Those who place laypersons on the chessboard of Satan, have sinned against IOUO, the father of the heaven and the earth. They make all men follow an orthodox, two headed God, who is always right; ruling the nations by the sheer wickedness of every detestable bribe, bought with endless abominations against small children and adolescents. These who bring victims for the devil, are to be destroyed by the living God; they will not repent the wickedness they conceal! But God who sees all, hears all and knows all, will not allow this SATAN, to represent anything good, having betrayed all that had meaning. We know Enoch foretold them claiming to be God in this time, with allegiance to men of the Order of Yaldabaoth! Initiate or layperson on the Devil's Chessboard, who repent not the eating of flesh, will die in front of IOUO, the All One!
The Fourteen Trees
There is a great mystery, the mystery of all mysteries, attested to by Enoch Himself, wherein he subtly references the fourteen trees, which always keep of their foliage 'from two or three seasons before'. It will be a mystery, even long after the holy Law has covered the land; for to compare what we have been taught to the geological record, will bring about just one among many plethora of eternal questions. To say the Earth is not our spiritual and physical mother is blasphemous against the heart of a child, who senses Her, though his parents make him follow a patriarchal host of deities and masochistic dogmas, which shame the mind til' loyal to Yaldabaoth the Devil! The grace of God is available to all aspirants on the board, but the true devotee knows it is a fight for the people, in every land and time of our world.
But, mourn neither for the living nor the dead, the Reanimator will bring them alive, whether by a means we have heard, or by some other we know not. For the Almighty is great and vested in the workings of His Creation; from the pure heart of the aspirant in the holy brotherhood, to the brother of blackness, seeking the public coffers! Know the hand of the Almighty is in it all; fate He, in the game of life, on the board either of battle, or repentance! Let him stand up on the board and bear witness of that what was stolen and hid away, to be rewarded of his Lord in Amenti! He will be corrected and restored to humanity, by either wisdom, rebirth, some exalted state of sainthood, or the miracle of resurrection, to the humble laypersons; He is the Great and All Good, Sathya!
Know also for certain, that he who takes up the Holy Law, what are the oracles, even the Fourteen Communions, as foretold of Enoch, the Prophet; he may freely attain to the Key Of Life, but not without the holy Law. For if a man be as a necromancer, hiding in his dungeon, studying every ancient mystery, eating rotting flesh and stewing over the standard requirements of God in his own heart, begging him to choose right? He is lost! God cannot be ignored or rejected by the children of men, much as they'd like to make it so. They do lie by hiding the Testimonies of God, seeking to manipulate the holy Law, what already lives in the hearts of Earth's Children. We are one with Our Earth Mother, born of her life-force, sustained by all the father supplies us, from the heaven above!