The sixth Communion is with the Angel of Joy
"Angel of joy, descend upon earth and give beauty to all beings."
The Blessed Angel of Joy,
She who descends upon earth
To give beauty unto all men.
The Lord is not worshipped with sadness,
Nor with cries of barreness and despair.
Leave off your moans and lamentations,
And sing unto the Lord a new song:
Sing unto the Lord, all of the earth.
Let the highest of heavens rejoice
And let all of the earth be glad.
Let the field be joyfully plowed,
Let the floods clap their hands;
Let the hills be joyful together
Before the Lord Of Spirits!
For you shall go out with joy
And be led forth with peace:
The mountains and the hills
Break forth in singing to you.
Holy, Blessed Angel of Joy,
Messenger of the Earthly Mother,
I will sing ever unto the Lord
For as long as I have life:
I will sing praise to God,