I Must Press Forth

People want to serve the devil, torch their ego and spread the lust of blood over the planet. They will learn that they've fallen from Truth and God. It is painful to find that you belong to the devil, because you did his bidding; spreading the lies about God and glorifying the love of the flesh; it's taste! For it is Yaldabaoth who makes us his slaves, NOT God! There is no middle ground between loving flesh and renouncing it; God still loves us, but if we can't be completely pure, then we may not make use of the Key Of Life! And how easy is it to fall down into shame? Well I'll tell you, it's real easy; I do it all the time and I have to apologize to God and the ones I love, for letting fears and doubts make me to turn from His Communion(s), which I did not write. So who denies the Law isn't denying me, he is denying the Law Of Israel; and I am unallowed to have pity!

Communion as we have come know it, follows after a blood oath, which is worthless before the Merciful Law; as according to the Humane Gospel! For truly, blessed are those who read, hear and do. The Law gives us all we need to know, it gives us clear and concise instruction how to live, without the need for any blood sacrifice. But only to understand that the Law cannot overlook any wrongdoing. Jesus clearly condemns blood sacrifice and teaches us, that the true doctrine around his body and his blood, what are "corn and grapes"; that the meal of the corn is his body and the juice inside the grape is his blood. Why? Because the blood of the Earth Mother falls from the skies, runs through the rivers and foggys up the vales of the mountains.

As we meet the Angel of air in the morning, we allow that Glory among seven, to enter our pores and awaken our souls to the brightness of the Day. We then we run to the water and wet our lips, wash our faces, finally seeking out the Pure Oblation! Those who cannot separate scripture from the Unction Of The Spirit, cannot find it. The Word is not a story or a commandment, it is not a commission or a mandate; it is the life we lead, right here and right now. God wants us to let go and find happiness, without stepping in it. We step in shit so easily, we don't even realize the carnal nature of our actions, which will make us go the way of all the Earth. But they who take up the Law observe their circumstances and find better reasons to praise God!

Like knowing the nature of Creation Itself is IMMORTAL; else how may the tree of life have grown to cover the greater part of the world we know. And as according to the Sevefold Peace, we should strive to be like the Tree Of Life! And we also know of those who are aware of the immortal nature and seek to conceal it, saying "we have only evolved." Concealing our immortal nature from us, they teach us to kill and participate in the slaughter and consumption of flesh. This keeps us in shame, a shame which seems like it will never end. But sure as a man may take a positive attitude, he may take up the holy Law Of Israel and save himself from misery!