Consider, milk and eggs, the gifts from God, the birds and the beasts of the field. They give food, not to become food, thus are we only fodder for the grubs and the maggots, without the Law. Mohammed said, "Acts of kindness toward God's Creatures are every bit as noble, as those toward one's brother." And I firmly assert, it is required that all life be spared and loved, by the children of the Earthly Mother. Albeit, for while it is sin to kill any living being, God is the All Forgiving, the One, who gave you life and who may swiftly take it! But alas, he will take also the taker of victims, down into hell, or deep into to the outer darkess, and torture the wickedness from their very extremities; whereby the new spiritual sense had been borne to them, again and again. They must surrender, to that Infinite End, to the One and All, who will not wait! Rather shall He give them to the sleep of the Universal Mind, til they come unto the Chosen!
Take now yourself to the long grassy feild, with tall trees, to those forever standing shades of the wide wood. And in that crisp, green morning, breathe the cleansed air deeply and ponder the freshness of the new day, as brought on by the Angel Of Sunshine. Give yourself to Worship in the Scrolls. From there will your New Song be sung, for we may only be born anew now; so long as I have breath, I will praise Iouo, the Lord. Walk in the Light, striving ever toward it, and ask God to reveal himself. This is what IOUO wanted for us all; to receive his Law and never again, turn from the Light. That the world may be a garden, forever and ever; and that the children of the Light may freely live on in perfection, forever without end.