They Read Not, Hear Not, Obey Not

They read not, hear not, obey not; but what do they say of those who will not hear their Orthodox Bibles? I say the same of these very ones, who have never heard the Essene Gospel Of Peace; those who have never bowed down to God in obedience to the holy Law, given by Yeshua, The Prophet! They're LOST! For if God has not ordained it, the very least aspirant may sense He is not in it! God is the Father of all, and they know it. It is why they reject Your Father, whom you say they have not received! It is you who secretly hear whisperings of fallen angels, bartering for your soul, which you consider to be of such worth. If you will not follow the true words of the Yasha Prophet, you will find the holy Law to be a sword, by which you will remove your own head.

Yeshua is the Master, to the Glory Of Iouo alone, they who do not believe in Iouo, believe neither in Imanuel. They approve a few sordid books, which make blood sacrifice acceptable to remove sins; it never was, so Jesus did not die for anyone's sins, he died for preaching the Holy Law and God raised him from the dead! But they who receive not the holy Law, worship JESUS as a Law unto themselves; the God Of Israel shall be your judge, soon! How dare you whip the backs of self initiated aspirants, serving Almighty God with their far seeking spirits; growing in the Wisdom of understanding, til finally approaching the Holy Law, saved by the Seven Spirits; the Angels who accompany the Angel Of Peace, Love, Life, Joy, Power and Wisdom! If you have ears of the Essene Gospel, you can hear me!

Be not fooled by those with the texts of the Greeks, which serve Satan and his Agents! For his ego rises up in him, again and again, to admit he is the Serpent! The LORD will strike down those who preach only the Bible, knowing God's Pure Word IS invisible; residing in the hearts of men, begging them to stop sinning against him and the holy Law, who alone is Our Only God! He is all in us all, who are his moving and working parts; if we will but return to him and exchange our ideas for His Commands. He has always been the same Father, but we were tricked and taught that the sons of Ishmael, Korah, and their like around the world, were unbelievers bound for hell, without God! Meanwhile, it is the Christians rejecting the holy Law, given by the Prophet Yeshua!