Embraced By The Isles Of The Sea

I am proud to confess by God, the Most High, My Teaching shall even be embraced, by the Isles Of The Sea. I behold the Tree Of Life, "Come drink of the water of life fully and without cost". I raise not my voice in the street, nor do I shout for attention and gratification. I seek neither to bruise the tender reed, nor to put out the smouldering flax! For My Teaching is not my teaching, but that of the Almighty, expounded plainly in the words of the Masters; and what Almighty is Father, Mother, Son!  Also as sons in Christ and Children Of The Earthly Mother, we are all entitled to know all things, leading to all Wisdom, even to Infinity's End! Thus by this Key Of Life, may those standing in the Garden Of Life, continue without dying, from this time now, and forevermore!

I am not ashamed of My Master, who is the Father! He sent the Light into the world and men saw the power of it's work, uncertain exactly wherefrom it found it's origin. And yet because the LORD is Love, he met them in their houses of worship, where they knew him as the Self Created, Pymander. (the Divine Mind) There is only the One and the way in which he inhabits your mind, so you will see that HE is the only Law Of Laws, taking all names to Himself, even HELIOS! Even NOW, HE is all, in all places, where they find the mercy of Wisdom, by the endowment of the Father, who owns Wisdom! What was always with him, who was created before everything else. It is Sophia, the Holy Ghost and Earthly Mother, who owns Earth and cleanses her of all wickedness, by the spring of all springs, the river of life in the heaven, up above. For the Angel sends the rain, the wind, the Sun!

Thereby is the earth made new at dawn, with tiny hints of dew on the ground, by the angel of water, bearing eternal life to each new day; whereby the Earth Mother is regenerated forever! Let the Children Of Light to know that the Earth Mother is NOT what they were taught, the Universe is NOT what we were taught. Any who desire the truth, seek it intently, by what Source you name and what Cause you serve! If your intent is sincere and your heart is pure, the Law will spring forth and Glorify Itself, as the only true ruler and god. For a Son of Man is ever the Son Of Man, as the same God makes ensample of his very life, whereby, he causes the lips of the aspirant to say the name best honoring the Law! We also are a Law to ourselves, thus we should judge neither others, nor ourselves; the Law is sufficient to reveal all things to us!