Receive God's Law

Without the Law, all the writings of wisdom, all the treatises of philosophy, all the litanies and sacred scriptures of antiquity, are of no benefit. To those rejecting the Holy Law, they are a sensual distraction, after turning from the Good Law. But was it ever the Good Law? For the law we know is Merciful, it is even the Law & Ruler of the Universe; whereas the laws of this world, while possessing a presumptive root in front of the Holy Law, they are fully subordinate to the greed of mankind! And that Holy Law, whom they have never known in full, is all perpetual, unchanging, unyeilding and unflinching, even to evil itself. One asking with sincerity if evil exists inside him, should know he has asked the right question; and by continuing in the pursuit of good works and long life, may he freely reach the high pinnacle of spiritual joy.

But alas, while the Holy Earth Mother pours the joys of wisdom upon those who seek her with diligence and purity of heart, she will not reveal her most intimate secrets; not to any but those who walk worthy of IOUEL, Mother Of All The Living! For only by the Holy Law may they ever approach Her Angels; but whoso will receive the Holy Law, shall be cleansed and made new, by the Holy Breath! This the most infinite force in Mother Earth, is bound to the Holy Law, what the sheep will not see, until they are returned to the Chosen! This is what Jesus means when he says, 'one day, will you be returned to your Earth Mother'. So as one dies without the Law, having loved and lived, finding joy and peace in Life; even as they are returned to the Earth Mother in death, they will be returned to the Glorified Earth Mother! But those who had no love or law at all, will live no more in the presence of the Chosen, even forever!

The children of lies who hide the Name Of Yew, who conceal Aadamah Adonai; they know who they are! They make sure YOU are buying bibles, rather than seeking the truth of what IOUEL has said! I have come bearing the Holy Law! It is the end of all arguments, for whoso seeks the face of the all forgiving spirit, embraces the Holy Law! Jew and Muslim alike, uniting the sons of Ishamel, to their brother Israel, (or Isaac). We may all be sure that Issac was in fact named Israel, because his own grandson Ephraim, would be the grandfather of the true children of Israel. And we know Jesus said, that all who practice goodwill and follow God, wherever they are in the world, they are the Children Of Israel; like the descendants of Ishmael, who despite the rumors, love the same God Of Eternity! And Israel, whom we call Isaac, is Our Principle Ancestor!


  1. "And that Holy Law, whom they have never known in full, is all perpetual, unchanging, unyeilding and unflinching, even to evil itself. One asking with sincerity if evil exists inside him, should know he has asked the right question; and by continuing in the pursuit of good works and long life, may he freely reach the high pinnacle of spiritual joy.
    But alas, while the Holy Earth Mother pours the joys of wisdom upon those who seek her with diligence and purity of heart, she will not reveal her most intimate secrets; not to any but those who walk worthy of IOUEL, Mother Of All The Living! For only by the Holy Law may they ever approach Her Angels; but whoso will receive the Holy Law, shall be cleansed and made new, by the Holy Breath!"

    Wow it hits different when you actually try it!!! Receive the law! Isn't it a gift to be found unhindered by the perceived limitations of the world. Isn't it a gift when God comes forward to speak unto men. Praise unto the law that fully realizes the nature of man and offers the final wisdom for any and all who wish to receive it. For those who reject, may we count them blessed! For those who seek the other laws, may we count them safe in the storm as long as they praise your holy name in the way you have prepared it for them. A faith which calls no proselytizing, but is fully prepared to make an apostle of the one who needs your great glory.
