By The Angel Of Air

By the Angel of Air, do I invoke this Sabbath, to give glory to the Light of the Law, for the Father ever watches over and holds all things in place, while keeping even all of us, firmly in the very state we choose before him, by our own understanding. For I may choose the joy of God, or I may choose misery, it's the Law. Life is too great of a gift to be lukewarm and disinterested; albeit we have entered into his rest and we will glorify the Word, to prove out the promise of the Infinite Garden, in the midst of the Eternal Sea! Death has no place there forevermore; and they who will not believe this gospel, which is to be preached in the end, will lose their part of the fruit of the Tree Of Life in the Garden Of Eden.

For alas the Gift Of God is eternal life and they who will not hear the scriptures prove the Voice of it, will not believe that the LORD could really save their body, or preserve the organs within, to the replenishing of body, the soul and the Spirit. For that most Holy Breath is the Highest of all creations and it is handed down to us from heaven above. It brings the stillness of knowing and the sound of the manifested glory, by "the many waters, upon the many waters". His Voice is louder than all the madness of the Universes. For it is a poem, the expression of faith; and one should live only by faith in God's Holy Law! Night and day should he recite the Fourteen Communions, to make his body into a holy Temple; the only gospel!

This was always the promise of the Gospel, but men cannot see what the Son Of Man is. The Child within you is the Son of Man, waiting for the earth Mother to reveal a great unfoldment of Wisdom; but that most prized Wisdom belongs to the father, it will belong to Him forever! It is Him who reveals it, not by study, but by the enlightening of the Mind, and by the Angel of Power. Let none keep you from worshiping the Holy Father, forever and ever. For the Key Of Life is freely given too and the Earth Mother will bring forth the New Age, to the Glory Of God, the Father! It is by him that all things were created, it is by him that love was created and even the effectual burden within us, as we stand before him; it is his Creation for the glory of the Children Of Light!

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