Their Home And Their Kingdom

Long ago, before the Great Flood, the Great Ones walked the earth, and the giant trees, even those which are no more than a legend today; these were their home and their kingdom. They lived many score of generations, for they ate from the table of the Earthly Mother, and slept in the arms of the Heavenly Father, and they knew not disease, old age, nor death. Also unto the Sons Of Men did they bequeath The Glory of their kingdoms; even the hidden knowledge of the Tree Of Life, which stands in the middle of the Eternal Sea. But the eyes of the Sons Of Men were blinded by the visions of Satan, and by promises of power, even that power which conquers by might and by blood. 

And then did the Son of Man sever the golden threads that bound him to his Earthly Mother and his Heavenly Father; he stepped from the Holy Stream of Life where his body, his thoughts, and his feelings were one with the Law, and began to use only his own thoughts, his own feelings, and his own deeds, making hundreds of laws, where before there was only One. "And so did the sons of men exile themselves from their home, and ever since have they huddled behind their stone walls, hearing not the sighing of the wind in the tall trees of the forests beyond their towns. "I tell you truly, the Book Of Nature is a Holy Scroll, and if you would have the Sons of Men save themselves and find everlasting life, teach them how once again to read from the living pages of the Earthly Mother.

For in everything that is life is the law written. It is written in the grass, in the trees, in rivers, mountains, birds of the sky and fishes of the sea; and most of all within the Son Of Man. Only when he returns to the bosom of his Earthly Mother will he find everlasting life and the Stream Of Life which leads to his Heavenly Father; only then may the dark vision of the future come not to pass. After this manner, therefore, pray to your Heavenly Father, when the sun is high at midday: 'Our Father who art in heaven, send to all the Sons of Men your angel of Peace; and send to all of the kingdom of our Earthly Mother the angel of joy, that our hearts may be full of singing and gladness as we nestle in the arms of our Mother.

This passage from the Sevenfold Peace, Book Two