The Communions Are Sabbaths and Festivals

The Communions are the Sabbaths and the Festivals, for one who does not feast on the fruit of the Tree Of Life, cannot make their body a temple and they perish. We should consider the juice of the fruits, to be fit for spiritual memorandum. Yeshua the master, fed them the Communions in teaching that the real law is love; love God with all your heart and your neigbor as yourself. For when Moses received the most Holy Law, he saw that the people couldn't receive the Light or the Angels of the Earthly Mother or the Heavenly Father. As I am a 'gentile', I do not observe the festivals of Israel. It seems they'd not be festivals about victory in war, but we know that because the Children Of Israel couldn't receive the Holy Law, Moses in turn, gave to them the Ten Commandments and multiplied them by one hundred. God allowed them the killing of animals and the consumption of flesh, which led to war and rebellion against the Lord Of Israel.

So, as we are taught that the LAW is a rigid, unwilling agent of judgement to anyone who receives it, it is exactly the opposite. Yeshua needed the Holy Law, even from the conception in the womb of Mary, his mother. We know that Joseph was strong in the Law, skilled in woodworking and in stone masonry. He kept his way pure before the LORD, as Mary was instructed to let flesh not touch her lips; and to keep her way pure. We find in the source Gospels, God placed the Fatherhood and the Motherhood Of God upon both Joseph and Mary. Jesus came bearing His Law, sharing the truth of nature with the children of the earth. For by this time, the Pharisees and the Scribes and the holy men of that day, had multiplied the Law from 10 x 100, to 10 x 1000.

The Earth is a garden over the entirety of the land, and now is the time for us to take up the Holy Law, recite the Fourteen Communions and make our bodies the Temples of the Holy Breath! For that Breath is the highest creation of all that the LORD has made. Early in the morning, before the angel of air gives life to the new morning, awakening the trees and greenery of Earth, say with your mouth, 'I and the Heavenly Father are one'. Then go out into the morning and find a great tree, a tall and long standing; touch the tree and it's limbs and say, "Hail Great Tree, created by the Heavenly Father." Then say the word 'life' and let the river of life flow into you. For God is found everywhere and his spirit is inside of every lovely place. And only joy is found where the holy spirit is.

There is only peace in the Proper Path; the Holy Law bearing Seven Paths to the infinite garden where stands the Tree Of Life. They who receive the Communions do fulfil Enoch's Fourteen Trees, which renew themselves and always keep their foliage from season before. So must we meet the Earthly Mother and Her Angels, who are waithing to minister to you, as they did to Jesus when the tried to destroys him. But the LORD sent the Angels Of God, to minister to and restore him to the Living! I feel that Christ's Victory over the grave, is what we stand for in the Earth. We know they hanged him on a cruel tree, leaving him to cry out to Eloi, My God, My God, hast thou forsaken me?

We know that the Angels Of God did for Yeshua, what they could do for any of us. But it is the faith of the world to follow the Son Of God and his Law, the Holy Law what Zachariah and Elizabeth obeyed, what Joseph and Mary followed to the letter. We must trust in God, despite the Wicked in the world and know that the LORD can save us all. We must be willing to be come clean of the things of this world and taste the purity of the fruit of the tree. They who have not the Essene Gospel are unaware of the Holy Law, they have never known anything but the traditions handed down of their fathers.