The Holy Breath

The Holy Breath, is God's Highest Creation, the paracletes, connected to the enlightening Wisdom Of God. It is by that Breath that we articulate the cause of hope and fuel it by the power of faith, in the Living God; who gives his Living Word, by the Living Breath, to living, breathing men! As the water of all the earth is Holy by the cleansing breath, so by the cleansing breath of the All Parent, who is the LORD, are we all washed clean. He is the Goal, and to worship Him by the Word, which he has provided by the Holy Law. The All is in all, and no one but, the One Almighty Father may see, help and deliver us. So glorying in the Father is essential to the wholeness of our being. They who will not submit to the Holy Law, will struggle with great burden until they do, it's the Law!

For one declaring there is no reason or purpose in life, that all is meaningless and no one is coming to bring us the truth; he tells lies! The Lord Of Israel promised his children the Law and it has been perpetually expanded out into the sight of every creature, that they might hope in the Law, and find reason in the Infinite Space; no one doubts there, man or beast. The LORD is ever-present, and the True Essence continues gleaming from within. And by the Angel of Air is this accomplished. For the air I breathe is present everywhere, like the Water in an Endless Sea, surrounding me a thousand times over, giving a full cleansing and washing to my internal organs. The Angel Of Air brings that cleansing breath afresh, everyday. Step out early in the morning and breathe deep, in that hour when the sun is just coming up. You will always be regenerated!

And if I will continue communing with all the Angels, by those fourteen trees, I am guaranteed long life; and I know that by the reign of peace, will man and beast put off the death of the body, forever, as the LORD has said! They will multiply their years to infinity. They who believe it not, know not the LORD and they refuse the Communion with the Seven Spirits, who were referenced by John. Let the believers greet one another saying, "Peace Be With You". And they who do not, by God Almighty, shall lose their place in the Garden Of Life and their portion of the fruit of the Tree Of Life. For the Law is Our Father; and the Most High is not like unto any god, or even God Himself.

The One is infinite, with none there to name him, compare him, or even bear witness of His Being. Thus YOU is ever his Name, a first name, what every creature knows by instinct! For THOU art Great & Mighty, and we should use distinguished titles to glorify YOU and Worship YOU continuously. It is the common knowledge of the Essene, that we all address the LORD, as YOU. That is why the LORD is named IOUO in the Hebrew Language. They all seek to outwit the Almighty, with idols, their love for flesh eating and every evil, selfish endeavor of this world. The LORD will destroy this world and then give the Garden to the Elect, forever; no money, no war and no wicked.

1 comment:

  1. I hope you will participate. What do you think about the mystery of Tree Of Life? His giant leaves are scattered everywhere!
