Praise For The Kingdom

Praise for the kingdom what is The Garden. By the Tree of all Healing, upon which rests the seeds of all we invoke! It is God who allowed a probationary time, to those beautifully seeking that mystery, what is so beautifully unsolved, the very last of all mysteries; what Mystery The Father reveals, as only My Jewels may show unto Humanity! For alas the Earth Mother will pour upon us, the still small voice of Wisdom, who alone Guideth all; but Wisdom was created before all else and it belongeth to that One above all, who feeds all consisting in this burdensome below. It's burden is in that Men followed after the fallen of angels, who have remained below, not acsending with those who paid their penance, like Osiris and Isis.

These spirits are ruling the hearts of the Wicked, who having lost their power over the minds of men, are fully exposed before God The Father. Wisdom hath prevailed upon the Elect, that they might teach the children of Earth. For now may they freely search out Wisdom and find her and She will never lead astray; by the Hosts Of Heaven, she leadeth to the Father Of Lights. By the Angels of the Earth Mother, she gives direction, and by Communion with the Angels Of The Heavenly Father, are the Seven Paths perfected, leading all to the Eternal Sea, in the Infinite Garden! For as we see from above, the glorious leaves of that Universal and Mysterious Tree, we know that it's end was our beginning. Seek not to find with thine eyes the tree of life, that Mystery Of Mysteries, rather, be like unto the very Tree! Let your roots be driven deep into the soil of Earth and your Branches be extended out to the heavens in perfect ascension.

The roots connecting you to the Earth Mother, are Her Angels, as those connecting you to the Heavens, are the Angels Of The Heavenly Father. You will see them together praised, bringing the Law in full for the first time! Only the bearer of the law may lie down with the sons of men and give them the Law, as intended by both the Father and the Lightbearer! It is a waste of time debating who be Prophet, when the Law is praised of Moses, Jesus and Elijah! One ought to recite and fully obey the Communions of the Seven Spirits Of God. Thus who recite this Holy Law, hath life, from everlasting to everlasting; when Earth is a Garden and all men seek to reach the place of the Elect, they shall lie down and rise up with Iouel, forever and ever!

1 comment:

  1. And praise for the Kingdom! God's Word shall not return to him void.
