What does it mean to change your ways? I have to think that loving myself means taking care of the temple in which God Almighty has placed me. We think it is for us to endlessly frequent fleshpots and department stores, when we should be tending to the Garden Of Life. Men say they love God so much, but only with their lips; God is far from them. They have turned away from the very reason and instruction; Mother Of All The Living! They demand that one scripture be adhered to, then reject the very Scriptures exposing those who took away many words of truth; what words were always reason, purpose and destiny, embedded ever in the heart of the One, through and by the pursuit of Knowledge & Wisdom.
When I realize sorrow, the arrow that flies by day, has once again caused me distress to the point of anguish, I know I must raise my hands to the Spiritual Sky and hold fast the knowledge I have reached; for this is how faith serves us. It nurtures our confidence in truth, by requiring us to stand with firm confidence before the Truth Of Life, ever reiterating it's import and internal dissemenation, by repeated reinforcement of truth. We must ever remember, that what we learn is part truth and part mystery. So much do we all know, feel and experience, to relive again and again; and yet to relive the moment of perfection, one may only approach that Light, through sincere devotion to Humanity; be it for God as you or I may know him, or unto the glory of a Divine Principle, wherby The Communities Of Light are always established.
Do NOT let anyone tell you there's only One Savior, unless they can show you Father-Mother! For this the Androgyny Of God, is where the One is able to be revealed gender specifically. Hinduism teaches that all women should be considered the Holy Mother; to consider the youthful girl a neice, a sister or a daughter. Consider those of a like age to be mates, friends, peers; and remember to honor the elderly woman as Mother Of The Living. Thus, every Manchild, by the nurturing of his mother, should aspire to be just like the Avatar; loving all, as does the Avatar and being closest to God, that he may put on Divinity and Immortality. The Key Of Life is offered to all of Humanity. If they are seeking truth with sincerity, clarity and honesty, they may walk more and more easily, in spite of the troubles, turmoils, tumults; those arrows that fly by day.