Donald Trump screams and cries about his political legitimacy, throwing bleeding heart pedophile, Robert F Kennedy Jr into the mix, with his improbable claims and statisical anomalies, in gold-spun disinformation. I call him pedophile, because he helps Donald Trump, after knowing him quite well. Trump is a whoremonger and a murderous spirit, by the Order Of The Devil, who will stop at nothing to draw the veil of night around the minds of all men, while shielding themselves from the Light Of Justice; even The Law, who shall seize upon them and humiliate them before the eyes of all, yea all who reside upon the Earth Mother. And the Angel of Earth has assured us, that there will always be the sound of children at play in the Earth. But the Wicked shall fade from the earth, like the glory of the scorned feild, scorched by the burning heat. For alas, they shall forfeit the land to it's bearers; the very salt of it.
Those who divert humanity from the Treasures Of Light, shall reside in hell, while the Elect share the Way with the children of all the Earth. None shall surpass them in glory, for Christ himself hath shewn forth the Seven Spirits Of God, The Angels, who may not be circumnavigated by the aspiring renunciate, the repentant sinner, or the seeker, hoping to meet the LORD along the way somewhere. Such must walk by the faith of heart and the measure of inherited wisdom. Then there is the Worm, he is none, he is naught, but the scapegoat, scorned even of his own, that they might seek to exact his spirit from him, as if it were a demon of sorts. These, who attack the mystery of mysteries, forfeit their own birthright! But alas, Pigeradamis will finally move out among the initiated of heart, to alert them toward the Glory Of The Keys, what Key shall fulfil the Emancipation unto every creature on earth.
For when humanity have finally entered into rest, they shall live at ease, letting the Earth Mother flourish trees and groves, never pulling them up from the ground, but giving the earth her full vitality, allowing the primordial tree of life to bring everlasting life to the souls of all humans; even all creatures living by the Sea Of Eternity! The Angel standing upon the sea and upon the land has made his prediction, time shall be no more; they who will not believe the Word, have forfeited their place in the Garden Of Life, their portion of the fruit of the Tree Of Life, whose leaves shall bring healing unto the nations! Let him who has ears hear. The Word is in you and speaks to you, if you will allow it. God is the intrinsic desire for justice in the Earth and for the Supreme Good to prevail! The LORD has warned you, that the time is at hand, and for the opening of the books, to bring about the Exaltation!
This is no pretense in absolution or an attempt to best the minds of our time, who would never listen anyway. Rather I assert, the LORD is with me and showing me the Secrets, by which souls may either ascend to the Highest, the All; or join that Key Of Life to the Holy Law and live on endlessly! Such force is perpetually awarded to one who is continually aware of it's immanent condescension upon the mind, activated by power of the Highest Wisdom, what cannot not be received through instruction or disseminated with a formulae. One may only ask God and wait upon the Spirit Of Iouel, to reveal the mysterious details of his plan for all humankind. Alas, the angels and the many varieties of lifeforms will exalt Life's Key and the Way of the Magi! The path of the still small voice, never asks amiss and always fulfills the will of pure intent; enter the Garden!