Place Of The Positive Pole

The place of the positive pole is where your head rests when you lie down to draw power from Mother Earth; the negative pole is the exact opposite. I spent years chasing the sun, thinking my pole need be aligned to the Earth's Pole; not the case. When it comes to the comparison of our pole center, to that of the Earth Mother, we are infinitesmal; she is our home. Every worthwhile memory, is rooted and bathed in the balance of Earth; all creatures sense this. The Good News, is that lying down and directing your head toward the place of the pole, will extend life beyond your years. Let an hour be expended on each pole, each day, for optimum wellbeing and unending life, by the only Promise Of God.

When you are feeling your best, it is because you have found the place of the pole and made sure that when you lie down, you are entering the rest of God, not playing at a sport you have to win, or a medical procedure, which must be properly carried out, to save your life from death; it is resting! Your life IS eternal, whether you keep your body or not. But life as we know it, with all it's joys and sorrows is best described in a temporary and sober moment, wherein the All Joy is experienced and considered paramount to the continuity of purpose in life. There is no better path to follow, so rejoice in the clarity of the Word and find your balance in life!

Enter into the rest is how I put it; enter God's Rest, and rest! There was never any method or technique, there was only the revealing of what truly is balance. When we were regenerated in youth, we were immortal and sensed it. But how to describe, what has never been taught? Surely has the Key Of Life been taught perpetually, regarding life inside the poles, even of the inanimate. If you are balanced you may live on to infinity's end. So in the dark of morning, raise your hands, above the head and extended to the sky. From there is the LORD praised and the Holy Stream poured forth!

A simple path is decribed simply. It's like feng shui, except you are finding your true north for letting the balance of life to flow in. It is there for every human; and when they find it and share it with others, then will the world move further on toward perfection. Putting away the bitterness of the past and the religiosity of the wayward, who seek not the Wisdom of God. The elect may know the Lord has affirmed the path to propriety. The Word is sure, provided we seek not to shorten it.