Many would say that the ancient giants only helped us, but that would be totally untrue! It was the giants who taught us to torment the creatures of the sky, the same offering for sin, as for daily consumption; making humanity dependent on flesh and war, even to this very day: Forever, brothers of blackness, fighting God's Angels and the most holy Brothers Of Brightness; they those most veritable Children of Light! Iouel has come here to share the Key Of Life, in harmony with the Holy Law, even our Mother Wisdom and the Heavenly Father! By the holy streams and by the Angel of Joy, may we approach those who take charge over us, night and day, even for all of eternity. God has given his angels charge over all things, in the life of every man, woman and creature.
Verily, those who cannot receive the Key Of Life, have never, ever tasted the fruit of the most holy Law, Enoch's Fourteen Communions, whose mighty golden leaves are the healing of the nations, as according to the holy Saint John! (Revelation 22:2-3) Thus, let ever the word of the LORD be first in your life; for then the Almighty will take you by the hand and draw you to him. There is no escaping the concerns of the Almighty! Also, He alone is Driving the Good Chariot in every nation! They are Israel, who obey the rule of the holy One. We should not use mystical things of the Ancient paths, as excuse to commit abominations, holocausts or whoredoms, with burning lustful, violent passions, against the Virtue Of Love, the gift of the Heavenly Father!