Jesus Gave Us The Reason

Making intercession for us, Jesus, who is Yeshu or Isha, gave us the reason we believed him, though we had questions, though we felt very uncomfortable with many of the things of God's House; and well we should have, for her unfaithfulness doth God equate to a whoredom! Jesus tells us in the Humane Gospel, of the time when Satan would take the Church, we never even knew it happened. The Master didn't judge us; our chores, tasks and dreams seemed worthwhile to Iouel. As Our Heavenly Father loves us, so doth the Spirit Of Iouel, Our Earth Mother, manifest his love to us, from the time we are small; from that moment we are born, when the light of life is too bright for us to hear anything, but the many waters of life, flowing over us and making us a new Life.

It is that same power, by which we must be separated from evil. If there was anytime in my life, where order had no place, where evil was the order of the day, I must renounce that time, to escape the grip of wrath upon me, by words past spoken, and willfully give my heart to the Brotherhood Of Masters, and to Iouel the Spirit! And to the church, which received the holy Law, as handed down by the Prophets, all the way until John The Baptist, who was executed for It's testimony; and also for his testimony of the Anointed One, who gave us the holy Law in full, that there be no misunderstanding about what kind of committment, we must have to the LORD. For while the LORD is merciful in heaven, they who mind not His Law, will always die in front of God. Now Satan hath all the world loving the flesh pots and the houses of sin; for that they would not bring forth the All Attractive, the most Holy Law!

And that law is the carrying out of the oracles, what are the Fourteen Communions, by which God's Peace may ever cover the Earth. The yoke of that Law is easy! By thought, word and deed, do they carry out the Holy Law. For the body alone is as a house far off, what was thought to be beautiful, is a dried out old hut upon inspection. For without wisdom, to enliven the lips; or the body without the mind, to be led by the cypress and the pine. The whole being is addressed by God, when we commune with the Seven Spirits, what are the Seven Paths one must tread to reach the Tree Of Life, the Mystery Of Mysteries, in the Infinite Garden, amidst the Eternal Sea. They are the fourteen angels of the Heavenly Father and the Earthly Mother!