Still there are those unfruitful, simply because they never wanted to be understood or make any restitution for their mistakes in life. And yet, if none will hear their penance, Iouo does; HE is the Law and the Judge! We should not see relationships with HIM to be anything more than the human experience! For if a person seeks what is right and conducts himself with kindness toward others, he is afforded dignity and acknowledged publicly, even times documented into a continuing record, bearing his willingness to live a moral, productive and fruitful life. In fact, they who are pursuing such things, even by no name at all, these still pursue the Divine with a fullness, better than the evil, religiously fashioned lemmings in the House Of God. For as much truth as there is in religion, ever is it twisted to lies, damaging all, that all may assess the truth in the end. We the human race are more One than we could ever know, being one with Earth! We know we are lied to, but the white lie of a giant takes down a nation; thus I stand poised before the Rule Of Law!
Those who think of Law as a boring matter or a thing of outdated interests, understand not. They think law will be gone someday and they'll float around on a cloud with Jesus. But if they floated not the clouds in life, they'll not float them in Hell. For that is the Restful Haven they acheive to, as their spirits are reconditioned in God, to be reborn at a later time; and embrace this Key Of Life. It has always been available to the Stars Of Heaven! Before we were rationing human beings, we were pure sentient beings, obedient to Law, the Supreme Star & Sentient Source of all that lives, breathes and thrives. As children in our pure innocence, we were naturally obedient to the pure light of reason, we have only forgotten; how much more were we pure, pre mortally? It is who we really are beneath the distortions of what we ALL know to be the real truth. For even the lowest of sinners, who denies the child within, remembers the light of hope, extended by his teachers; even those who gave him life and those who taught him to appreciate it. Iouo forgives him and everyone, but we cannot be forgiven openly, until we forgive all. We will not be excused, until we excuse all else. Mercy IS Causeless and full of infinite acceptance and patience!