You are NOT a sinner, but a Child Of The Light; your Heritage is light and forever has the Light manufactured lifeforms on worlds across this Universe. If any will be healed the dark buffetings of this material world; the exploitative pressuring of human endeavors, the karmic result of our collective and passive influence upon this phenomenon of physical existence; thus let them take up the Key Of The Magi. Albeit one must first receive knowledge of the Key Of Life and process exactly what is being offered to us by God. For it is pointless a man be made pure if he will not live on and renounce the flesh, that what is tempting us to reject soundness of mind and salvation of heart. For is salvation NOT the promise of God? Is it NOT the fulfillment of his promise for eternal life? What this really means, is the Wise always find the Way. They cannot be held back, for they ignored the doom and gloom of the gainsayers and turned inward to the Light, where every question is answered.
Now comes the Word and those who have prayed to receive it; they who want long, long, long life! Take up the Key Of Life and follow God everyday; God the Invisible, the Ruler Of The Universe, HE the ALL; for none can truly serve the One, but they who see he is ONE. It is to him we bow, for HE is omnipotent; and there isn't a one of us in the universe, who doesn't need Him; not even the Nazarene. He worships God Almighty now, praying for humanity, as we live on seeking the face of God. It was given in the Word, with the slight of man all over it's pages, but given also in part, within the heart of any who chose to live, love and learn. It is important to those who were commanded to leave the Great Whore and stay out of her.