The Essene Good News

While the Orthodox Bibles of the world only contain the truth in part, they are a Law unto themselves, whereby they do find intimate association with the Spirit, the only God; the only Allah, the only One, and the only Youel, who is Yah Of Psalms! His is the Name above every other name, Emanuel! They who have knowledge of him, should seek to increase it; for one unaware of the lies against his own Spirit, is always stumbling into that Abyss, wherefrom only the Bird Of Wisdom may soar forth, by the Angels Of Power and Love! And by the name of Emanuel, God In Us, the Prophets Of Israel gave this holy Law; ever subjecting themselves, each Prophet, unto the Spirit Of The Prophets! Yeshua did the same, admitting that he would never reveal anything his Master did not allow him to reveal; minding the sacred rule of the holy Stream, what stream reveals to every child, even every Son, things yet to be known in the future, by Unction Of God.

We should daily rise, having given homage to the Angel of the Father the nite before, communing with the Angels of the Earth Mother through the day time; and at noontide, we should acknowledge the Waters Above, what supply all the blessings of God, by the very same angels, who raised Yeshua from death! We should also understand it is the holy Law what justifies us; that no animal or human can be offered for sin, it is against the holy Law Of Israel and It's Sacred Testimony! The Ten Commandments are a stem law of Enoch's True Oblation, forever pure in the sight of Almighty God. Those who don't live this, have always bowed down to the image of virtue in the Autogene, represented by the teachings of their Masters, Muhammed, Yeshua, Zoroaster and the many sages, avatars and seers, who are all the Law unto themselves, whereby they know full well, they should better themselves and enter into God's Rest.

As I have repeatedly said, those who follow the Unwritten Law, testified to in the most holy and Ancient Scrolls, will cleanse themselves of all evil, all uncleanness; by eating the body and drinking the blood of the Earth Mother, Sophia, the holy Ghost in You. Do not let men keep you from pursuing the higher truths, what is a daily ritual requirement of the Sevenfold Peace. That by the Angels of Water, Air and Sunshine, you obtain the Angel Of Joy, who alone leads us to approach the Heavenly Father and commune with him; to walk the Seven Paths to the Infinite Garden, where stands the Tree Of Life, forever! Humanity lacks knowledge of the Holy Law, the only Ruler and God! Until they receive the testimony of Enoch and the books he promised, springing like the flower at the sight of the sun, they are bereft of the Immortal Truth! In the place of the shadow of death, glorify the Law and all the nations shall flow to it!

Let Them Receive The Blessed Way

Let them receive the blessed way, wherein there are no words written and no words spoken, ever! For inside the Holy Stream are utterances never spoken or yet written unto man. How sure is thy way, Son of Man, giving thyself fully to angels of Earth and Heaven; all wisdom is endowed unto you! The LORD gives us the unction of a coming fulfillment of his promise; that Earth is to be a Garden again, with trees growing fast to the clouds of the sky! May we return ourselves to the ways of the Fathers, who met the Holy Angels, lighting on the Tree Of Life since time immemorial; what holy Tree stood tall in the Garden Of Brothers for all to see! Those unaware of the Power as made such greatness, would sit bereft of the knowing, even how to apply the Key Of Life; for only in the place where daily are the purifications and nightly the perfections of the Holy Law, may the Key Of Life be of any lasting effect.

I am another who appears Last, witnessing the names of his own elders, to declare himself Chosen; they who love the Essene Writings, will see the death of the holy Anointed in Yeshua, whom we believe was raised from death, by the Angels who accompanied him in his testimonies of Natures Unwritten Laws. And thereby may we extinguish any evil attacking our bodies; the remedies being the laws in any movement, reaction or stimulus, unto repairing the steep of healthful inaction. I say this because the Word is Unwritten and we may only be freed, by eating the body and the blood of IOUEL, the Earth Mother! We believe the Holy Spirit is all powerful, in Earth bodily and hearing our concerns, to echo them to Almighty God, by our own connectedness to the Trees, who broadcast our vibratory utterance to the attention of the holy Angels of Mother Earth and Father Sky. These were they who restored Jesus from death, by God Almighty; They, Mother-Father, One Biune-Triunity!

Accept the Holy Spirit, whereby The Law extended to us many graces of understanding and mercy, even though we openly stumbled through the snares of Satan. Mercy is the Word itself, whispering the affections of the Earth Mother, for the children of men; and also the encouraging of the Children Of Light, who learn the grace of love for all men, for every child and for every creature in the Household Of God. The Children Of Light know a deep inner hope, to see fulfilled the prophecy of Joseph. I praise God for the Essene Gospel Of Peace, but more so the golden thread of Wisdom, living ever in the human heart, reminding us of the hope of Infinity. The worst sinner, though he must face the Judge; infinite release is his, by the mercy of God! For having been judged, all wrongs were made right, in the eyes of the All Just; He Iouo, who is in Us All!