I Thought I Knew Things

I really thought I was smart, I really thought I knew things. You know, UFO's, sasquatches, space exploration, the eventual discovery of life on other planets, the infallibility of American military might, in the face of the sons of Ishmael; wait, notice a pattern? Boy were we wrong to judge other nations, all the while unaware; the Initiates and Masters were attacking the world and seeking to keep man in a trap, separating him from the Holy Law. But that is no more a problem; for it was not the making of a law unto ourselves, or a special blessing, to make others obey men; but rather that they should finally obey God, whom they tasted briefly, even if for a moment of glory, never to be forgotten! Life will always become the Word, ever with or without Me.

And while many unclean things were forced upon us: the idea of sin, flesh eating and bloodlust, we were also afforded the journey of our experience, without any condemnation from God, who always loves the virtuous and the willing. If they are willing to step outside their comfort zones and receive the Wisdom Of God, they will finally embrace and worship that Holy Law. And when they do, it is because they will understand that the miracle of God proves the Mystery Of Mysteries. We know Jesus and the Brotherhood worshiped the Angel Of Life within all things, the Law bearing out its descriptions in revealing of myth and prose, actual events brought upon the Earth by disobedient spirits, who glorified themselves above virtue, the Angel Of Earth.

For while she is not visible and gives off no force of light, or plasmatic dispersement, she is the most powerful of Angels; she brings the nurture of harvest and the full bounty of the Earth Mother; first that men may never hunger, and that there be vegetation and crops, so that life may continue in harmony before Almighty God. For if the honey bee have no place, how may there be any germination of the seeds of the Garden? And how may life continue therein? Those who join not in the grace of understanding, never break through the onslaught of lies against God and Christ; who as none other than the Spirit Of Life, enters the heart of man, when the Almighty is invested, in their learning of His Ways. Yet again, the glory of the Earth Angel is greater than that of the Giants.

God was known as the Overspirit in times of old, and we should understand that the Almighty will have mercy, on whom he will! Many a time did he side with the vagabond, the prostitute, the good samaritan and well wisher. But we should understand, all paths have descended to us from the High God, who always proves those he chooses, for the bringing of His Good Will. And while rooted often in the understanding of Giants, who had fallen down from heaven, the truths were deseminated for graceful benefit and symbolic understanding of the One. For as those who came from above were situated to be subservient and submitted to law, the Law was passed over in the eternities of the heavens. For the Law was unknown to them; and they unruly and unwilling to do the will of All, were left to dominate and make men unholy, to dominate over all of them.