call you. You shall love one another with brotherly love; and cause them that are purified to come to assemble and to be made members of the congregation. In so doing I will give you a long life and many blessings; and your land will flourish and your cattle bring forth in abundance; and I will give unto you many blessing and comforts in the greatest temptations and he that does to the contrary shall be unprofitable. I will also send hardness of heart upon them until I see them but especially upon the unbelievers. He that gives to the poor shall not be unprofitable. Remember to keep holy the Sabbath day for the seventh day I have taken to rest myself. And he that has a copy of this, my own letter, written with my own hand, and spoken with my own mouth, and keeps it without publishing it to others shall not prosper; but he that publishes it to others shall be blessed of me and though his sins be in number as the stars of the sky and he believe in this he shall be pardoned.
And if he believes not in this writing and this commandment, I will send my own plagues upon him and consume both him and his children and his cattle. And whosoever shall have a copy of this letter, written with my own hand, and keep it in their houses nothing shall hurt them, neither lightning, pestilence nor thunder shall do them any hurt and if a woman be with child and in labor and a copy of this letter be about her and she firmly puts her trust in me, she shall safely be delivered of her birth. Amen.
This ends the book of the two pearls
The Epistle of Moses
1 This is an epistle written by Moses in the one hundred and twentieth year of his life or 2,500 years after the creation.
2 I received word from the LORD of a devastating thing that will come upon Israel. The one who will call himself the manifestation of god will come and force my people to worship idols and sacrifice unclean things. He will torture and burn those who do not accept his seal of iniquity. This evil one will come from the North Country, from the direction of the LORD. He will desecrate the LORD's tabernacle by erecting a god with the number seventy-eight and this god's name will consist of four letters; a blatant act of blasphemy, in my humble opinion!
3 However, this man's exploits will not last. He will be challenged by the righteous warrior Jahodah and the evil ruler will die in agony. Worms will eat his rotting flesh while he still clings to life.
4 After he is destroyed, the tabernacle of the LORD will be cleansed and a day of solemn assembly will be declared in the land. You, O Israel, must observe that day throughout all your generations for it will remind you of your victory over the evil from the North Country; and if a stranger shall be accepted into the congregation of the LORD, he too must observe the same feast. This is not my commandment but it is God's will. It is a first taste of the new covenant that God will make with you in the days following these events.
5 After the LORD makes His new covenant, He will send Saul; an imperfect man but strong-minded; to set you free from the bonds of man's codes and rules. You will no longer think in the flesh but in the spirit.
6 After this, another will come named Epius who will lead the new congregation into righteousness. Then the truth will be twisted by a ruler called Ha Gadaul who will change times and laws. He will exchange sabbaths and new moons to days dedicated to Tammuz and Ashteroth. People will obey Ha Gadaul.
7 In the latter times, congregations will be controlled by rulers through money. People will set up idols and claim they do no wrong. They will eat the flesh of God's seed in vain. This will continue for a long time until unbelief grips the spirit of man. Love will be no more and ignorance will increase while knowledge will increase at the same time. These will be the days of convolution as a serpent strung around the tree of knowledge.
8 These things are not for many days but make sure to tell your children what I have said and warn them of these times. The last day will burn as an oven seventy times hotter than the sun. The day will come that wickedness will be no more. May you follow the LORD all your days. I now leave Joshua to lead you into the land promised to you. Amen.
The Prophet Abigdor
1 Horror of horrors! The world is full of horrors! Men acting like beasts and women acting as unto bitches in heat! Children cursing their parents with a vile serpent's forked tongue of hatred!
2 O LORD why do the bastards rage? What am I to do? Should I take my life or should I face worse times? You know the hearts of men; only You know, my God. Take these bonds and tie them around the stiff-necks of the infidels! Bruise their spirit with indignation and wrath.
3 Who cares for You, my God? None of them care about You or what You say! They are led by the leashes of the devil from the pits of sheol. He is dragging them in to the hollow darkness of oblivion!
4 Sodom has returned with ten-fold iniquity. The wind of Your bowels could even destroy them in a twinkling of an eye and they don't know it. It would be an answered prayer to see Your dung falling upon the heads of filthy dregs like these.
5 Ignorance and nonsense is all I see. Can You see it, too? Forgive me, LORD but my zeal cannot fathom the depths of the simple mind of bastards. They have pissed in Your face with the hatred of their hearts. Piss on them!
The Words of Hadar
1 These are the words of Hadar, son of Gerom, in the twenty-sixth year of the captivity.
2 Let him who seeks continue seeking until he finds. When he finds, he will be troubled at the truth, but when he has passed through the time of trouble, he will be astonished at the glory of the light, for the way of truth is the path to God and the price of the vision is the wringing of the soul. He who would rise above all things must descend below all things for the way to the heights passes through the depths of sheol which generates the fires of life. Blessed is the man who has suffered and found life.
3 If you say that the abode of God is in the sky, the birds will arrive there before you. If you say it is in the sea, the fish will arrive there before you. Know that the kingdom of heaven is within you and outside of you and you shall know that which is within you. When you have found the light within yourselves, you will know as you are known. Then you will know that you are the sons of the Most High and that your destiny is to be as He. He who knows not himself is poor in spirit for he is his own sorrow.
4 Except you become as little ones, you cannot know the meaning of life, for your minds must be cleared of the falsehoods of this world if you are to be taught the truth.
5 I am the door; he who enters by me shall find bliss. I am the bed; he who lies upon me shall enter rest. I am the light; he who sees by me shall perceive all things.
6 The way of the prophets is a trail of tears. I have given you to be prophets unto this generation. Therefore shall they mock you and revile you and say all manner of evil against you. What, do you know that they have always rejected the prophets whom I have sent among them? Yes, truly I say to you, even those who follow the prophets do not understand them for they speak of the things of the spirit which cannot be comprehended by the carnal mind. The prophet is alone with God for of all men it is he who sees the reality which he cannot convey to his people. Lonely is the way of the prophet but if he brings one a step closer to the light, all his loneliness and grief is justified for great shall he become and he shall be a great company at the throne of the Most High.
7 He who stands alone shall be with God; he who is with God shall stand alone.
8 Many of you think that I have come to establish peace upon the earth. I will not bring peace but division, fire, sword, and war. Families will be divided because of me, friends shall cease from one another, nations shall join in battle. Yes, those who would follow me must be willing to forsake all and to stand alone if they would inherit the kingdom.
9 I am the way, the truth and the life: the way because you must walk in my footsteps to reach the throne of the LORD, the truth because I am the LORD God, the totality of all that is, the life because the tree of life is nourished in my blood.
10 Learn the meaning of the creation which surrounds you and you will perceive the mysteries hidden from your sight for the truth is recorded on all that exists. Truly I say to you, there is nothing hidden which shall not be revealed to him who can read the creation of God.
11 I have kindled a spark in this world and I shall nourish it until it blazes up unto glory.
12 The shadows of this world are perceived by men and they think they know the truth but the reality which casts the shadows is hidden from them and they perceive not the light. Truly I say to you, only when you perceive shadows as shadows and search the light will you perceive the reality which is God.
13 This earth and its heaven will pass away and all will become new. In the beginning you were made one body and when you became two, sin entered the world. Now you are many and sin abounds. Hear then my word! You must become a single man before me, if you would dwell in the new heavens and the new earth which I am creating. He who has ears to hear, let him hear.
14 No prophet is revered as a prophet among those who know him best, for the shadow of his life eclipses the brightness of his glory. Even his followers will not know his true nature until he has passed beyond their reach.
15 The children of this generation revere the dead prophets while rejecting the living. So has it been in every generation. The children of those who persecute you will build monuments to your memory.
16 When the outer is become as the inner and the lower as the upper, then will this world find peace.
17 As light disperses darkness, so does love swallow up hatred and it is no more.
18 The power of hate is strong, but love conquers all. God is Love.
19 The glories of this world are but for a moment; the glories of the heavens abide forever.
20 In me, all things are become one, for everything that is not of me is illusion and shall pass away. Only light abides for light is truth and truth has no end. Truly, I say to you, I am the way, the truth, the light and the life. Walk in me and you shall abide for all time for you shall be even as I am.
21 I am in all things; yet I am beyond all things. Not in seeking shall you find me but in peace. Nevertheless, in seeking you shall find yourselves and then shall you know God.
22 Pure love is a flood which covers all things. Nothing can stand against it, for it flows from the eternal sea.
23 You walk in mists of darkness which is the heritage of this world but within you have a light which burns with eternal fire. This will light your way unto God.
24 Raise your children in love and truth. Cover them with love and show them the way of life through your example and they will not depart from it. Amen.
The Epistle of Satan
1 I was a beast created by God to care for trees in a garden. I was also put there to test that man He formed from dust. I knew I couldn't get directly to him so I worked through his help mate; the one called woman.
2 She easily fell for my advances and I went too far and placed my seed in her. Her husband joined the festivities. This angered God and I was punished by being cursed to walk as an animal. I have been punished and now I still do what God has ordained me to do; test and tempt man. It has become so easy that now I rarely even do my work. Man does it well without me.
3 Are you to love your enemies? O man, I am your biggest enemy but why don't you love me? Do you care that I will be destroyed by God at the last day? Do you pity me? No, you do not because your heart is filled with hate. You have the spirit of Kain within you; not the kingdom of God!
4 I cannot love for God never put that ability there. I am a tester; a tempter. This is my calling only. I am the testing seraph who can transform into a messenger of light. Because of this, you, in your ignorance, have given me the name morning star; which only belongs to the anointed one. I am darkness and not light. God said He created darkness and evil; this is me.
5 A little while longer and you will see that I am speaking truth, which isn't my nature either but I can if I need to. I will condemn some spirits who have done things that I wouldn't think of doing! In the end, God will set things right. He will refine me and transform my evil into good. I will never know my former self as a destroyer and I will finally be at peace.
Recordum Antiquis
also called
The Record of the Ancient Ones
The true beginning
1 Before the formation of the earth, as we know it, there was a civilization of man. This society worshipped the LORD with all their might. One day a king arose named Hazar, meaning the stranger. For two years, he ruled earth with righteousness.
2 One day, something entered his heart. He began thinking that he was a god for the people practically worshipped him. He changed his name to Madehazar, which is being interpreted as the stranger has excelled. He began ordering the people to sacrifice to him. It began as animal sacrifice but then grew to human and child sacrifice.
3 Madehazar took forty-two wives, who were already betrothed to other men and he put the husbands to death. He made laws allowing all sorts of debauchery; animal marriage, murder for hire and the entire sort.
4 The sins of earth came up to God in heaven. He looked down and saw his creation had steeped so low into a cesspool of filth and ignorance. No man was righteous; no, not one! They even created devices to amuse their abominations. Everywhere were idols made in the likeness of Madehazar. He was the god of that age.
5 God determined to destroy this society with a global catastrophe. It broke His heart that man completely rejected Him. God sent a deluge and a great star which burned seven times hotter than the sun. However, he gave them one chance. He sent His messenger Raphael to call them to repentance. The whole world refused willingly. Their judgment was that their spirits would become devils, also called the old ones. Satan even fears them but uses them at times. They became the principalities who rule the deep dark places of earth today and are called Legion.
6 The end came swiftly and all was destroyed. The earth became wasted and empty. Then God said, Let there be light.
1 After the temptation in paradise and all the way down through Methuselah, there was born a righteous man named Noe.
2 Noe followed the ways of Methuselah for he was a king in the land. All others rebelled against Methuselah and went after perversion. The nephilim were born from the sons of God during those days and they caused all rebellion.
3 God sent Uriel to Noe to warn him of a flood that would destroy everything in the land. Raphael was ordered to take the fallen watcher Azazel and put him in chains. He was cast into a pit in the desert called Dudael and enclosed in darkness. Gabriel was put in charge of the bastards and reprobates; the nephilim born of the forbidden unions of flesh and spirit.
4 These forbidden unions began like this.
5 Shemhazai, who was a watcher, saw a young woman named Istehar and was enticed by her. She swore to surrender to him if he would teach her the secret name of God. He agreed. Once she knew the name, she spoke it and ascended into the sky without fulfilling her sexual promises. God said, Because she kept herself far from sin, we will place her among the seven stars so that none may never forget her.
Hidden message
1 This is a hidden message:
2 Baondar erpu wa zoiz pba ura kommas IBVB. Pba soiz kuwa pbop sondrazz vymm lomm egur Owunmors ors mymype vymm zknaow lnuw ban moyn pu sazpnui pbayn zurz yr pba rytbp.
3 Pba zer vymm baop pba baofar ors zbaypor vymm muud lnuw unyur oz o myur pu safuen vbop mymype malp lun byw.
4 Pba rewhan ul soiz lun pba xestwarp vymm ha pvyka zafar vaadz ors luen pywaz.
5 This is in the language of the messengers and will be interpreted in the latter days when a union of pearls comes forth. Amen.
Shemhazai, Hiwwa and Hiyya
1 Azazel devised jewels and ornaments so that women may entice married men. God sent Metatron to announce unto Shemhazai that a flood was coming to destroy all things upon the land. Shemhazai wept over this for he also had two nephilim sons. What would they eat if the land was covered by water? His sons ate 1,000 camels, 1,000 horses and 1,000 cows daily.
2 The sons, Hiwwa and Hiyya, dreamed dreams. One saw a massive stone which covered the land and the land was covered with writing. A messenger came and destroyed the writing with a knife but left four letters upon the stone.
3 The second son saw a massive grove with all kinds of trees. Messengers came with axes and cut the trees down but spared one with three branches.
4 They asked their father to reveal the meaning of the dreams. He said, God will bring a flood and none will survive but Noe and his three sons. The two sons began to wail and scream concerning this prophecy but their father said, Calm down! Do not cry. Whenever men cut or haul stones or launch ships, they will call upon your names, Hiwwa and Hiyya, to invoke your power! The two sons were calmed by these words.
1 Unlike Istehar, Naama, the sister of Tubal-kain, enticed the watchers with her beauty. From her union with Shamdon she bore Asmodeus. She was a shameful bitch as all other descendants of Kain. Because of her, Kainite men and women walked around naked and gave in to public lewdness. They performed perversion with every opening and appendage; self-gratification to the extreme!
2 The watchers, when they left heaven, lost their transcendental forms and were given bodies of flesh and blood so that these unions could take place. The offspring of these unions were the nephilim, which means the fallen - named after their fathers. Some became known as emim, rephaim, gibborim, zamzummim, anakim and ivvim. These six names were the clans that made up the nephilim, the fallen ones who caused all to fall.
3 Now Asmodeus fled to the uttermost parts of Egypt for the waters of Egypt attracted these devils. Later, the righteous Tobias burned the heart and liver of a fish to banish Asmodeus so he could not cleave his marriage in two. Asmodeus is a devil who destroys marriage and family by death and interference from without.
Announcement to the watchers
1 Henoch declared unto Azazel and all the fallen watchers the doom that would come upon them. They were filled with fear. They begged Henoch to petition God to change his mind but God refused. The people who heard Henoch became angry and took up arms to kill him but Henoch was saved by a fiery whirlwind full of seraphim. The people went blind. After these blind ones were physically destroyed, their spirits roamed the earth; groping in blindness; to afflict newborns with blindness.
2 After Henoch disappeared, God declared unto the nephilim people, Nephilim begotten by flesh and spirits shall be called devils upon the earth and it will be their home for all time. Devils come forth from their bodies because they have their beginning from above. Devils will be their name! These devils will devour, oppress, attack, possess and cause chaos upon the earth. They will not eat or drink but they will be invisible and disembodied; no flesh of their own to tabernacle in. These devils will rise against women and men because they came from them. You devils will have no peace for all time!
A process for casting out devils. A spell to be said over his head
1 Strew olive-branches before him and, taking up your station behind him, say:
2 Hail, God of Abraham! Hail, God of Isaac! Hail, God of Jacob! Joshua the Merciful, the spirit of God, the son of the Most High who is below that which was and who is within that which was and will be, Yah Sabaoth, may your power cast forth from such a one this unclean spirit, this satan. I adjure you, spirit, whoever you are, by this God Sabarbathiot. Come forth, spirit, whoever you are, and keep far from such a one! At once! At once! Come forth, O spirit, even now, for I bind you with bonds never to be loosed and I deliver you to the black chaos among the lost!
The Book of Eve
1 I stood upon a lofty hill and saw a tall man and a short man and heard a sound of thunder and went nearer so I could hear. Then he spoke to me and said, I am you and you are me and where you are, there I am and I am planted in all things; and where you gather me, you gather me and also yourself.
2 I saw a tree which produced twelve fruits in the year, and he said to me, This is the tree of living. The same life is scattered about in animals, beasts, fish, snakes, humans, trees, and all products of nature. Let me show you what Adam and Eve did after taking from the tree of pleasure and pain. This is a secret not known before.
3 And having done the perverted thing, Adam and Eve held up their blasphemy to heaven. They took the male secretion into their hands and stood looking up to heaven. They held the impurity in their hands and said, We offer you this gift. And then they consumed it and said, This is our body and this is the sacrifice for which our bodies suffer. When they fell into a frenzy among themselves, they soiled their hands with the shame of their secretion, and rose up with defiled hands and prayed naked. Nakash caused them to do this wicked act unto the God of the ages!
4 This act was practiced by the heathen afterward but they added something too abominable to imagine but I will show you.
5 If one of them failed to notice the emission of semen and the woman became pregnant, then they extracted the unborn child at whatever time they chose. They took the dead child and pounded it up in a mortar with a pestle and mixed in honey, pepper and other spices and sweet oils to make it more edible. All the members gathered together and each ate with his finger of the crushed up child!
6 I said, My Lord! This is dreadful! I see now why your anger was kindled with Adam and Eve and righteous are your judgments. Amen.
The heavenly language revealed
1 This is the account of the heavenly language that was revealed unto Melech the righteous in the days of Abraham.
2 I, Melech, received this revelation during the time the three messengers came unto the tents of Abraham. One messenger revealed to me the truth of the heavenly language to be used in the latter days. I wrote down the meaning of some of the sacred words that God spoke in a prophecy. These are the words and their meanings:
3 baondar = hearken; listen; pay attention
erpu = unto; to
wa = me
zoiz = says; speaks
pba = the
ura = one; individual
kommas = called; named; referred to as
soiz = days; akin to "zoiz" (days speak)
kuwa = come; arrive; are coming
pbop = that; in which
sondrazz = darkness
vymm = will; shall
lomm = fall
egur = upon; on
ors = and; also
zknaow = scream; yell
lnuw = from; out of
ban = her; akin to Hebrew "ben" (son)
moyn = lair; bed; crib; where one rests or sleeps
pu = to; in order to
sazpnui = destroy; kill
pbayn = their
zurz = sons; male children
yr = in; within
rytbp = night; evening during sleep
zer = sun
baop = heat; heat up
baofar = heaven; atmosphere; akin to "baondar" (listen)
muud = look; gaze
oz = as; like a...
o = a
myur = lion
safuen = devour; eat up
vbop = what
malp = left (over)
lun = for; because of
byw = him
rewhan = number; amount
ul = of
xestwarp = judgment; verdict; akin to "eastward", where judgment comes
ha = be
pvyka = twice; two times
zafar = seven
vaadz = weeks
luen = four
pywaz = times
Owunmors = Amorland; land of Amor
mymype = lilith; lilitu
zbaypor = Satan
unyur = Orion; the hunter
gnugbaki = prophecy; oracle
kurkanryrt = concerning; about
Sotur = Dagon; one "hidden" in the depths - akin to Sethur, the hidden one (Satan). Leviathan is also hidden in the depths of the sea.
4 The revelation of the hidden words is hereby completed by Melech the righteous.
Record of Abraham
1 On the night that I, Abraham, was born, there were great signs in the skies, and when Nimrud's astrologers saw them, they were astonished and they spoke evil of me to the king, saying that I should overthrow his kingdom.
2 They counseled the king to purchase me from my father that they might slay me and thereby frustrate the plans of God.
3 King Nimrud sent for my father, Terah, and spoke unto him of the words of the astrologers and asked for his son in return for a great sum of gold and silver.
4 But the spirit of the LORD came upon my father that he was hesitant to give me up to the king.
5 On the night that I was born, a son was also born unto one of my father's concubines and this child my father took unto the king and the king slew him instead of me, for God had ordained that I might grow up to serve him, the only wise and true God, and strive to establish his order in the earth all my days.
1 My life was saved by my father Terah, and he took me with my mother, Amthelo, and my nurse, Edna, unto a cave hidden in the mountains some distance from the city of Ur where he hid us and visited us each month.
2 For my father informed the king that he went each month to a spot sacred to his family deity.
3 For in the kingdom of Nimrud, each man worshipped gods of his own, gods of wood and stone, each after the imagination of his own heart.
4 I dwelt in the cave with my mother, Amthelo, and my nurse, Edna, and knew no other man except my father, Terah, and my elder brothers, Haran and Nahor, who accompanied my father on his visits.
1 When I was three years old, the LORD visited me in a dream and he said unto me, Abram.
2 And I said, Here I am.
3 And he said unto me, Abram, I am the God of your fathers Peleg and Shem and Noe.
4 It is I who preserved your life when the wicked king Nimrud would have destroyed you, for I softened the heart of your father that he should hide you away.
5 This I did for I have a mighty work for you to do in establishing my order upon the earth, and, truly, I say unto you, in the end, through you shall this wicked Nimrud be destroyed from off the face of the land.
6 You shall remain in this cave with your mother and your nurse for yet seven years, and at the end of that time you shall depart and I will send my messenger to guide you unto the city of your father Noe where you shall be instructed in the way of life.
7 And from that time forth the LORD instructed me often in dreams that my mind was opened to the ways of his kingdom.
1 When I was ten years old, I departed from the cave by night while my mother and my nurse slept and the messenger of God met me and led me to the city of Shalom where Noe and his son Shem dwelt, and no man knew where I was.
2 And I dwelt with Noe and Shem for thirty-nine years, being instructed in all the ways of the Most High God.
3 And finding great happiness and peace and rest there, I received, under the direction of Noe and Shem, instructions whereby I might enter into the order of the ancients and I became a rightful heir and high priest, holding the right belonging to the fathers. I was ushered into the congregation of the LORD and tasted of the fruits of heavenly life.
1 In my fiftieth year, Shem called me into his presence and instructed me to return to the house of my father for there were many there now who were seeking after light and truth for they had seen the foolishness of worshipping idols of wood and stone, but they knew not where to find the true God.
2 And Shem blessed me saying, Blessed are you Abram of the Most High God for He has looked upon you and found your heart right before Him.
3 For this cause, the Most High shall visit you and you shall stand at the head and be the father of a multitude, for many nations shall spring forth from your loins.
4 In your father's house dwells she to whom the promises belong, for she is a princess in the house of the Most High and shall reign as a queen over your seed forever.
5 Seek after her and take her for your wife for she will be the mother of the promised seed.
6 The blessings of the God of Noe attend you as you journey on your way for, from this time forth, you shall be a wanderer in the land until your seed shall come in to inherit this land by the power of God and the sword of His might.
7 Be faithful always, proclaim the truth in soberness and be valiant in the cause of God, and you shall be blessed forevermore. Amen.
1 With this blessing resting upon me, I gathered together my family for I had taken seven wives in the city of Shalom who had borne me fifty daughters.
2 And although I had no sons of my own flesh, yet I had adopted twelve sons of those who were faithful to the order of the ancients and foremost among these was Eliezer of Damascus who had come to the city of Shalom seeking after the blessings of the fathers and had remained as my son.
3 Him I appointed as steward over all I possessed for this journey, for he stood as my heir for I loved him as my son and brother.
4 But Shem said unto me, Eliezer is a good and righteous man and he shall be greatly blessed but he shall not be your heir, for another shall be your heir who shall come forth from the womb of your wife whom you shall take in the house of your father, for she is ordained to be your queen of queens and the mother of your heir.
5 So I gathered together my wives and my daughters and my adopted sons and their wives and children and I said unto them, Hear my words, beloved and hearken unto my speech for I have been sent with a mission unto the house of my father in the land of Shinar to gather out the pure in heart who are seeking after the true God.
6 Gather together all your goods and make you tents in which to dwell and saddle your asses to travel upon for the Most High God has declared that we shall be wanderers upon the land from this time forth until our seed shall come in to inherit this land by the power of God and the sword of his might.
1 Then they commenced their preparations and on the appointed day; all was in readiness for our departure.
2 And when Shem came forth to bless us, Noe came also with him.
3 Now Noe dwelt in the temple in the heart of the city of Shalom and seldom came out of the holy place for I had never seen him without its sacred precincts.
4 But he came forth at this time and lifted up his hands and blessed us in the name of the Most High God and we departed from his house.
1 We journeyed slowly for the sake of the women and children and we journeyed not upon the sabbath day for we thought it better to worship the LORD our God according to the pattern of heaven than to proceed rapidly upon our way and we knew that the LORD prospered us in our journey and protected us from the power of all our enemies because we faithfully served Him and worshipped before His throne according to the divine pattern.
2 But at length we arrived in the land of Shinar at the city of Ur.
3 Now the size of this city was immense.
4 Its buildings were grand and beautiful with gardens upon the rooftops and rivers of water running down from level to level.
5 The streets were wide and smooth and the inhabitants wealthy, dwelling in luxury.
6 Merchant caravans continually entered and left her gates and the great of all nations came here to pay tribute to the mighty King Nimrud.
7 Nevertheless, the wealth of this great city was built upon sin for the people served many devil gods and offered upon their altars men, women, and children.
8 And they had numerous slaves who were kept down in bondage and poverty and were driven like dumb animals to provide the luxury in which their masters dwelt.
9 The inhabitants of the city delighted in whoredom, adultery, murder and all manner of evil, whereby they might get gain.
10 And the anger of the LORD was kindled against them.
11 Nevertheless, he let them go on that they might be fully ripened in iniquity before the fullness of his wrath should fall upon them.
12 All of these things the LORD God showed unto me in a dream on the night before we entered into the city of Ur; and He said unto me, Abram, this city is vile and corrupt, but in it are some few who have not bowed the knee to devils and it is because of their prayers that I have brought you here, that they might be taught to worship the true God after the order of heaven and be led out from wickedness and bondage.
13 Wherefore, go unto your father's house, for your mother has wept for these many years, and I have softened the heart of your father toward you that he shall make you welcome and will protect you against the anger of the king such that you shall be able to accomplish your mission.
14 Abram, I am the LORD God of your fathers Shem and Noe, and of all the righteous fathers back to Adam.
15 Wherefore, I will remain with you and confirm upon you all the blessings of the fathers and you shall stand at the head of a multitude. Amen.
1 In the morning before entering the city, I gathered my family together consisting of my seven wives, my fifty daughters, my twelve adopted sons, and three hundred and fifty manservants whom Shem had sent with their families, being in all six thousand three hundred and seventy.
2 And I said unto them, This great city is steeped in wickedness and sin for the secret combinations which was from the beginning holds her sway.
3 Wherefore, you shall remain here under the direction of Eliezer while I go alone into the city unto my father's house, for the LORD God of Shem and of Noe has promised me that he will protect me against the anger of the king such that I shall be able to accomplish my mission.
4 I led my family in prayer before the LORD, kissed them all and departing from them, entered into the city.
1 Being led by the spirit of the LORD, I found my father's house and, entering the gate, addressed the guard who was standing there, saying, I am Abram, son of Terah, who has spent these forty years in the house of Shem.
2 Take me now to my father.
3 The guard stood as one dumbfounded, knowing not what to make of such a greeting, but at length called a boy whom he dispatched to locate my father.
4 At length the lad returned, followed closely by my father who was greatly surprised to see me, but who recognized me as his son.
5 By this time my arrival had caused great excitement throughout my father's household, which was very large, and my mother, having heard of my coming, hastened to the place where we were, weeping and rejoicing for she had thought that I had wandered from the cave and been slain by wild animals in the wilderness.
6 At length she led me away to her chamber to talk with me and I told her of all that had transpired with me since my leaving the cave; of my being led by the messenger to the city of Shalom, of being instructed under the direction of Shem, of the increase of my family and of the mercies of the true God of heaven exercised in my behalf.
7 I talked to her of the futility of worshipping idols of wood and stone which have no power in them and of the order of the ancients which was preserved in the city of Shalom under Noe and Shem which I had been sent to proclaim in the great city of Ur.
1 My mother heard all my words and rejoiced in them for she was one whose heart had been turned from the worship of dumb idols to the worship of the unknown God.
2 Moreover, a small group of like believers numbering about one hundred met secretly in my father's house to worship the unseen God and pray for further light concerning his ways, among whom were my brother Haran, with his son Lot and his daughters Milcah and Sarai, and my brother Nahor.
3 Now, when my mother had heard my words, she asked me to remain with her until evening when the believers were to meet in her rooms.
4 That night I met with those who had rejected the idolatry of their fathers and they were all of the seed of those who had come out from the city of Peleg.
5 I rehearsed unto them all the things I had told unto my mother and they likewise rejoiced therein.
6 But unto my father I spoke not of these things at this time for he was yet privy to Nimrud and was steeped in his evil ways.
1 When I had dwelt in my father's house for seven days teaching the word of life unto the believers, I went unto my father as he sat in his outer court with his servants attending to the affairs of state.
2 And when he would hear me, I said unto him, Father, where is the God who created heaven and earth and all the hosts of them?
3 My father Terah answered me and said, My son, those gods who created all things are here with us in the house.
4 My lord, show them to me I pray you, I exclaimed.
5 My father Terah led me unto a chamber in the center of his house wherein were twelve great devil gods and numerous smaller ones.
6 And my father said unto me, My son, these twelve great ones are rulers among the gods and this largest one is ruler above all and these others were their assistants in creating all things.
7 And my father Terah bowed down and worshipped before his devil gods and we departed from them.
1 When I departed from the presence of my father, I went unto my mother and said unto her, My mother, there is a great evil in this place for my father keeps a room full of idols in the center of his house and this thing is contrary to the commandments of God, wherefore the wrath of God shall not depart from this house until they are destroyed.
2 Let one of the young men be sent to fetch a kid of the goats and make savory meat for therewith I shall destroy these idols in which is neither life nor power.
3 My mother summoned one of the young men who was with her in the house and sent him to fetch a kid of the goats from which she made savory meat.
4 When it was prepared, I took the savory meat from her and went into the room where by father kept his gods and I prayed there unto the LORD my God saying, O LORD God of Shem and of Noe, look upon me here in my weakness and strengthen my arm that I may destroy these false gods and give me the wisdom and strength to go through all that follows and endure unto the end in service unto my God.
5 When I had said these words, the spirit of the LORD fell upon me, even the spirit of prophecy, and I was led to exclaim, Woe unto my father and this wicked and corrupt people among whom he dwells, whose hearts are all inclined to vanity for they serve devils of wood and stone, the workmanship of their own hands, which neither eat nor smell nor hear nor speak, for there is no power in them and those who serve them shall likewise be powerless to escape when the wrath of God shall overtake them in a day they think not.
1 At this time the spirit of God fell upon me in mighty power to strengthen my arm, and picking up a hatchet which I had brought with me for that purpose, I destroyed all my father's idols, both wood and stone, by the power of God which was in me, except for the largest in whose hand I placed the hatchet.
2 Then going to my father I said unto him, My Father, I have seen a wondrous thing for my mother did make me savory meat this day to offer before the gods who created all things.
3 And when I took the meat in unto them, they all reached forth their hands to partake thereof.
4 When the one who is ruler above all saw their works, he being angered left the room and returned with a hatchet and with it he destroyed the other gods; and he stands there even now with the hatchet in his hand and the savory meat before him.
1 Hearing these words, my father hastened unto the room of his gods and found it even as I had said, and his anger was kindled against me and he said, This is an idle tale you have told me and false.
2 Why have you done this thing and lied unto me?
3 These gods have no life in them to do these things for they are wood and stone and I myself have had them made by the craftsmen.
4 Why have you then come into my house to destroy my gods?
1 The spirit of the LORD fell upon me at this time that I should answer my father and I said unto him, How is it you serve these idols of wood and stone, the handiwork of the craftsmen in which is neither life nor power to act?
2 Can these which cannot deliver themselves from the hatchet deliver you from the power of the enemy?
3 Can they hear your prayers when you call upon them from out of the midst of your afflictions?
4 Surely it is an evil thing that you and your people should serve these false gods for the LORD, he is the God who created heaven and earth and all that is in them, and he has commanded all men to worship him only and to serve him all their days.
5 Your fathers in the days before the flood worshipped false idols after the same evil combination into which you have entered and, because of their perversions, they were destroyed.
6 Will you also go on in their wickedness to bring down the wrath of the Most High God upon you that you, too, should be destroyed from under heaven?
7 No, my father, but repent of this evil and turn unto the LORD your God and live.
8 So saying, I took the hatchet from the hands of the remaining idol and smote him with it until he was destroyed.
1 My father, hearing my words and seeing what I had done, increased in anger against me and hurried from his house unto the king, for he had access to King Nimrud both day and night.
2 When he had entered the kings' presence, he bowed down before him and he said unto him, My lord king, fifty years ago a man child was born unto my wife Amthelo, and when he was ten years old, we went on the new moon to worship our ancestral god when my son wandered off into the desert and was lost.
3 But he was found by the people of the desert and raised by them and he has recently found his way back into my house and I have received him with honor as my son.
4 But he entered this day into the room of my gods and destroyed them and has spoken against our gods and against that ancient order which has been handed down from our first father.
5 Now, therefore, my lord king, send for him that he may be judged according to our law that this evil may be put away from among us.
6 The king thereupon sent three of his mighty men who fetched me from my father's house and brought me before the king.
1 When I appeared before King Nimrud, he was seated upon his throne in all his glory, but it was as darkness to me.
2 At his right hand sat my father Terah and around them sat the princes and noble ones of his realm.
3 And the king said unto me, What is this thing that your father said unto me, that you entered this day into the room of his gods and destroyed them and that you have spoken against our gods and against that ancient order which has been handed down from our first father?
1 I answered the king saying, Why do you go on in wickedness to worship these dumb idols in which there is no power?
2 Not only this, but you have led others to worship them and to enter into that order which is most abominable in the eyes of the Most High God, for your father form whence it cometh is the devil and he is full of lies and blasphemies and all manner of evil.
3 Why will you not serve the Most High God who created all things in heaven and on earth, who has created these and holds the power to sustain your life or to destroy it?
4 O foolish, ignorant, wicked king, woe shall be unto you forever and ever for you are the son of perdition for it is he who is your father.
5 You have corrupted the earth with your sins and with the sins of your people who follow you.
6 It was for entering into this wicked combination to get gain that your ancestors were destroyed in the flood when only eight souls were saved.
7 Will you and your people follow in their paths?
8 Then the wrath of the Most High God will descend upon you to smite you from before his face.
9 Now put away these evil ways and turn unto the Most High God and serve Him that there may be hope for you.
10 But I see that your heart is hardened in iniquity, that there is no repentance for you, for the evil one hath sealed you to him; wherefore all your ways shall come to nothing and you and your people shall be destroyed from off the face of the land.
1 Then I lifted up my hands to heaven and prayed saying, O LORD God, you who see all the ways of the wicked and will bring every evil deed into judgment, look upon these evil ones and destroy them that the whole land be not corrupted by them and brought to destruction.
1 When the king heard my words and the prayer which I uttered, he ordered me to be cast into the prison house until he had determined what to do with me.
2 And after ten days, the king gathered together all his counselors and rehearsed unto them all things concerning me.
3 And when he had rehearsed all things unto them, he asked them, saying, What judgment shall such a one receive who has reviled the king and our gods and our holy order?
4 And they returned judgment unto him saying, The man who reviles the kind should be hanged from a tree until he is dead and the tree then cut down to the ground while all the people shall shout, Thus shall it befall him who reviles the king.
5 But this man has not only reviled the king but also our gods and our holy order and, according to our law, such a one shall be cast into a furnace of fire until he be consumed that nothing remain of him.
6 Let therefore the fire be increased in the king's furnace which is in Casdim where the king's bricks are made and let this blasphemer be cast into the fire that he be consumed.
1 The king so commanded and for three days and three nights was the fire preparing in Casdim and at the end of that time I was brought forth from the prison to be cast in.
2 While I was in the prison the LORD sent His messengers to minister unto me and to comfort me and they said unto me, Fear not, Abram, for your work is not yet finished for you shall yet become the father of many nations and you shall proclaim the word in far places, even in the land of Egypt shall you declare the mysteries of your God.
3 And though they cast you into the furnace, is not the LORD able to deliver you there from?
4 For through you deliverance shall many be brought to bow down and worship the LORD your God and forsake the evils of Nimrud.
1 Therefore, I came forth from the prison confident in the power of my God and in His promise that I should be delivered from the fire.
2 But as I came forth, the astrologers of the king looked upon me and by the power of Satan they recognized me, for they saw me clothed in light.
3 And they cried out unto the king saying, O king of all the earth, surely this is the man of whom we spoke unto you fifty years ago that he should rise up to overthrow your kingdom.
4 Wherefore was he not slain?
1 Hearing these words, the king was greatly troubled and, calling my father Terah before him, he exclaimed, Is this then your son who was to have been slain?
2 And what child then did I slay at his birth?
3 Speak now the truth and you shall go free; but if you speak not the truth, you shall die with your son.
4 And Nimrud caused my father to swear concerning the matter.
1 And my father answered the king saying, My lord king, I am guilty.
2 For because of my tender feelings toward my son, I did substitute for him the son of my concubine who was born on the same night.
3 The king's wrath mounted and in his anger he cried, Who advised you to do this thing?
4 Surely that man shall die.
5 My father, being terrified at the kings' anger said, It was my son Haran who so advised me.
6 Now Haran had not advised my father of anything, but the spirit of the LORD had brought it upon my father that he was not to give me up to the king.
7 Nevertheless, Haran was unaware to what my father had done and Haran was one of the believers in the true God of heaven, but his heart was not firm nor his faith sure.
8 Wherefore, Haran said in his heart, If Abram is delivered from the furnace, then I shall know that the God of Abram is indeed the true God.
9 Wherefore, Haran wavered in his faith and his confidence was not great in the Most High God, but my confidence was secure, for I knew that it rested upon the rock of my salvation and that the word of God fails not.
1 Now when the king heard the words of my father, he caused that Haran should also be taken with me and, leading us to Casdim, they stripped us of all our clothing and bound us with cords and cast us into the fire.
2 Now Haran, because his faith was not perfect in the LORD his God, was consumed in the fire that no trace of his body remained, but my faith remained firm in the LORD and He sent His messengers to sustain me and release me from my bonds and I was three days and three nights in the furnace with the messengers, talking with them and beings instructed by them.
1 After the third day, the king sent his servants to govern the fire that it might again be used for making brick.
2 But when they came up to the furnace, I was sitting therein talking with the messengers whom God had sent.
3 Therefore, the servants of the king, being greatly astonished, went and told him of this matter, but he would not believe them.
4 However, when the men persisted in their tale, King Nimrud himself came unto the furnace, but the messengers had departed and I sat alone in the flames.
5 When he saw me therein unconsumed, the king cried out in alarm, O Abram, are you a sorcerer greater than ours that you should live in the flames unconsumed?
6 But I answered him, No, O king, but the God of heaven who is the true God above all has sent his messengers unto me and hath preserved me from this fire.
7 Being much amazed the king exclaimed, Come forth then from the fire for I see that no power of mine can harm you.
1 I ascended from the furnace and stood before the king and his counselors who examined me closely but even my hair was not singed.
2 The king caused garments from his own wardrobe to be brought and I was clothed therein and he caused me to be seated upon a throne at his right hand where my father was meant to sit and he said unto me, What of Haran your brother who was cast into the furnace with you?
3 Did the messengers carry him away to some far place that he might be saved?
4 But I replied unto him, No, the faith of my brother was not perfect in the Most High God; therefore he was consumed in the flames.
5 Upon hearing this, the king marveled and permitted me to speak in his court concerning the Most High God.
6 Nevertheless, the heart of the king was not changed, for he gloried in power and he thought to learn from my power by permitting me to speak.
7 But about three hundred men of those who sat in the king's court were converted unto the LORD and followed no more after the evil order of Nimrud, wherefore, they were cast out of the king's presence; but as for me, the king gave me many gifts and sent me away in peace and many were joined unto the believers in the LORD from that day.
8 For having heard of my salvation from the fire, multitudes came to my father's house to hear of the God who could do such mighty things and many believed.
1 Now, among the believers were Lot, the son of Haran, and Haran's daughters, Milcah and Sarai.
2 Milcah was fair, but Sarai was beautiful above all women.
3 Her face was as that of a messenger filled with light, her cheeks as two roses in full bloom, her hair as spun gold which men treasure above all, her eyes as pools of blue reflecting the glory of God's sky, her nose delicate and lovely, and her countenance truly was fair as the sun.
4 Her breasts like two mountains rising above the plain of Shinar were fair to behold, and her complexion truly like the clouds in purity.
5 Her arms were comely, her hands perfect and delightful to behold, always in the service of those in need and quick to hasten to the service of the LORD her God.
6 Her palms were lovely, unmarred by her constant labor, her fingers long and slender.
7 Her feet were comely and always set in the path of truth.
8 Her thighs were well rounded and soft, yet never failing to sustain her in her labor of love in behalf of the servants of God.
9 Truly no maiden was fairer than Sarai, the daughter of Haran, for her beauty was greater than all other women and she excelled them all.
10 But with her beauty was great wisdom and perfect faith in the LORD and constant service in behalf of the saints, for her hands never ceased from blessing the people of God.
11 My brother Nahor took Milcah, the daughter of Haran, to wife, but I Abram, took Sarai at the direction of the LORD and I found great joy in her.
1 But Satan was not content to have me continue to disrupt his kingdom in peace; therefore, he sent a dream unto King Nimrud in which the king saw that I should be the destruction of himself and of his kingdom.
2 Moreover, it was shown the king in his dream that three of his own household, even Zeptah, Lilith, and Nefritiri, daughters to Onitah, the son of Nimrud, who were virgins, had joined the believers of the Most High God.
3 When the king awoke from his sleep, he was angry and he caused that I, with these three virgins, Zeptah, Lilith, and Nefritiri, should be seized and bound and carried to Photiphar's hill at the head of the plain of Olishem to be sacrificed.
4 And these three virgins the priests offered up upon the altar and they died singing praises to the LORD and bearing witness to the truth, wherefore, they shall be blessed forever for they have entered into the rest of the LORD.
1 And when these virgins were slain, the priests took me also and laid me upon the altar to slay me. But I cried unto the LORD my God for I knew that my mission was not yet ended.
2 And the LORD heard my voice and sent His messenger to loose the cords I was bound with.
3 And I saw the LORD seated upon His throne and He said to me, Abram, Abram, my name is JEHOVAH, and I have heard you and have come down to deliver you and to take you away from your father's house and from all your kindred into a land which is unknown to you, a land which I have promised unto Noe should be an eternal inheritance unto the promised seed.
4 I will lead you by my hand and will put upon you my name that you shall bear the priesthood of the fathers and the power thereof.
5 As it was with Noe, so shall it be with you that through your ministry and the ministry of your seed bearing this priesthood, my name shall be known in the earth forever, for I am your God.
6 And the LORD broke down the altar of the idol gods by an earthquake and destroyed their priests.
1 But I hurried to my father's house where all the believer were gathered, fasting and praying for me and I said unto them, Get up, for this day we shall depart from this city that the LORD may visit it in wrath and vengeance.
2 All the believers gathered together and followed me out of the city to my camp.
3 And we struck our tents and departed from the land of Shinar to go to the city of Shalom to confer with Shem.
4 And my father also, seeing that the king's face would be set against him, gathered together his goods and followed after me.
5 We journeyed slowly, for I had with me many people, both women and children and women with child.
1 When we arrived at the city of Shalom, Shem came forth to greet us, bearing bread and wine which he blessed and gave to us and he said unto me, Blessed are you, Abram, for the Most High God has multiplied you and your seed shall be even as the sand upon the seashore without number.
2 Go now with this great multitude into the land of Canaan for unto you and your seed will I give this land for an everlasting inheritance, says the LORD God Almighty. Amen.
3 Therefore we departed from the presence of Shem and moved to the area of Ludor in which we named a city by the name of Haran.
4 And we dwelt in the suburbs of Haran for three years for there was much pasture there and a space large enough for the multitude which accompanied me.
5 And I proclaimed the message in Haran and many were added unto the faithful in that place.
The devils
1 These are the names of devils that hold sway over man:
2 Adramalech is an arch-devil who is also called, in some lands, Moloch. He requires sacrifice by fire.
3 Asmodeus is the destroyer of family and marriages. He causes death to come to the husband early in the marriage also.
4 Azazel was the leader of the nephilim and was cast down into the desert as a wandering star for all time.
5 Baalberith is the god of covenant and was later known as Beelzebub.
6 Balaam is a devil of greed and avarice.
7 Chemosh is a devil worshipped by the Moabites.
8 Lilith is a she-devil. Her female consorts are many and are called lilitu or lamim. Nimrud's mother-wife became Lilith for she was of the nephilim also.
9 Mammon is the devil of the love for wealth.
10 Samael is Satan himself.
11 These are the nine arch-devils that hold power over all the earth.
12 (An addition supplied by a later writer): These are the 24 names of lesser devils up until Hellenistic times:
13 Astaroth, Bast, Beherit, Dagon, Diabolous, Euronymous, Haborym, Hades, Hecate, Ishtar, Marduk, Mastema, Mephistopheles, Milcom, Mormo, Naamah, Nergal, Pan, Prosperine, Rimmon, Sekhmet, Set, Thamuz and Typhon.
God's commission
1 In the beginning JEHOVAH begat a son from the spirit. In him was wisdom. God commissioned him to help fashion the worlds and bring forth the sons of God, the cherubim, the seraphim and all the other hosts.
2 It was I who shouted for joy when the worlds came into being. I would often converse with my companions Abigdor and Hadar about what must soon come to be.
3 Then upset arose when a multitude of the sons of God chose to fornicate with beautiful whores. The first estate was abandoned but we kept ours.
4 It came to pass I was born to a life chosen by the LORD with mutual agreement. My name became Melech. My God's son will soon come and set the captives free from their bondage. He will be called anointed and his number will be three hundred and sixteen. God will love the world so much that He will give His only one to reconcile us to Him. Amen.
Sorcerer's conversion
1 I was in the city of Terano and came across a magician named Aithousa. He was an old man of sixty-six or so. He told me about conjuring up spirits. I allowed him to converse with me about these things. He said:
2 Bune is great and strong, he appears as a dragon with three heads, the third is like a man's head; he speaks with a divine voice, he makes the dead to change their places, and devils to gather upon the tombs of the dead: he greatly enriches a man and makes him wise, answering to all demands and thirty legions obey him.
3 Forneus is like a monster of the sea, he makes men wonderful in rhetoric; he adorns a man with a good name and knowledge and makes one beloved as well of foes as friends: there are under him twenty-nine legions of the order partly of thrones, and partly of messengers.
4 Ronove resembles a monster; he brings singular understanding in rhetoric, faithful servants, knowledge, favor of friends and foes; and nineteen legions obey him.
5 Berith is great and terrible and has three names. Of some he is called Beall; of the Jews Berithi; of necromancers Bolfry: he comes forth as a red soldier, with red clothing, and upon a horse of that color, and a crown on his head. He answers of things present, past, and to come. He is compelled at certain hour, through divine virtue, by a ring of art magic. He is also a liar; he turns all metals into gold, he adorns a man with dignities and confirms them; he speaks with a clear and a subtle voice and twenty-six legions are under him.
6 Astaroth comes forth in the shape of a foul messenger, sitting upon an infernal dragon and carrying in his right hand a viper: he answers to matters present, past, and to come and also of all secrets. He talks willingly of the creator of spirits and of their fall and how they sinned and fell: he says he fell not of his own accord. He makes a man learned in the liberal sciences; he rules forty legions. Let every exorcist take heed, that he admit him not too near him, because of his stinking breath. And therefore let the conjurer hold near to his face a magical ring and that shall defend him.
7 Foras or Forcas is seen in the form of a strong man and in human shape; he understands the virtue of herbs and precious stones: he teaches logic, ethics, and their parts: he makes a man invisible, witty, eloquent, and to live long; he recovers things lost, and discovers treasures and is lord over twenty-nine legions.
8 Furfur appears as a hart with a fiery tail; he lies in everything, except he is brought up within a triangle; being bidden, he takes messenger form; he speaks with a hoarse voice and willingly makes love between man and wife; he raises thunders, lightnings and blasts. Where he is commanded, he answers well, both of secret and also of divine things, and has rule and dominion over twenty-six legions.
9 Marchosias shows himself in the shape of a cruel she-wolf, with a gryphon's wings, with a serpent’s tail and spitting I cannot tell what out of his mouth. When he is in a man's shape, he is an excellent fighter; he answers all questions truly, he is faithful in all the conjurers business; he was of the order of dominations; under him are thirty legions: he hopes after 1200 years to return to the seventh throne but he is deceived in that hope.
10 Malphas is seen like a crow but being clothed with human image, speaks with a hoarse voice; he builds houses and high towers wonderfully and quickly brings artificers together; he throws down the enemies edifications; he helps familiars; he receives sacrifices willingly but he deceives all the ones that sacrifice; forty legions obey him.
11 Vepar or Separ is like a mermaid; he is the guide of the waters and of ships laden with armor; he brings to pass that the sea shall be rough and stormy and shall appear full of ships; he kills men in three days by putrefying their wounds and producing maggots into them; however, they may be all healed with diligence; he rules twenty-nine legions.
12 Sabnacke or Salmac comes forth as an armed soldier with a lion’s head, sitting on a pale horse, he changes man's form and favor; he builds high tower full of weapons and also castles and cities; he inflicts men thirty days with wounds both rotten and full of maggots; he provides good familiars and has dominion over fifty legions.
13 Sidonay or Asmoday, a great king, strong and mighty; he is seen with three heads, whereof the first is like a bull, the second like a man, the third like a ram, he has a serpent's tail; he belches flames out of his mouth; he has feet like a goose and he sits on an infernal dragon; he carries a lance and a flag in his hand and he goes before others, which are under the power of Amaymon. When the conjurer exercises this office, let him be abroad; he has under his power seventy-two legions.
14 Murmur appears in the shape of a soldier, riding on a gryphon, with a crown on his head; there go before him two of his ministers with great trumpets; he teaches philosophy and he constrains souls to come before the exorcist to answer what he shall ask them; he was of the order partly of thrones and partly of messengers and rules thirty legions.
15 Oriah is seen as a lion riding on a strong horse with a serpent's tail and carries in his right hand two great serpents hissing; he knows the mansion of planets and perfectly teaches the virtues of the stars; he transforms men; he has under him thirty legions.
16 Amy appears in a flame of fire but having taken man's shape, he makes one marvelous in astrology and in all the liberal sciences; he procures excellent familiars and he has the government of thirty-six legions; he is partly of the order of messengers; he hopes after a thousand two hundred years to return to the seventh throne: which is not credible.
17 Balam is a great and a terrible king; he comes forth with three heads; the first of a bull, the second of a man, the third of a ram; he has a serpent's tail and flaming eyes, riding upon a furious bear and carrying a hawk on his fist; he speaks with a hoarse voice, answering perfectly of things present, past, and to come; he makes a man invisible and wise and he governs forty legions and was of the order of dominations.
18 Phoenix appears like a bird, having a child's voice: but before he stands still before the conjurer, he sings many sweet notes. Then the exorcist with his companions must beware that he gives no ear to the melody but must bid him to put on human shape; then will he speak marvelously of all wonderful sciences. He is an excellent poet, and obedient; he hopes to return to the seventh throne after a thousand two hundred years, and governs twenty legions.
19 Stolas is a great prince, appearing in the form of a night-raven; he takes the image and shape of a man and teaches astronomy, understanding the virtues of herbs and precious stones; there are under him twenty-six legions.
20 After he taught his craft to me, I said there is One you do not have to conjure and He is more powerful than any of the spirits he mentioned. He asked, Who is this great god that I may know Him? I explain the true God unto him and he was immediately convicted in his heart and burned all his books on necromancy. We went to a secluded place and made sacrifices and Aithousa was then purified to enter the Temple and give alms.
21 After leaving the Temple, Aithousa had a vision. The LORD showed him His power and Aithousa did not speak for seventy-seven days. When he spoke, he told me the vision but said to never write it down because it would shake the foundation of society. I agreed. The vision was too hard for even me to grasp. Aithousa died in peace two years later and his works were better than most that have lived for the LORD all their lives. At his burial, I was joyful; knowing he would rise at the last day unblemished.
Prophecy of Eldad and Medad
1 But two men remained in the camp. The name of one was Eldad, and the name of the other Medad: and the spirit rested on them. Eldad was prophesying and said, Behold, Moses shall be gathered from this age, and Joshua son of Nun shall stand in his place and lead the people of the house of Israel and bring them to the land of the Canaanites and give them possession over it. Medad was prophesying and said, Behold, quail came up from the sea and were covering the entire camp of Israel and this shall become a stumbling-block to the people.
2 But the two prophesied as one and said, Behold, a king shall arise from the land of Magog at the end of days. He shall gather kings crowned with crowns and prefects dressed in silk clothes and all the nations shall obey him. They shall prepare for war in the land of Israel against the sons of the exile. However, the LORD is close to those who turn to him. All of them will be killed by a burning breath in a consuming fire that comes from beneath the throne of glory and their dead bodies will fall on the mountains of Israel. Then all the wild animals and birds of the air shall come and devour their bodies. And after this all the dead of Israel shall live and shall delight themselves with the good which was hidden from them from the beginning. Then they shall receive the reward of their labors.
3 Contemptible are the double-mined who doubt in their heart and say, We heard these things in the time of our fathers also, and look, we have grown old and none of these things have come to pass.
4 You fools, compare yourselves to a tree or a vine. It sheds its leaves first, then a shoot appears, then a leaf, then a flower and after these a berry, then a full ripe bunch.
5 Repent, house of Israel, of your sins. Say to the sons of my people, Even if your sins should reach from the earth unto the skies and even if they should be as red as crimson and as black as sackcloth, if only you turn to me with your whole heart and say, Father, I will listen to you, you will be to me a holy people.
The bull devil defeated
1 I, Melech, who am your brother in captivity, O Israel, will tell you the plight that befell me in the tenth year after Assyria took our people captive.
2 I was a slave in the house of Santar, the Assyrian commander. He sent me to fetch twelve men to enlist under his command. On the way, I was halted by a bull. It spoke to me. Where are you going, he asked. I replied, To fetch twelve men for my master. The bull said, I am Madehazar. I was a leader of a multitude in a time you know not. If you would worship me, I would give your master six hundred and sixty-six legions to rule over.
3 I replied, I am a worshipper of the One true God of Israel. I cannot reject my God, who is the LORD. The bull became furious and vowed to destroy Santar and his men in the next battle.
4 I did my master's bidding and told him of the bull. He was worried and thought the Assyrian gods were angry with him. I said, I will face this bull and defeat him by the words that my God will give me. Santar gave me leave to do so.
5 I met Madehazar again and recited the words, Jehovah manish avatar shavar shala amavaq. Labravah mamanay vahbyath shala hahavaryas shalay bashas shala alavahyas adyar (which is interpreted as, The Lord is punishing you, bull of the deep. Run away from me and my parents' house in the name of Almighty God).
6 The bull disappeared immediately. Santar rewarded me by making me a vice commander in his army and every battle we fought, the LORD caused us to be victorious.
To David, I will praise the LORD with all my heart, before the LORD God I will make your music.
I was the youngest among my siblings, and a young boy in my father's house. I used to feed my father's sheep and I found a lion and a wolf and killed them and cut them to pieces. My hands made an organ and my fingers fashioned a harp. Who will show me my Lord? He, my Lord, is become my God. He sent His messenger and took me away from my father's sheep and anointed me with oil. My siblings, the fair and the tall, in them the LORD had no pleasure. And I went forth to meet the Philistine and he cursed me by his devil gods but I drew his sword and cut off his head and took away the terror from the sons of Israel.
O God, give me Your help and save me. Deliver me from the murderer. Shall I go down to sheol by the mouth of the lion or shall the wolf take me? Was it not enough for them that they lay in wait for my father's sheep and tore in pieces a sheep of my father's pasture but they were wishing also to destroy me? Have pity, O LORD, and save Your holy one from destruction; that he may rehearse Your glories in all his times, and may praise Your great Name: when You have delivered him from the hands of the destroying lion and of the ravening wolf and when You have set me free from the hands of the wild beasts. Quickly, O LORD, send from before You a deliverer and draw me out of the gaping abyss which imprisons me in its depths.
Praise the LORD, all nations; glorify Him, and bless His Name: Who saved His elect from the hands of death and delivered His holy one from destruction: and saved me from the nets of sheol and saved me from the bottomless abyss. I was almost torn in two pieces by two wild beasts but He sent His messenger and shut up the gaping mouths and rescued me from destruction. I shall glorify Him and exalt Him because of all His kindnesses which He has done and will do unto me.
This ends the book of origins. Amen.